My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 131 - One day before the ritual - Part 2

"Kiss me, and I'll wake up." 

Really? That's what he was thinking first thing in the morning? So this was the reason why he didn't bother opening his eyes despite waking up moments ago. The man was quick to use his wish card.

"You've been plotting this since you woke up, haven't you?" I narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring the fact that he couldn't even see the face I was making right now. He seemed to enjoy kisses, judging by how frequently he asked for them. 

Is physical touch that important in a romantic relationship? I still can't really fathom that. Perhaps it was because I was so used to being in my own personal space that I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when it was invaded. I'd never been so close and intimate with anyone else until I met Luke. Hell, I've never even thought about spending my life with someone else. The most that I could ever afford to think about was whether or not I would survive the next day.

Thinking back to the conversation we had last night, I realized that I was still too caught up in my past. I was still stuck with the perspective I used to have when I was locked in that house. I knew I was living a very different life now—I mean, I'm a completely different creature now—but it wasn't easy to forget everything I'd been through for years. 

I needed some time to break through my shell, to tear down the walls I'd built around me to protect myself from other people. It was mostly because most of the people I knew back then were just so horrible that it was difficult for me to believe that not everyone was as bad. I used to think that people like Anna were rare, while people like my father and Fiona were common. 

They led me to believe that the world was full of evil, that there were no angels like the ones in the storybook I read. They made me lose hope, made me surrender to my fate. I wouldn't have lived to see the kindness the world offered if it hadn't been for Anna—if it hadn't been for Luke. 

I still remember how skeptical I was of Luke's kindness—of his gentleness. It was as if I had hopped into a completely different world from where I was before, and everything there was just so strange for me to behold. The kind and welcoming smiles people gave me, the delicious warm meals, the soft and comfortable bed, the friendly tone in people's voices. It was almost as if I was witnessing something otherworldly or something that would only happen once every three centuries. To say that it was crazy would be an understatement. 

It didn't take long for me to realize that the world could be hopeful again, and that it was okay for me to put my trust in other people. And yesterday, I learned that my feelings were just as important as those of others.

"Wrong," he corrected, "Since before I fell asleep." 

"We can stay like this all day if you want," he said, snuggling closer. It was as if he was purposely shoving me against his ċhėst, making me feel how toned and hard his muscles were once more. I could even hear his steady heartbeat, which contrasted sharply with my uncontrollable one.

I needed to get away from him, kiss or no kiss. It was getting a little too hot for me to stay in this position, and the heat from his body didn't help one bit. 

"C-can you at least let me drink some water?" I asked, and he was quick to refuse. He pursed his lips, waiting for me to come and meet them. Fine. It's just a kiss. We'd already kissed a few times, so one more wouldn't hurt.

I looked up to see him with his eyes still closed and his lips pursed. I bit my lip out of hesitation, then leaned forward to give him the kiss he wanted. But much to my surprise, he shook his head, saying that it was not enough of a kiss. 

He kept his eyes closed and his arms tight around me, demanding more kisses. I should've known he'd do this, given his history of turning situations to his advantage. Despite the fact that his demands exceeded the promised wish, I decided to comply with his request for the sake of convenience. I gave him a second kiss, but again, the man was not satisfied. Just how many more kisses does he want? 

Getting irked, I gave him a third kiss, but this time, followed by a bite. 

"Ow!" He cried, finally opening those red eyes of his. He looked at me, bewildered that the soft kisses had turned into a full-on bite. A smirk slowly formed on his lips, asking a question that left me dumbfounded more than anything else. "How did you know I like it rough?" 

I thought he would let me go, but I never thought that he would take that bite for something else! "What—"

Luke threw himself on top of me, pinning both of my arms against the bed. With his hands supporting his body, he leaned in closer, careful not to crush me beneath him. My heart went erratic, and my mind turned into a horrible mess seeing him getting closer and closer to me. I could see in his eyes that he was hungry—hungry for me. 

"W-w-what are you doing?" I turned my face away, not having enough courage to look him straight in the eyes. I didn't hear his response, but I felt his lips on my neck. The sensation of his lips on my neck sent buŧŧerflies to my stomach, and I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. 

"Do you know how hard it is for me not to mark you right now?" He asked, this time, moving to my collarbones. His kisses were soft and gentle, but the impact they had on me was explosive. I clenched my fists and gulped, feeling my entire body burning. I felt feverish. "Look at me."

Touching my chin with his fingers, he turned me towards him. I immediately noticed those red eyes that were staring straight at me, as well as those distracting muscles. My breath hitched, almost as if I'd forgotten how to breathe. 

"Are you ready for me, Violet?" 

"W-what do you mean ready for you?" I asked. My voice sounded a little shaky. This tension between us is driving me insane. 

"Ready for my everything," his eyes not moving an inch away from mine, staring so intently that it appeared he could see right through me. "For my touches, my kisses, my body, my love." 

The rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving only us alone. I could clearly hear every breath he took, his heartbeat—which was gradually becoming faster—and his voice, which seemed to melt in my ears. I could feel the heat radiating from his body every time our skins brushed against each other and how strong his hands were on my wrists. 

I couldn't seem to get any words out of my mouth, as if I'd suddenly lost my ability to speak. My brain was so preoccupied with processing what was going on that it forgot about its other functions. 

"Tell me, do you want me to mark you?" He asked, and his grip tightened along with the question. I could see how he gulped down as he waited for my reply, showing his high expectation of my answer. 

Do I want to be marked? A mark from Luke—it would mean that I belonged to him, as he was to me. We'd form a bond that would bind us together for as long as we shared the same love, the same affection for one another. I'd be able to feel his emotions, hear his thoughts, everything so very deeply. And in return, he would feel mine. 

I knew I'd be nothing without him, and I knew that I wanted to be with him. I knew that he'd become such an important part of my life that I couldn't live without. And I knew he felt the same.

He was amongst the few people who showed kindness in my miserable life, showed me warmth, and showed me what love was. He painted my life and turned it into a life full of color. He showed me the light in my darkest time, pulled me to see the other side of the world that I'd never seen before. Everything was at ease when I was with him. He was my hope—whether in the past, present, or future.

He was my forever. 

"I—I do," I replied. Truthfully, it didn't matter whether or not I bore his mark—for I was already his the moment I searched for him during the course of my day and the moment he started to cloud my mind. Even unknowingly. 

His eyes immediately lit up upon hearing it, and a smile so wide and so bright sprawled across his face, dashing like the morning sun. He'd been waiting for this for a long time, and it showed. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again, as he couldn't keep himself from smiling. After a few moments of him smiling at me, the words he'd been holding back finally came out.

"Say no more."

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