Weber Head Office, inside the Chairman’s Office.

“Cao Dong, the water army has been arranged.”

“I can ask who He Hao is, why we limit the popularity of his video, and help him with water.”

“Shouldn’t we leave this kind of thing alone, even if we do it, we will smear him.”

A beautiful woman in a lobe costume asked puzzled.

The man sitting on the office chair responded faintly: “Just do your job, don’t ask.” ”

The lo beauty quickly nodded, retreated, and left the office?

And the office man looked at the computer and muttered after she went out.

“I dare to let him black spot on the hot search, tomorrow my chairman position may be gone.”


In the field outside the mushroom house, all the people who work are concentrated on one kind of work.

Wang Yulun held a pineapple in the basket, panting and said: “Teacher Pengpeng, ask you a question, do you envy or not a big guy?” ”

His title as a Pengpeng teacher caused a discussion in the live broadcast room.

You know, Peng Peng is a few years younger than him and debuted five years later.

Peng Peng nodded heavily.

“Brother, of course I envy, I also want to be so comfortable.”

This made Zi Feng on the side pout: “Brother, there is everything in my dreams.” ”

Peng Peng: …

Heart-piercing, good villains have also played brothers and sisters together.

Do you need this?


Suddenly, the music sounded.

They all looked up to see where the sound was coming from.

Stayed directly after seeing clearly.

The photographer quickly turned the lens to the sky.

I saw a bird with small sunglasses in his eye, a small gold chain around his neck, and a cigarette in his beak, looking like a parrot, flying quickly in the sky.

“Is this shyness?”

“Am I leaning on, is it so messy?”

“Eyes with sunglasses, gold chains, cigarettes in the mouth, appearance with BGM, my obedience.”

“No wonder, in the beginning, what it said BGM.”

“No wonder to me.”

The cameraman quickly zoomed in, so that the audience could see very clearly, and directly stayed.

Wang Zhilun exclaimed: “Lying groove!!! Am I right? ”

Zi Feng put his hands in his mouth and shouted: “Shu, is that you, Shuo?” ”

What is in the sky is stunning.

It also heard Zi Feng’s shout, the bird’s beak opened, and a cigarette fell out of its mouth.

At the same time, scare a downward dive.

“That’s right, it’s me, the myth of the bird world is stunned, don’t say it, brother is going to pretend to b.”

He responded with a cigarette in his mouth, and flew directly to the mountains and forests in front.

Then it swoops down a little, and the next person can clearly see what it looks like at this time

Wang Yulun looked shocked: “Lying groove, three sets of B are equipped as standard, this is also too coquettish, right?” ”

Peng Peng froze for a moment: “Obedient, a bird will also make a fuss.” ”

Zi Feng was different from them, but his eyes were shining: “Wow, I’m stunned.” ”

The few people here want to say that the most familiar is undoubtedly He Dan

Looking at the stunned appearance, the corner of He Dan’s mouth twitched fiercely.

Yes, it seems to be liberated.

Now there’s another fussy guy.

It came and went quickly, and disappeared in their eyes all at once.

And they can only continue to work.

Half an hour later, little has changed.

The work of the work, the tinkering of the kitchen.

The only change is that He Hao, who may have sat for a long time and did not play games again, but went to a hammock to sleep.

A group of people who are working have already worked on a hundred pineapples

After all, pineapple is not difficult to pick, a knife is cut, the trouble is to carry to the mushroom house.

Seven people, more than a hundred in half an hour, in fact, it is a lot.

He Dan wiped a handful of sweat and looked at a bunch of young people: “After this round, how about we go back to drink water and rest?” ”

Several young people quickly nodded.

They have long wanted to do this, sweating for so long, and their mouths are a little dry.

It’s just that Teacher He, a senior, doesn’t say it, and I’m embarrassed to go with it.

“Help! Help me! ”

Suddenly, a voice for help sounded.

Probably because of the distance, the sound is not loud.

They didn’t listen very well.

“It’s shyness, it’s shyness, it’s calling for help, it’s in danger.”

Zi Feng directly recognized this voice and looked up anxiously.

Others reacted quickly and looked around.

In the sky, three larger and larger black dots appeared.

“Where is it?”

The sharp-eyed Peng Peng was the first to see it, pointing to the sky and shouting.

Song Weilong also saw it, and asked suspiciously: “What is its situation, and what is followed behind?” ”

Wang Sulun: “I don’t know, I can’t see clearly.” ”

“Shout, stunned, here, here.”

Zi Feng raised his hands and shouted loudly.

Because it was too far away, they couldn’t see what was going on.

And what can be seen clearly is only the audience in the live broadcast room at this time.

Because the cameraman, zoom in to the other side.

But the audience laughed.

“Oh, I’ll go. Where did you just look like a cow? ”

“The B three-piece set is gone, what did you go through?”

“This is the most bullish B, the most vicious.”

Because this time is completely different from half an hour ago.

The original pair of sunglasses, only half of the lenses remained, the other half was still broken, and the gold chain around the neck was gone.

The beak was not smoking a cigarette, and the feathers on its body were very messy.

And there are two birds chasing it behind it.

And Tian Yi also saw Zi Feng, quickly down, and shouted in panic

“Sister save me, sister save me.”

And the two birds behind it also dived down at the same time.

They all had murderous eyes and looked like they had to be killed.

At this time, the people below can also see what is going on.

Peng Peng reacted very quickly, picked up the stones from the ground, watched them approach, and threw them directly.

“Pengpeng, are you going to smash me to death?”

Shudge the stone in a hurry.

The two birds behind did not have to dodge at all and quickly approached Qiao, and their sharp claws reached towards Qiao.

This scene directly frightened the people below.

“Roar, roar~”

Watch them rush over and yell a few times.

The two birds paused suddenly.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly flew away and rushed towards Zi Feng.

After a while, it rushed into Zi Feng’s arms.

And the two birds in the sky saw the humans below, did not dare to go down, turned around and flew into the sky.

But it did not leave, but hovered in the sky.

“You two smelly brothers, you have the ability to single out labor and management! Two fight one, what kind of hero is a good bird? ”

He tugged at his throat and shouted at them.



Wow, wow.

And the birds in the sky kept calling, as if to say

Dog day, bring me up.

Heads-up, we can beat you together, why should we single out.

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