The voyage was smooth, and the food city of Puji was not far from the Devil's Triangle, especially since there were permanent record pointers everywhere on the warship.

In the first one or two days, Robin mostly hid in Ivan's office to read books or spend time with Ivan.

Except for Ivan and Kuro, she was not good at contacting other navy, but with Ivan's encouragement.

Robin boldly walked out of the cabin and bravely contacted others.

With her elegant conversation and erudition, she quickly integrated into it and became good friends with Tina.

Although the bounty order has not been revoked, Robin has broken the shackles in her heart and truly lives in the sun. She is very happy every day.

On this day, Ivan and several others were basking in the sun on the deck.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the surrounding magnetic field became chaotic.

The soldier acting as the navigator came to report: "Sir, we should enter the Devil's Triangle soon, and the weather may change suddenly."

"Be prepared to evade." Ivan replied.

"Yes, sir." The navigator immediately went to command the helmsman.

The weather quickly changed from sunny to cloudy, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and it immediately began to rain heavily, with lightning and thunder.

Fortunately, there was a large parasol on the ship, and Ivan, Robin, Kuro, and Tina all hid under the parasol.

The warship gradually entered the area filled with gray and black fog, the wind was weak, and the rain stopped.

This is already the Devil's Triangle. Due to the presence of fog, visibility is not very good. In some places, sunlight occasionally penetrates the fog and shines in.

"The fog is so thick, it's dark all around, and it feels so gloomy." Tina said.

"Indeed, the magnetic field here is different. It has been covered by black fog for many years, forming a special environment." Robin said.

Ivan began to gather the soldiers and gave orders: "The target is a broken ship with a talking human-shaped skeleton on it."

A soldier asked: "Sir, what on earth is that? This place is scary enough, how can the target you mentioned be even scarier."

Ivan smiled and said: "I'll tell you in advance that there are indeed some weird things here, such as ghosts."

The soldiers were terrified. Isn't this very dangerous?

Ivan continued: "Don't worry, ghosts can't cause any harm to people. People are stronger than ghosts."

"Go out in groups of five in a small boat to search, remember to bring Den Den Mushi."

"Report as soon as you find the target, and rescue immediately when you encounter danger."

Although the soldiers were scared, they still followed the order.

Ten small boats, a total of fifty people went out to search for the target.

Ivan and his team were not very lucky. After a few hours, the sky gradually darkened and all the soldiers came back.

The search yielded nothing. Instead, many soldiers said they saw a lot of broken ship wreckage, rotten wooden boards, and some people really encountered ghosts.

Ivan thought that he would continue the search tomorrow and search the entire area. If he couldn't find it, then it wasn't there.

Late at night, Ivan and Robin fell asleep in each other's arms.

But in the middle of the night, Ivan was awakened by the noisy movement on the deck.

Ivan quickly put on his clothes and got up, and Robin woke up and followed him.

"What's going on?"

When Ivan came to the deck, he saw many soldiers talking about it, and many of them were terrified.

They were probably talking about ghost ships, evil spirits, monsters, and evil spirits singing.

Adam couldn't run faster than Ivan and reported: "Lieutenant General, there was a strange singing in the middle of the night. The soldiers only found a huge shadow passing by in the distance, and nothing else."

"It's too creepy, but fortunately the singing is getting farther and farther away."

Ivan was overjoyed: "Hurry up, turn on the lights, chase quickly, the target should have appeared."

Damn, no, chasing the strange evil spirit singing in the middle of the night, who knows what will happen, even Adam is scared.

Robin, Kuro, and Tina all came out in time and asked what happened.

All the lights and flashlights on the warships were turned on, and they chased in the direction of the singing.

Finally, they caught up with an old and dilapidated ship. The tattered sails and pirate flags made it clear that this should be a pirate ship that has gone down in history.

On the dilapidated ship, a strange black shadow suddenly appeared. It was a skeleton wearing a round hat, a fluffy afro, a black suit, and a blue bow on the chest.

The clothes were supported by a white skeleton, with strange empty eyes and an empty nose.

The skeleton with an afro, wearing clothes, without any flesh and blood on his body, and two rows of white teeth on his teeth.


The skeleton's palm, one hand holding a teacup with cracks and gaps, and the other hand holding a cane.

"Ah, the singing evil spirit."

In the middle of the night, such a thing appeared, and it was illuminated by a flashlight, which scared the soldiers and made them scream.

Even Robin, Kuro, and Tina had sweat on their foreheads and felt quite horrified.

Ah, who knew that the skeleton also opened his mouth and screamed, as if he was also scared by the crowd.

Hehe, only Ivan smiled, and the target Brook appeared.

Yohohoho, after Brook's brief panic scream, his bone face showed a joyful expression.

It's a human, a living human, it's great.

Uh, it doesn't seem right, that's the navy, I'm a pirate, will I be caught and beheaded?

Hey, no, no, I'm already dead, I can't die again.

Yohohoho, Brook actually waved to the warship to show his friendliness.

"Ah, the evil spirit is going to show its power, what should we do?"

The soldiers shouted again, Ivan shook his head helplessly, and reached the dilapidated old ship with a few moon steps.

Seeing someone coming, Brook adjusted the knot on his chest: "Yohoho, sir, are you also a navy?"

"Brook, from the West Sea, acting captain of the Barron Pirates, I have been looking for you for a long time." Ivan smiled.


In the restaurant of the Sea Dragon, Ivan was drinking tea leisurely, Robin, Tina, Kuro, Adam and others were all stunned to see Brook eating.

Skeletons can also eat? Can they digest?

I don't know if he found that everyone was staring at him, he was embarrassed, and looked at them with empty eyes.

Why did you stop? Are you full? Several people were puzzled.

Who knew that Brook would say something shocking? He asked Tina, who was closest to him: "Beautiful lady, can I see your panties (underwear)?"

Bang, Brook flew out. It was Tina who punched his bone head.

Adam opened his mouth wide: "This skeleton is actually a lecherous skeleton!!!"

"Sorry." Brook stood up and apologized.

Hmm, Robin said: "This Mr. Skeleton is really interesting."

Brooke hit the snake with a stick and said to Robin: "My beautiful lady, I am Brook, can you please let me see..."

Ivan, who was drinking tea, suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes. Brook felt murderous intent and quickly held back the rest of his words.

Then, Robin asked Brook about the history and experience of the Baron Pirates.

Brook told the story, from the death of their captain due to illness to his acting captain, encountering a strong enemy, and his companions were killed or injured.

In the end, he was the only one who was resurrected by the Yomiuri fruit, and turned into a lonely skeleton. His bony face looked very sad and lonely.

The other people also felt very involved in the story, and felt that he was a little pitiful.

At the same time, they were also amazed at the power of the Yomiuri fruit, which was so powerful that he could be resurrected. It was also his bad luck that his body was destroyed and turned into a skeleton.

Ivan comforted: "You should be glad that you are still alive. 50 years have passed. I guess all your enemies are dead."

"Besides, you are not alone. At least there is a big whale named Lab that thinks about you."

"Lab?" Brook was very surprised: "Mr. Ivan, have you seen Lab? Do you know its whereabouts?"

Big whale Lab? Several people who listened to the whole process had another question.

Ivan drank a sip of tea and said slowly: "It is in the Twin Gorges. Many people have seen it."

"But it's miserable. It's worried that you, the Barron Pirates, haven't heard from it for so many years. It bangs its head against the Red Earth Continent every day, hoping to break it so that it can go find you."

"Lab." Brook felt very sad when he heard the news.

"Mr. Ivan, I have a request. Can you please take me to the Twin Gorges now?"

Ivan shook his head: "Not now. You have to help me do something more important first."

Fuck, sir, do you still have any humanity? The whale bangs its head every day. What if you go too late and it dies?

Adam complained in his heart.

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