My Long Lost Mate

Chapter 41 - Burning dogs - Part 1

"You wouldn't mind if I put a new guy in your dungeon, right?" Kiel raised an eyebrow at the question, seemingly intrigued by it, "But I guess it will be pretty cramped down there."

"Rest ȧssured," he let out a hearty laugh, "It's just cramped with carcasses, I'm sure your captives wouldn't mind that."

"Perfect," the corner of my mouth quirked up in amusement, "You two, destroy everything there and bring me the man who wrote me the letter," I ordered both Jack and Andrew who has been listening to our conversation quietly behind.

"Dead or alive?" Andrew grinned, stretching his body as if to prepare for the action coming.

"Alive, of course," I sent him a smile, though not a friendly one, "I will kill him with my own two hands. Now, scram."

Both men nodded, running out of the manor to carry out my orders. As I walked to Violet's room, Kiel stopped me from going in by placing a hand over my shoulders, "What?"

"You do know I will only lend you the dungeon only if you let me in some fun too, right?" asked the vampire. I snorted knowing his weird liking to hear someone begged for their life to him as if he was going to let them live. The moment they begged for their lives, it will also be the time when they will lose them.

"Of course."


"So," I clapped my hands, getting Jack's attention on me, "I knew this was going to happen so I sent a message to the warriors before we left," he glanced at me, acting as if he wasn't interested in my words but I knew he was, "By now, they must have surrounded the rogues and are waiting for our arrival. Smart, am I not? I know our Alpha very well that he won't leave Violet alone."

"Anyone will also do the same thing, don't you think? Knowing that you are our Beta, you are just so-so."

Hmph, I knew he will never acknowledge my worth. This rivalry of ours came to no end even with knowing who was the winner. It's obviously me. I'm better than him which was why I'm the Beta and he is the Gamma. He was just sour that he always lost to me.

"But did YOU sent them a message?" I inquired, knowing that he didn't by the look on his face.

"Of course..." he faltered, scratching his nose just like what he always did when he was lying. He didn't even realize he has that habit which made it really obvious whenever he told lies, at least to me.

"...not," I added, sending him my lopsided grin. He glowered in annoyance but I didn't spare him any care and ran out of the manor, leaving the miffed Gamma behind.

Gordom, it has been such a long time since I last stepped foot in this land. I hated it here, the smell of blood was too strong to my likings, as always. I walked around the street, catching a few people—I mean, vampires' attention. Damn it, I forgot to wear my cape. It was hard to walk around with such a handsome face. Look at them, they couldn't get their eyes off me.

Although it was difficult to distinguish normal humans from other creatures who are not of our kind, it was pretty easy to tell if one was a vampire. A single look in their eyes and you will know, silver or gold. Silver meant low-level vampires or half-blood vampires, while gold meant the pure-blood vampires, meaning, the vampires who held greater powers.

A few giggling women who have been ogling me with their eyes stepped in front of me, stopping me from walking. I sighed, raising my palm to stop whatever they were trying to do, "Fair ladies, I'm sorry but I have my wife waiting back home. I'm not interested in any of you."

"I'm afraid you have misunderstood us, sir. We were simply going to give you this," one of the women smiled, holding out a shawl. I stared at her, perplexed with what they meant by it. Is this some kind of culture among the vampires? To give a shawl to a man they are interested in?

Looking at how I didn't accept the shawl, the woman coughed, "Ahem, your pants," she hinted by moving her eyes to my pants, and I followed suit. I looked down, but nothing was wrong with it. I furrowed my brows to the woman when she added, "Look behind."

I glanced at the back of my pants, finally realizing what was wrong with it. It was ripped, right in where my buŧŧ cheeks met, showing the fine line between them and a good amount of buŧŧ.


I froze, still looking at my torn pants. When the hell did this even happened?!

Dear Moon Goddess, please thou tell me, your beloved child, what should I do to get away from this embarrassing moment. I spent a few good minutes looking at my buŧŧ, with the woman still holding out the shawl. Fuck it, I will just act cool.

"....thank you, haha." I bowed to the woman, accepting the shawl she offered. I walked away calmly, tying the shawl around my waist in an attempt to hide my buŧŧ. No wonder I felt cold, and no wonder people have been staring at me with funny looks on their faces.

An exhausted sigh escaped my mouth, "I hate Gordom."

"Of course you do," Jack burst out laughing, finally appearing after the scene unfold. I scowled at the man, "You have noticed right from the start, didn't you?"

"Notice what?" he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly while trying to muffle his laughter.

"Don't play dumb, Jack. You are dumb enough as it is," he ignored me and walked away, leaving me behind just like what I did to him before. Breathe in, breathe out. He is our Gamma, I can't kill him without the Alpha's permission. I will do it when I received his permission.

I hastened my pace, quickly catching up to Jack in front of me. We walked to the gate, stepping out of Gordom's territory side by side. Just when I was going outside of the border, the guardsmen stopped me, "Wait, what's there under your shawl? You are not stealing anything, are you? Take it off."

Hearing that, Jack burst out laughing for the second time, wiping the tears on his eyes without any intention of helping me with this situation. I sighed, "You sure you really want to see it?" They nodded, so I pulled the shawl, showing them what's hidden under, "Can I go now?"

"Y-yes, of course."

I stomped out of the gate, annoyed as it felt like I've been putting on a show with my buŧŧ. It was such a relief that I have a toned buŧŧ, at least that meant I've shown them something good. I smirked, realizing that the people of Gordom have been blessed by my sėxy ȧss. Kiel has to thank me for this.

I walked towards the forest and shifted into a werewolf after confirming that no one was around. Jack, who has been laughing ceaselessly due to my buŧŧ, finally died down his laughter and return to his normal deadpanned expression. It's about the damn time we focus on our mission.

We both ran in all four, running towards the place where the rogues were hiding. It has been a few months since they started attacking us, causing great loss and grief. Now was the time to end them, to show them what will happen when they dare to mess with us. I wonder what will happen to the rogues' leader. Knowing Luke, he won't kill him right away, but he will slowly torture him to death. No wonder he got along well with the Vampire King, they are both crazy.

[Man, I will also be so damn mad if I found out that my Lisa has been kidnapped by some smelly ȧss men]

[You do know that won't ever happen to her, right? I bet she will turn the odds and will be the one kidnapping them instead]

I laughed after I heard his answer because it was absolutely true. I have found myself a kick-ass woman as my mate. I didn't even need to go around protecting her from shits as she could do that herself. Though I'm proud of my tough mate, I wanted a chance to show her how manly I could be by acting like her knight in shining armor. Well, there goes my dream.

[Yeah, I know. That's why I'm imagining it, you dumbass]

[I wish I have the luxury to do that too] he let out a heavy sigh, it was clear that he was thinking about his dead mate again.

I still remember it as clear as day, he was yet to be the Gamma and was going on a mission in the neighboring pack when he first found his mate laying on her deathbed. It was the first time they met each other and yet they were only given a few minutes to spend together. The girl was born weak, having a few illnesses that were passed down from her family which she could no longer bear when she turned sixteen. The first and last words he could ever say to her were the few words of endearment—I love you, and all he could ever receive from her was a weak smile before she was gone forever.

He spent months and months mourning and resenting the Moon Goddess for giving him such a fate. He was going insane, his health deteriorating day after day as if he wanted to follow her to the afterlife—to spend more time with her. It was when he met Luke, that he finally returned to his sane mind. Luke made him promise, that he will not end his life and work alongside him as his Gamma. He then kept himself busy by doing the pack's works and it went on until this very day. It has been a full seven years since then.

The run then turned quiet, so quiet that the silence was suffocating me. I endured the suffocating silence until we arrived at our destination, only breaking it after I sent a mind-link to the warriors to confirm their location.

[Are you guys here?]

[We have been here since an hour ago, everything is ready] my question was soon answered with their enthusiastic voice. They sounded very eager to kill, and I was more than happy to hear that.

I was back in my human form and was hiding behind a big tree, a good amount of distance from the promised place, though not too far away while the warriors were standing further away to not be noticed by the rogues. The rogues were gathered in the open area, waiting for the appearance of our Alpha with a smile splattered on their faces. Unfortunately, they won't be able to meet him and will only meet death. I will be more than glad to act as their grim reaper.

I nodded at Jack, a sign where I allowed him to join the others while I will be stepping out of the trees to meet our beloved rogues. Just when I was going to step out of the shadow, a voice was heard. It seems that they have finally noticed my presence, took them long enough.

"About time you come out, don't you think?"

I let out a loud, hearty laugh as I walked closer to them, "Aw, man. I was hoping for a little game of hide and seek. How you disappoint me, Leonard."

As I was hiding behind the tree, I finally found out who was the man behind the letter. It was Leonard, the former member of our pack. He was banished from the pack due to the crime he committed with his mate, and now must be the time he seeks for his revenge.

"I suppose your mighty Alpha is afraid of being killed and send you here instead," he guffawed, and the other rogues followed like little ducklings quacking behind him.

"You think so?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of my nose, also scrunching my face, "Don't you think it's because this place is just too smelly and lousy for him to be in?"

"Don't be so ċȯċky, Andrew," he glowered, "Did you forget that your Luna is in my hands? I can kill her anytime with just a flick of my finger."

"Really?" I gasped, giving him an exaggerated reaction, "Did you know that I could do just the same to you too? I mean, killing you with a flick of my finger will be as easy as stealing candy from a baby."

The ducklings behind him growled, agitated, and threatened by my words. I could see Leonard's mouth twitched in annoyance as he ordered the woman beside him, "Vale, bring me the girl. I will kill her right here, right now."

I put a hand over my lips, trying to stifle my laughter but ended up bursting out as I could no longer hold them back, "Bring her from where? Because—you know, the last time I checked, she was not here... anymore," I uttered in between my laughter before another wave of laughter escaped my mouth as I took in the looks on their silly faces.

"You are pretty funny, Andrew," he mocked, though he didn't sound as confident as he tried to sound, "She is—"

"Yeah, I know," I cut him off, still laughing, "I'm the perfect man every woman dreamed of, don't you think?"

The man had his body shaking, not out of fear, but out of anger. It seemed like my lovable laughter has angered him and his little ducklings, "Brave of you to come here alone. I will let you regret taking such a stupid decision."

"Oh, bold of you to ȧssume I was alone," I jeered before raising my hand, giving a signal to the warriors to begin the action. Wouldn't want to keep my men waiting for long, right?

Right after I had my hand up in the air, numerous arrows were sent to the rogues, piercing right through their bodies with a little addition of flames coming along with the swarming arrows. The flames soon devoured their bodies, blazing so furiously as if they were hungry for it. Now, the dead mountain was no longer dead, as it was now lit with the fiery fire, emitting a blazing yellowish light within. Instead, the rogues were the ones who are dead, leaving only a bewildered Leonard untouched by the fire arrows.

"Well... surprise! Look who is alone now."

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