My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 169 - Larion - Part 7


The loud scream made all of the people in the vicinity look up at the sky, wondering where the sound came from. There, I found Andrew, who was flapping his arms like a chicken trying to fly. Within a minute of his appearance, he soon landed on one of the newborn sticky flowers, saving him from breaking a few bones. 

His arrival on one of the sticky flowers made the two fairies to be overjoyed, as they got a new prey on their flowers immediately after letting us away. 

"Wow! Another one!" The sister squealed with delight, her yellow teeth taking up half of the space on her face as she smiled. "We should have planted more sticky flowers faster! It's all thanks to the witch," she said, causing Maggie to grin at the praise. 

"At this rate, we won't have to starve anymore!" The brother quickly chimed in, seemingly to be as happy as his sister. Looking at how happy they were, it hurts me to tell them that Andrew was not their food, but a friend of ours.

Not long after, I saw another person fall from the sky and land on one of the sticky flowers. But unlike the last person who came in, he remained calm and composed, and there wasn't even a sound coming from him. He was holding a smaller-sized Coco in his hands, and Coco looked as comfortable as ever in his embrace.

"Yet another!" The sister quickly jumped to her feet, making the trees sway and the ground shake. "Hurry!! We should quickly head over before they run away!!" She beckoned for her brother to run after her, and the twin brother didn't even hesitate to heed her words.

The ground beneath my feet started to shake even more furiously when the two fairies started to run, eyes glued and stomach grumbling at the sight of their prey. Despite my wish to stop them, my body wouldn't act accordingly and stumbled backward, making me trip and fall from all the shaking.

"W-wait!!" I screamed at the two fairies, but they were too focused on their prey to hear me. "They're not your food!! They're my friends!!" I screamed again, louder, this time, but nothing changed. I quickly turned to Maggie. "Hurry!! Stop them!!"

"Why would I?" She rolled her eyes, as if she didn't mind if those two fairies ate our—my—friends. Unlike me, she still had both her feet planted firmly on the ground, making me question how the hell she could still stay balanced with all these shakes. "They're annoying, anyway."

"But your Coco is also there!! They will definitely sacrifice your Coco first!!" I reasoned, trying to convince her to act quickly and help them. "And you won't have anyone else to order around if not them!!" She groaned.

Convinced that it would only bring her more bad than good if she let the fairies eat the two wolves, she decided to lend us her help, but perhaps with an extra fee that she would soon decide according to the difficulty of the task.

Maggie ran after the two fairies, preparing something inside her bag as she ran. But looking at the size of the garden and the distance between us, it would be impossible for her to reach Andrew and Jack before the fairies do. Perhaps it would be better if I prayed that both Andrew and Jack could at least give them a fight to buy us some time.

With the ground still shaking, I struggled to find my balance, falling and stumbling a few times before finally settling in. By the time I rose to my feet, the two fairies had already looked a lot smaller than they actually were, and I couldn't seem to find Maggie among the tall flowers.

Think, Violet, think. How can I keep up with them despite the distance, or how can I stop them at this distance? Not wanting to waste any more time, I prepared to run, trying to think of a way as I run. But then I felt myself stepping on something soft, something that was not the hard and damp ground, which then turned out to be the frog king.

That's right!! I have the frog king to use!! What could be the most helpful thing he could transform into in this situation? Should I think of the twins' father or mother to stop them? But I have never seen them before, so it's impossible because I don't even know what they look like. Come on, there's got to be something… something that could stop them, or something fast that could help me keep up with them.

…a horse!! I can use a horse!!

I quickly picked up the frog king from the ground, kissing it again for I don't know how many times today and think about Luke's brilliant white horse, hoping that my memory wouldn't do me wrong. Please turn to Nox.

Upon the contact, the doll then turned into the image in my memory, growing bigger and taller until it became the white horse in my mind. Within a minute, the frog doll turned into a magnificent white horse, looking as majestic and beautiful as the horse I remember.

"Nox!" I smiled when I saw the horse, not wasting any time getting onto his back. Though I wasn't confident with my horse-riding skills, I could still at least remember one or two things that I learned about riding a horse during my lesson with Luke. It was—fortunately—enough to make Nox move according to my wish.

Nox was as fast as I remembered, running past the wind and the flowers at the speed of light. Given that this was magic and not a real horse, it seemed to have a mind of its own and moved according to the wish I had in mind, which then I found did not need an actual horse-riding skill. I was more than relieved. Perhaps the sentence Maggie said about magic will listen to your wish was true.

The distance between me and the fairies quickly shortens, and I even found Maggie running among the flowers with a scowl on her face. She looked at me wide-eyed as I ran past her, surprised that I was all of a sudden riding a horse that appeared out of nowhere.

Getting closer to both the fairies and the two wolves, I could hear someone desperately screaming for help.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!! I'M DYING!!! I'M DYING!!! I CAN'T MOVE!!!!" Why does it feel like I've heard of this before? 

I saw Andrew stuck on the sticky flowers, back towards the sky, face flat on the flowers. I'm sure once we got back to the manor, everyone would know about this terrifying occurrence he was currently experiencing. It must be worse than his showdown with the squirrels. 

Fortunately, with the speed of the fake Nox and the slowness of the fairies, I quickly managed to catch up and even got ahead of them. I quickly pulled on the reins, stopping Nox from going further.

"STOP!!!!" I yelled at the fairies in the loudest voice I could muster. "THEY'RE OUR FRIENDS!" The fairies, however, ignored me and continued running, alerting me to the sudden danger of being stepped on. "H-HEY!!! STOP!!! LOOK UNDER!!!"

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, as the fairies did come to a halt, but not of their own volition, but because they tripped over something. Turns out, it was Maggie's doing. I'm not sure how she did it, but she managed to grow a lot of vines and took control of them, using them to trip the fairies.

Nox, who saw the fairies falling towards us, grew smaller and smaller, leaving me behind as he shrank back to the frog doll. I watched the fairies in utter horror—even more than the first time I saw them—then turned around to run for my dear life. Literally.

I didn't dare look back, only dared to run as I tried my hardest to avoid being crushed by the two fairies. I had no idea that this could be a way to die. I suppose we can learn something new every day. 

"AAAAHHHH!!!" It was the scream of the two fairies, and also mine when I saw their shadows covering my own. 


A loud thump could be heard as another mini earthquake happened, and everything around me grew dark.


Did I die? But what is this foul smell? Does death smell? 

I begrudgingly opened my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. Perhaps I'm in hell—no, I didn't do anything wrong. I must be in heaven. But does heaven smell like poop?

"Come out!" I heard someone say, distant but demanding.. Is that the voice of an angel? Come out from where? "Come out!" The voice said for yet another time, but I didn't leave the darkness. Can I even move? "I said, come out, you little witch!!"

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