My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 160 - Where Is Lisa?

Arriving at the manor, Luke pulled me out of the carriage and ran inside, looking for anything out of the ordinary. The manor was still as beautiful as before, but no one was seen inside. It was completely devoid of people.

He ran so fast that I was having a hard time keeping up with him, but I didn't want to slow him down. His panic was written all over his face and his movements.

"Lisa!" He called out to the Beta female, either with his voice or through the mind-link, but received no response. He cursed. "Lisa! Where are you?!"

What's going on? The manor was never empty. Even when Luke told everyone to stay away from the manor the first time I arrived, there was always a servant or two around. But now, there was no one, not even a maid or a servant.

We ran through every room in the manor, but all we found was an empty room. Luke was getting even more frustrated upon seeing his empty manor, anxious that something had happened to his people.

"Luke! We should go to your office," I suggested, thinking that Lisa might be there working.

Luke immediately heeded my suggestion and ran to the other building, where the hardworking people usually gathered. We went to the building covered in white, a place where Luke usually spent most of his time.

Same with the manor, there was no one around. His office was left untouched, and not even a soul was seen in the training grounds. Every meeting room felt haunted, dark, and secluded. Where did everyone go?

Did something really happen? Did someone sneak in and kidnap everyone here? But how is it even possible to kidnap so many people at once? I would still believe it if only one or two people were missing, but that is not the case now. There were dozens of people all around the manor.

Just as we were about to pass the second floor, I found a door that was left slightly ajar. The lights inside escaped through the space created by the door, catching my attention as we passed by. I went my separate ways and walked towards the door, opening it fully.

It was Bob's kitchen, the table scattered with bottles of wine and beers, left unattended. It looked as if the people here left in a hurry, with no time to—did I step on something?

I looked down, seeing a hand under my foot.


I screamed and fell to my butt, frightened to see a hand out of nowhere. Luke, hearing me scream, ran at the speed of light and almost slipped when he ran through the door.

"Violet! What happened?!"

I pointed at the hand with my trembling hands, "I-Is that a corpse?!"

Luke looked at the hand and walked forward as I stepped away, sighing as he pulled the cloth covering the table. Under the table, we found a woman whose hand was sticking out of the table, completely knocked out with a few bottles of beer around her.

"Lisa?" I approached her and tried to pull her out of the table, only to discover that she was not alone under the table. "Bob?!"

After successfully pulling her out of the table, I tapped her cheeks to wake her up, but she wouldn't wake up. Worried, I put a finger to her nose, relieved to feel her still breathing. Knowing how much she loves alcohol, it wasn't a surprise to see her like this. But with Bob, it was a whole different story.

"Why did they drink so much?" Luke asked, waving his hand to his nose to chase away the strong reek of alcohol coming from the two. He then approached Bob, struggling to get the man from under the table. He cursed as he pulled, complaining about Bob's weight.

I tapped Lisa a few more times, seeing her finally responding to my calls. But instead of waking up, she snuggled closer to the bottle in her arms, smiling as she kissed it. "One more bottle…" she muttered in her sleep, smacking her lips as she returned to her dreams.

Is she still dreaming about drinking even after getting this wasted?

I took the bottle from her hands and slapped her arm, determined to wake her up. Annoyed, she swatted my hands away, muttering curse words. Still not losing my determination, I pinched her nose, making it difficult for her to breathe and forcing her to wake up.

When she felt her breathing getting hitched, she tapped my hands, trying to rip it away from her nose, but I persisted. Still, with her supernatural strength, she managed to pull my fingers away from her, ultimately waking up as she did so.

"Gah!! Who the hell—" she sat up, frowning as she turned to towards me, looking as if she was ready to breathe fire to my face. "Violet? You're back!!" Her frown vanished as soon as she realized it was me, hugging me with such glee. "Gosh, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages. Is it because I'm always surrounded by stinky men? It's nice to have another woman around."

I was worried that something might have happened to her, but looking at how energetic she was, perhaps my worry was not needed. I was worried that someone might have poisoned her with all this alcohol to the point that she wouldn't wake up. It turns out, it was only her nature.

"Lisa, what happened to the manor?" I asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She returned the question as she stroked the hand that I stepped on before, wondering why it was hurting.

"Did something happen while we were away?" Luke continued my question, having given up on waking his loyal chef.

"No," she said proudly, shaking her head, "What could possibly happen while I'm here? Everything is under control."

"Then where is everyone? Why can't I see anyone around?"

"Ahh," she laughed, finally grasping the Alpha's worry, "I sent everyone on a one-day holiday. Winter is at its peak. It's the best time to hibernate."

Do wolves even hibernate?

"I've been training the warriors like crazy these past few weeks, so I figured they deserved a break. I decided to give the maids and servants a holiday too, just to be fair," she continued, then glanced towards Bob, smirking as she saw him still out cold. "That's why there are only two of us here, having a drinking contest, the winner of which is already very obvious."

When he heard her response, Luke let out a huge sigh of relief, relieved that nothing bad had happened to his people. He sat down beside Bob, releasing the tension that had been building up. Lisa gave him a weird look, then looked at me, as if asking what was wrong with him.

"Actually, on our way back, we saw a lot of animals running down the mountain as if their lives depended on it. We thought something might have happened to the manor, that's why we were worried sick when we saw no one was around."

"Animals running?" She frowned, her face turning green. Is she worried or is she feeling sick? "I haven't heard anything about this. Have you searched the mountain?"

"Andrew is searching the area right now," Luke said, and the green in Lisa's face brightened for a moment. "We have to wait for him to return to know more about the situation."

Now that I think of it, I have never really seen Lisa and Andrew together. I have seen them together on several occasions, but I never really saw how they acted around each other. Will Andrew still be as goofy as he is now when he's with his mate?

Regaining more of her consciousness, Lisa stood up from her previous position, seemingly still a little dizzy. I wonder just how many bottles she drank yesterday to make her this hungover.

"You shouldn't have let him drink too much," Luke scolded her, pointing at her drinking rival from last night, "You know Bob can't handle his alcohol well."

"But he sure is no coward," she guffawed. "I only teased him a little, saying I'd clean his kitchen for a year if he beat me in a drinking contest, but he ended up having to make me his legendary chocolate cake for—" she abruptly came to a halt, then brought her palm to her mouth, her eyes widening.

When Luke noticed Lisa's face turning greener, he quickly drew me aside, just as Lisa poured out her insides to demonstrate the power of alcohol. The kitchen quickly turned into a mess, thanks to Lisa, who successfully painted it with vibrant colors.

Bob would definitely cry when he saw all this mess in his kitchen. 

Luke shook his head at the sight, frowning disapprovingly when he turned to me, giving me advice like the one a mother would give to her children.

"This is why you shouldn't drink."

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