My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 126 - What's on Luke's mind - Part 1

I should've killed those snakes. 

I grumbled as I made my way back to my room, regretting my decision not to kill those snakes over and over again. If I could go back in time, I'd smash that statue into tiny little pieces before those snakes turned real and bit me.

At such a critical time, I was poisoned by two stupid snakes who were actually the so-called guardians of the black witches. I wonder how Violet will react to this. 

The hallway was dark and empty, lit only by a few lanterns hung on the walls. The servants and maids were nowhere to be seen, having apparently returned to their respective rooms to end the long day. I, too, was dying to return to my room. 

Was this hall always this long? I remember it being really short while I was taking a walk with Violet, but now I can't seem to find the end of it. Perhaps I shouldn't have made this place so enormous. I should have made this manor a little smaller so I wouldn't be too far away from my mate wherever I go.

I glanced out of the window, seeing a blizzard happening outside. Bold and strong, the blizzard came with nature's determination, as if wanting to wipe the whole world white. Even with these werewolf eyes, I couldn't see anything besides the color white.

Are there enough logs to keep the room warm? It's going to be a cold night, and I wouldn't want to find my mate shivering through the cold—though, of course, there would be more reason for me to stay as close as possible to her. I wonder if she's already asleep? 

I hastened my pace, couldn't wait to see the face of my beautiful mate. There were so many things to talk about, but not one of them was good news. I never wanted her to be involved in these dangerous situations that I was faced with, but before I knew it, she was in deep. I do appreciate her help, but it was just that I didn't want her to be in danger—again.

She's already been through a lot, which is why I only want her to experience good things in the future. But the path to a happy future seems to be so far away when the world poses so much danger. Is it even possible for me to create a safe and happy world for her? 

If it's not, then I'll have to make it possible—no matter what. 

Suffering was one of the greatest teachers in life, but what if there was no end to the suffering? Do we still need to embrace it? Am I causing myself another suffering by expecting to live in a world without struggles and difficulties? Perhaps a priest could shed some light on this for me.

Definitely not the White Church's priests, though. 

The journey back to my mate soon ended when I met the two-way door to my room, carved with tiny little details that no one cares about. I knocked on the door, being careful not to make too much noise in case the beautiful lady on the other side of the door was asleep.

Seeing that there was no response, I slowly made my way inside. 

The intoxicating scent from my mate—mixed with the scented candles—quickly hit my nose, and I suddenly felt compelled to throw out all of those scented candles. Violet's scent alone was more than enough to make me forget all of the hardships that my nose had to go through today. 

I looked around, wondering where my little rabbit had gone. She was nowhere to be seen, but her scent was too strong for me to believe she wasn't in the room. Is she not asleep? She's not in our bed—ah, she fell asleep on the couch. 

She was all curled up, as if seeking warmth from the burning fireplace right in front of the couch. But should that be the case, she couldn't have slept here without a blanket wrapped around her. My exceptional instincts told me that she had dozed off while waiting for me to return.

That was quite adorable—but not so much if she caught a cold on this cold night. 

Did I make her wait too long? The conversation with Mr. Wickham and Maggie took a lot longer than I had anticipated it to be. I hope I didn't make her feel too lonely. 

I carefully took a seat on the remaining space on the couch, smiling as I heard my mate's soft breathing. Her lips were slightly apart as she breathed in and out, her arms hugging her own body for warmth. Right beside her was a book left open. 

This couldn't possibly be another book about that crazy love story again, could it? If yes, then perhaps she's ready for another—oh, it's not. It's a cookbook.

I can't exactly say it's a shame, can I?

I gently lifted her small frame, wanting to move her to our bed so that she could sleep much more comfortably. She was as light as a feather, and I wondered if I had fed her too little. She had definitely gained a lot of weight since the first time she came here, but everything that had happened since then had to have taken a toll on her. Her once chubby cheeks had turned a little gaunt. 

I wish she could stay the way she is right now. Calm and peaceful—safe in my arms. I really don't understand why so many people were after her. Her father, who treated her like shit, the rogues who tried to use her against me, and now, the Queen of the Black Witches. 

I know that she's a very lovable person, and not to mention the most beautiful woman in the whole world, but please—for the love of the Moon Goddess—just let me be with my mate. I mean, I've been looking for her for eight whole years, and now that I've finally found her, people are being so gung-ho about trying to snatch her away from me. What did she even do? Breathe? 

I laid her down on the bed slowly, tucking her under the thick duvet. She snuggled deeper, appreciating the warmth provided by the sheets. I took in the scene before me, and I quickly found myself mesmerized by her. 

Her long lashes batted the upper part of her cheeks, and her brown hair sprawled messily across her face. Her small nose was as adorable as ever, and her lips—oh, how I wish I could meet them again. Morning should come by sooner so that I can quickly use up my wish. 

I decided to leave my mate to sleep while I took my long-needed bath. Despite the fact that there was nothing else I wanted to do but snuggle closer to my mate, I didn't want to smell like a corpse while doing so.

But, before leaving, I noticed the frown on Violet's face. Her brows knitted together, and her fist balled, clutching onto the duvet. It looks like she's having a nightmare. 

My efforts to chase the nightmare away were deemed useless as I soon heard her groaning, her frown getting deeper. Then there was a mumble, which I recognized as her mumbling my name. I smiled upon hearing her mumbling my name, as it appeared that I was not the only one who was smitten. She even had a dream about me.

But—what am I doing in a nightmare? A dream where I am in should be the most wonderful dream to have, no? Not everyone has the luxury of having me visit them in their dreams. Well, on second thought, perhaps it was quite alright for me to be in a nightmare. That way, I can at least help make the nightmare a little more bearable. I'd be the best thing there is in the nightmare—so as in reality. 

I continued to pat her head, doing so until the crease on her brows disappeared. I remember how my mother used to sing me a lullaby whenever I had a nightmare, but I'm afraid I'd make her nightmare even worse if I did the same to her. Much to say, I'm not very good at singing. 

One should not excel at everything, right? It will make others fume. 

Seeing how the frown had disappeared, I finally decided to take my leave. The bed immediately rose after I lifted my weight off it, leaving my mate to enjoy the warmth and comfort of the bed all to herself. Not even two steps away from the bed did I hear my name being called by the most enchanting voice in the entire world. This time, it was not a mumble but a much clearer voice. 


Ahh, such music to my ears.

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