My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 149 - After Ritual - Part 7

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Taking the knife from Andrew, I let my finger slightly graze the knife, wanting to check its sharpness. The knife was small and a bit blunt, but still sharp enough to cut your finger.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Violet, seeing her quickly nodding in response. She didn't even take a minute to reconsider her decision.

"I am," she said, holding out her hand, waiting for me to hand her the knife. Her purple eyes looked straight at me, and not a single hesitation was seen. She wasn't scared of hurting herself, but she was scared of letting those people turn into puppets. Right now, nothing else matters if it means saving them.

I sighed.

She's right. The reason why we're here in the first place was to save these people, so there shouldn't be any reason not to save them now that we've finally found a way to do so. I'm sure anyone would do the same if they were in her shoes.

Furthermore, it was the first time that I'd ever seen her with such tenacity. She didn't stutter like how she usually does when she has to make a decision or like when she's in a pinch. She was certain of her decision, and I don't think even I could change her mind.

She wanted to save these people just as much as I do, so obviously, I'm in no place to stop her from doing so.

"Do it moderately, okay?" I said as I handed her the knife, not releasing it until I heard her confirm my words.

She gave me a small smile as if to reassure me, then walked towards the outer part of the sigil, right at the point where everything connects with each other. She walked past the statue-like people, who were standing a few meters away from the sigil, then crouched down. 

I watched as she walked away, seeing her back towards me. I knew that behind her small frame, she was hiding an amazing ability that even the black witches were after, but I couldn't help but be scared that she would break someday.

It was still unknown to us what kind of ability she had, but no matter how strong or weak she was, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had to protect her from harm. Even if the world is falling apart, I want her to stay safe and sound. Perhaps that's the reason why I didn't want her to do what she's trying to do right now.

It sounded a bit funny for me to say this when I was the one receiving her help right now, but that's just how I feel.

"Is it just me, or does our Luna look different these days?" Andrew, who was also watching Violet walk away beside me, asked.


"Hmm," he drew his hands together, then folded them across his chest. "How should I put this? I suppose she appears more… confident? I remember seeing her for the first time and feeling like I was looking at a scared little kitten. Now I think she's finally evolving into a cat."

"You're right," I chuckled, also thinking the same.

Were the circumstances to blame? We were forced to become stronger in order to survive in this world where there are so many dangers and obstacles that we would be unable to overcome if we were any weaker than the others. To stay alive, we can't stay as prey to those who hunt. We have to be the hunters.

I'm sure she realized it today, or it became clearer to her that this is the kind of world we're living in.

It's ironic that the world I want her to live in is the exact opposite of the world we're living in right now. One day, I'll turn the world into somewhere better so that she can only walk down a flowery path ahead of her. I'll make sure of it.

It sounds like a dream, but I'm sure no dream is impossible to achieve.

Leaving Andrew behind, I walked towards Violet, seeing her preparing herself to take out her blood. The sigil itself was drawn on an empty field, and the size was big enough to fit ten to fifteen people inside. If we're trying to neutralize the black witch's blood by using Violet's blood, I'm sure we'd need a hell lot of it to do so.

Will she be fine?

Not wanting to disturb her, I stood right behind, not saying anything until it was absolutely necessary. I can't even tell her to stop, so it's best if I don't bother her while she's concentrating. Even if something bad happens, I'll be right behind, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

She raised the knife to her palm, slitting her skin open with little to no hesitation. I could feel myself getting alarmed, again, wanting to stop her, but stopped myself instead. I have to keep reminding myself that this is the best option for us in order for me to keep still.

A yelp escaped her lips the moment the knife grazed her skin, her revolve wavering slightly in the face of the pain. Taking a few moments to relieve the pain, she then squeezed her palm, letting her blood fall onto the ground—onto the sigil.

One drop, two drops, three drops.

She waited for something to happen, but all she saw was her blood blending with the dried blood on the ground. She let a few more drops fall, but still, nothing happened.

"Is it too little?" She asked herself, then brought the knife back to her palm, clearly thinking of making her wound bigger.

I quickly crouched down and caught her hand, taking the knife away.

"What are you doing?" I asked, getting annoyed by how easily she could harm herself. "Why don't you just cut your whole arm off then?" I bit back my lips.

Ah. I got mad.

"…I told you to do it moderately," I said in a lower voice, keeping my tone calm. "If nothing happens, then so be it. You don't need to make a bigger wound." Because it pained me.

I did everything I could to keep her from danger, to keep her safe, and yet, she could so easily hurt something that I tried so hard to protect. I knew it was for the people, but I still didn't like it. And the thought of her hurting herself because she wanted to help me solve this problem made me feel like I was not good enough.

She looked at me with widened eyes, clearly taken aback because it was the first time I'd ever raised my voice at her. She must have realized as well that creating a bigger wound doesn't necessarily mean something will happen to the sigil. If a few drops of blood produce no reaction, then a larger amount of blood will only be a waste—though this does not rule out the possibility of the opposite occurring.

"I—I'm sorry," she let her eyes fall, her hope shattering. "I just want to quickly find a way to help these people."

"No, I'm the one who's sorry," I sighed as I weakened my grip on her hand. "You're helping me. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you."

I looked at the blood on her palm, slowly getting its way to my hand which was holding hers. The sight made me frown, as the color red never looked good when I saw it on the people I care about. Especially on her.

I brought her wounded palm to my lips, using the special ability given to me as her mate to heal her wound. She flinched at the touch and tried to wriggle her way out, but I wouldn't let her. "I hate it when you get hurt."

"L-Luke, I'm fine! You don't have to… do this," she fixed her gaze on something behind me—possibly Andrew and the surrounding warriors, as well as the statue-like people around us—and her cheeks went red. "M-my blood! It's dirty!"

"I can lick anywhere and find nothing dirty about you," I said, making her keep her face as low as it could possibly go to hide. Andrew must have shown her some faces, but I didn't care.

I smiled as I saw her reaction, happy to see her with flushed cheeks again after such a long day. Seeing her all flustered like this is one of the joys I look forward to in a day. Too adorable.

I continued to heal her, not minding the blood that was getting all over my mouth. I could even taste her blood and couldn't help but wonder if it was the same taste that vampires get when they drink blood. Sweet.

As I was healing her wound, I could feel something hot beneath my feet. It wasn't noticeable at first, but it gradually became hotter and hotter until I opened my eyes, realizing there was something wrong with the ground I was stepping on. I quickly stood up and pulled Violet away, taking a few steps back.

The sigil—it was on fire. 

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