My Little Country

Chapter 1083: Powerful undead lord

Xiao Yu took the initiative to attack, but it wasn't that he became big-hearted after he became a legend.

But under the pressure of the environment, Xiao Yu made his choice after thinking.

The undead monarch who claimed to be the death lord Medgfe was indeed the strongest existence that Xiao Yu had ever seen.

Of course, the abyss will will be several grades higher than the death lord Medgfe, but the abyss will is restrained by the majestic throne, so Xiao Yu can't feel the sense of crisis at all.

In contrast, this undead prince.

Xiao Yu knew that if this battle could not be defeated, the image of the supreme figure that he had been standing in the city of miracles would have been hit hard.

No matter how to make up for it later, this crack will always exist.

In addition to putting this point aside, Xiao Yu was also reluctant to heed the advice of the bronze dragon, Blu, and lay down those officers and soldiers to escape.

And... Xiao Yu wants to say that he is indifferent to the world wonders of this undead lord, it must be false.

Therefore, as the undead lord Medgfei took out the world wonder white tiger spirit sword, the momentum began to climb rapidly, and the fierce anger became more and more surging.

Xiao Yu chose to be the first to take the lead, and used himself as the first task!

No way, who made Xiao Yu's side the best offensive and defensive power of Xiao Yu's bronze giant?

Coupled with Xiao Yu's fusion of life-saving and non-attack seals.

Xiao Yu is confident that he can save his life by this world wonder!

After all, this is a world wonder that is sacrificed with a large equivalent of real-world nuclear bombs!

With a non-attack seal that blocks the power of a large equivalent of nuclear bombs, Xiao Yu does not believe that the existence of the villain can invalidate it.

No morning star, no shining moon... It's no daylight, neither!


Between the flashlights, Xiao Yu's bronze fists had already collided with the undead king's mount.

This giant whale is the size of a real world killer whale, not too small.

But compared with the giant fifteen meters in the real world, it is almost the same as that between the ten-pound grass carp and the adult.

Therefore, under the bang, in the eyes of the onlookers, the fist of Lord Son of God took the upper hand and directly drove back the giant whale seven or eight hundred meters away.

The **** guards underneath raised their weapons and shouted: Everything is for the Son of God!


Although the giant whale retreated, the undead lord jumped to Xiao Yu's left fist wrist, and the dagger appeared a dazzling hundred-meter knife.

Under the sword, Xiao Yu's bronze body was easily cut open as if the knife was into the tofu!

Although Xiao Yu immediately retracted his left fist, the traces of the knife deep into the body were vivid.

Fortunately, the bronze body is not the body, not afraid of the fierce tiger spirit of the magic knife, and this bronze body of Xiao Yu has scraped the bronze statue of Europa, the power of faith is strong, and the damaged part will be restored as before.


"If you can use the bronze body to such an effect, you are much stronger than the little lizard."

Seeing this scene, Medgfei, the undead lord, nodded slightly and waved the magic knife, easily blocking the ordinary blow of the incoming Great Saint.


The blocked Great Saint, without any disappointment, waved the flying Silver Hammer, and exerted his powerful characteristics to madly beat the Undead King's knife. Bang Bang Bang Bang!

After a series of bombardments, the undead prince also got angry, and he let out a white light with cold eyes.

This white light just shot out, but saw the goddess of war in front of the Great Saint Mo Li Ganhua emerged a phantom appeared, blocking the white light.

The goddess of war, Morrigan, dressed as a heroic warrior, dressed up with a shield in the classical period and made a loud noise as the white light melted.

Wait until the white light melts.

The shield of the goddess of war Morigan's phantom was also cut by two thirds of its thickness.

At the same time, the body of the goddess of war Morrigan also exhaled gently, and the strength of the entire person's breath of strength suddenly attenuated by more than three layers.


While the goddess of war Morrigan blocked the white light, the Wild Beast Emperor and the bronze dragon Bruce naturally did not speak of any moral joint attack.

Bronze dragon Blu opened his mouth with a milky dragon breath.

The Beast Emperor teleported behind the undead king, and summoned the male lion's phase to release a long chain of fire with himself to the undead king.

The undead lord Medgfe was surprised by the appearance of a true **** other than the intelligence of the goddess of war Morrigan, and then found that after being attacked, he did not panic at all. Bumped together.

Then, the tiger's sword was awesome!

And the flame chain of the wild beast emperor, it is the giant whale rushed over and tried to stop the chain.

But he didn't want Xiao Yu to see the opportunity, and he also kicked in, accelerating by the eruption of extraordinary aura and the use of the seal of the Lord of the World Wonder Wind.

The giant whale was just near the chain of flames, and his mouth was about to swallow this chain into his mouth.

The bronze giant had come quickly and stepped on the side back of the giant whale. After kicking it out, he threw it on the ground and smashed a large cloud of yellow mushrooms.

"Quick, seal the Undead Whale!"

Seeing the landing of the giant whale, Uturu Wizard is worthy of being a former Morning Star wizard, and he still has eyesight, and he is good at seizing the opportunity to fight, and immediately drinks orders.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of wizards cast their spells, and a very spectacular scene appeared above the place where the whale landed.

There, under the white light world formed by the enlightenment of enchantment witchcraft, countless swords formed by the first-level seal witchcraft and spears or inscriptions formed by the second-level seal witchcraft flickered after a few flashes. Going down, covered with the body of the giant whale ~ ~ The countless human heads on the back of the giant whale, almost every one was pierced by a sword or a spear.

However, as the giant whale came back from Xiao Yu's shock, his body shook, and the weapon formed by the seal witchcraft on his back was damaged by a third.

But with this shaking time, more seal sorcery smashed down, drowning the giant whale, making it howl unwillingly.

Sorcerers who cast spells saw the effect, and they shot continuously.

If you don’t have enough mana, drink a bottle of herbal medicine immediately. If you don’t have enough, try another bottle.

The magic stone was also squeezed in its hands to extract its value.

It is precisely under such luxury that money was thrown, Xiao Yu's army of wizards, with such momentum, was able to suppress the powerful mount of the undead lord in a short time by virtue of quantitative advantage.

And the undead lord, under miscalculation, was also trapped by the flame chain of the wild beast emperor.

And with the beast emperor whispering, the whole person was wrapped in flames.

However, after the undead prince issued a good declaration, he burst into a dark hood, and directly opened the flame chain of the wild beast emperor.

A Daomang suddenly appeared in front of the Beast Emperor as if crossing the space.


Under the loud noise, the sword smashed the image of the male lion of the wild beast emperor, causing the wild beast emperor to hold his head back again and again.

At the same time, the bronze dragon dragon, the goddess of war Morrigan, and the extraordinary combination of the Three Saints also fell behind the black round cover, but were shocked.

In the black hood, the undead prince Medgefi changed into a black ink plate armor.

The plate armor looks simple and similar to the knight in a small place.

But with a weird charm.

Let Xiao Yu stunned a little, but it was a move in his heart, and it was also a world wonder!

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