“I’m not angry like this, and the relationship between these two is too good, right?”

“I was surprised that the two talked like old friends for years.”

“It’s not too surprising! Didn’t the big guy say yesterday that the game friends they knew in the game were more sincere than most real friends. ”

My gaming friends and I are like this, and now we eat skewers a lot, and our relationship is stronger than that of brothers. ”

“But it’s also too good, it doesn’t matter if you curse each other to death.”

“That’s right, and this is in the show, it doesn’t matter usually.”

“The most important thing is that the two are old, and their identities are too different, right?”

“Ahem, I find something wrong? The two communicate with each other, isn’t Zhou Dong going to be called Uncle He Dan? ”

“Upstairs, just you show.”

The audience looked at the two in surprise, not knowing that the relationship between game friends was very pure.

But that also has to be established at the same age and status, otherwise it will be difficult for the two to become good friends.

Because of the influence of the vision of the two sides, it is destined to be unable to communicate.

And the two of them, one has reached four, one has not yet run three, one is the king of the entertainment industry, and the other is just a newcomer who has just debuted to participate in the show through the back door.

These 630, regardless of age, are not a place with poor status.

This is actually chatty, without the slightest generation gap?

“I won’t tell you more, I’ll order food,”

Zhou Dong didn’t want to talk to him on this topic,

I know this guy too well, go on, and affirm myself at a loss.

He Hao leaned on the table: “Okay!” Say what you want to eat, and our chef Huang will make it for you. ”

Huang Lei smiled, still willing to this.

Zhou Dong: “No, no, you have to cook this meal, I heard that your cooking is delicious.” ”

Hearing that He Hao was allowed to cook, Huang Lei and He Dan’s eyes lit up.

He Hao responded with a smile: “You think too much, it’s impossible for me to cook, at most I personally cut two pineapples for you to eat.” ”


Hearing this answer, Huang Lei and He Dan were not surprised at all.

However, the two were also afraid that he would annoy Zhou Dong, and stepped forward to persuade.

He Dan pushed him: “Or you can do it, you see Zhou Dong running all the way over!” ”

Huang Lei nodded: “That’s right!” And you and Zhou Dong are still friends, this big come all the way, let’s make a meal! ”

“Non-existent.” He Hao didn’t want to reply.

Cooking (bhaf) This is the bottom line, but there is no negotiation.

At this time, Zhou Dong spoke: “Being a man can’t talk without counting, but you said let me taste your craft.” ”


He Hao was stunned for a moment: “When did I agree?” ”

At the same time, my mind quickly recalled.

Zhou Dong smiled and spoke: “You forgot, three years ago, you asked me to help you get the five kills.” ”

Three years ago?

Five kills?

He Hao finally had a little memory, and his face became unhappy: “You mean to say this, but what about the five kills?” ”

Zhou Dong said proudly: “I took it!” And me? ”

“I have created opportunities for you, who told you to have low output.”

My output is low???

He Hao’s face darkened, and he was clear about this, at that time, the five people full of blood were all output by themselves to load a stone person, and then slapped down, all of them were left with blood skin, W flat A harvest.

As a result, he, the sword saint, and one alpha were all killed.

Moreover, that wave of sword saints took five kills, a total of six hundred damage, and the stone people were five thousand +

This calls me low output?

“Roll the calf, order quickly, there is no way to cook.”

The more he thought about it, the more infuriating He Hao felt.

He did this to make everyone who played the game curious, what is going on.

Although I heard Zhou Dong take it,

Zhou Dong said with a smile: “Just kidding, the dishes you make, I’m still afraid of being poisoned.” ”

For what He Hao cooks, he doesn’t believe that it is delicious.

A young man in his twenties, still salted fish at home, what can he make delicious.

On the contrary, when He Hao heard this, he gritted his teeth angrily and said: “I made a note, you are forced to order quickly.” ”

In the future, if you open the black and let you have a head, I am a dog.

It was the first time that everyone saw that he was stunned except He Dan, and they all laughed about it.

Finally came a nemesis, Kekta.

Listening to his angry gritted teeth, Zhou Dong was happy, and responded without panic: “Write it down or not.” ”

“A la carte.”

“Okay, I will order, mix shredded chicken, stir-bellied shredded, assorted tofu, assorted diced, bad duck, bad crab, bad fish, bad fish fillet, boiled crab meat, stir-fried crab meat, clear crab meat, steamed pumpkin, stuffed bogus, fried loofah, stuffed winter melon, stewed chicken palms…”

“Stop, stop.”

He Hao didn’t wait for him to finish, and directly interrupted him: “How much can you eat so much?” ”

Zhou Dong: “If you can’t eat, give it to the fans, your crew should have my fans.” ”

He Hao: ………

You are not talking nonsense, the national average of ten people is one of your powder.

It should also.

Okay, I eat and don’t do it anyway, it doesn’t matter.

“Okay, finish the rest of your words, and write it all down for you.”

He Hao replied, the pen he held in his hand quickly wrote on the paper.

And the faces of several people behind him were directly black.

This dish is going to be dead, right?

How much is this alive, and am I still alive today?

Season 4, my life is still there?


Wrote it down?

Zhou Dong was stunned: “You wrote it down just now?” ”

He Hao quickly wrote and replied: “Must, what a simple thing.” ”


Zhou Dong didn’t believe this: “Come on, you repeat the name of the dish to me.” ”

Don’t talk about him, others don’t believe it, this is said more quickly, listen to it once and write it down.

This memory is a little too scary.

He Hao put down the pen in his hand and said softly: “No need, I have already written it, you can ask the people behind me to talk to you, see if there is a mistake!” ”



Everyone was shocked, and they thought it would be awesome to write it down before, and they actually wrote it all.

The cameraman reacted quickly, directly moving the camera to the paper in He Hao’s hand, and presenting the words inside to the audience.

Huang Lei went directly up and re-read it…

“Is this the memory of the gods?”

“How many years of hand speed has this single, so quickly all written.”

“Demon, don’t say write it, I can’t remember it.”


“Big guy, this god of learning, it’s really not called for nothing!”

After Zhou Dong listened, he looked at the name of the dish in the other mobile phone in his hand and froze directly.

If I can do this, the concert will forget the words?

Among the singers who can forget the most words in the country, he can definitely rank in the top five.

A concert, interviewed by reporters.

Zhou Dong was full of confidence and said that he memorized them all and would never forget the words.

As a result, only one concert came down, and only one song was complete…

It is estimated that there is no singer, and he forgot his words at the concert. _

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