After listening to what He Hao said, Zhou Dong looked at him quietly: “Do you think I look like this?” ”

This made He Hao feel bored, and looked at Huang Lei next to him: “Uncle Huang, it’s time for you to perform again.” ”

Director Yan had a dark face: “Don’t pit me like me, you don’t have to work today.” ”


Except for Huang Lei and He Dan, the rest were stunned for a moment.

There are still times when you don’t need to work?

At this time, Yan Dao spoke again: “Today is the local traditional festival Songkran. ”

When he said this, others understood in an instant.

Zhou Dong smiled and said, “It seems that I came at the right time!” ”

Others also came to the interest, Songkran such a day, the country only has activities.

It’s a pity to come here and not get involved.

He Hao suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to look at Huang Lei: “Yesterday you bet a thousand yuan, just to prepare for today, right?” ”

Huang Lei smiled and said nothing.

At this time, a bird and a child came over this side together.

“Boss, boss, I want to play too, I want to play too.”

“Oh… What is Songkran? ”

Zhou Dong held his girlfriend and explained to her gently.

But such a young child, even if he listened to him, he didn’t understand what he meant, but he knew that it must be fun.

“Tang, I want to play too, I want to play too.”

This made Zhou Dong a little difficult, children are easy to catch a cold when exposed to cold water.

And Songkran must be a large group of people, very loose to be stepped on, if there is any disease, it will also be cross-infected.

An adult himself is immune enough, but it is difficult for children to say.

He Dan saw that he was in trouble, smiled and said: “Don’t worry!” At that time, Teacher Huang and I will just hold her the whole time. ”

The group also did not ink, went to change clothes and get equipment.

These things were prepared for them by the director team.

Of course, the money came from the thousand yuan that Huang Li won yesterday.


At this time, a strange thing happened in the live broadcast.

The barrage of spraying He Hao was a full ninety-nine percent less than before, and almost no spray was seen.

This situation puzzled the audience.

“Strange, what about trolls? Where did it all run .? ”

“I’m also curious, why is there suddenly no one of the big guys?”

“I don’t understand, should I run away?”

“I don’t know, suddenly it’s all gone, I’m confused.”

And at this time, the bosses of the trolls are sending a message to their employers.

“Boss, we didn’t do this order, the money has been returned to you.”

Basically every troll’s leader tells his employer so.

The employer who received the message was stunned and asked why they suddenly didn’t do it.

The bosses of the trolls, reply directly to him with a message.

Our trolls also have a bottom line, don’t get their own people, our seniors, so this single is not accepted.


This made the employers of the mercenary army Hei He Hao directly stupid.

You’re a troll, and you’re so bottom-up

And Hei He Hao’s stars also got this from the assistant.

Knowing this made them startled.

The trolls have always been asked to smear competitors at any disadvantage, but now they have failed.

And it is still a failure at the hands of a new person.

A villa in the capital, a very demon little fresh meat was surprised: “The water army actually failed.” ”

Now next to him was his assistant, nodding at him: “Are we going to continue?” ”

Xiao Xianrou sneered: “The hot search in the past few days has cost me millions more, and I can’t even enter the top ten, how can this be calculated.” ”

Assistant: “But He Dan is not easy to mess with.” ”

Xiao Xianrou pouted: “I won’t be stupid to do this matter of He Dan’s anger.” ”

Assistant: “That is?” ”

“There will always be someone who will jump out, let’s wait and see, when the time comes, just rub the heat and make a wave of powder.”

“Honey, you’re so smart.”

“Of course, come on, I’ll make you smarter.”

“It’s daylight…”

“It’s good during the day.”

Not only him, but also many small fresh meat also said to the assistant.


At this time, in the mushroom house, everyone had changed their clothes, wearing a set of traditional clothes of local ethnic groups, and holding a large water gun.

Peng Peng pointed the water gun at Ren Jaren: “Don’t move, raise your hand.” ”

Rengalen smiled and raised his gun at him.

Others are looking left and right at the water gun, or posing for a picture.

There is only one exception, that is, He Hao, who is running under the faucet to fill the water gun with water at this time.

And this scene is only seen by the cameramen and viewers who followed him.

Seeing this scene made the audience rise an idea.

“I’ll go, shouldn’t the big guy be playing?”

“I can see other people’s water guns, they haven’t filled water yet…”

“How insidious! Straight to the start. ”

“Hehe, but I like it, I like this kind of nonsense.”

A few people who took pictures near the gazebo and made trouble, at this time found that there were fewer people.

Peng Peng looked around and said curiously: “Strange, where did Brother Hao go?” ”

Huang Lei smiled and said, “Say I went to the bathroom.” ”

He Dan picked up his mobile phone and said to Peng Peng: “Leave him alone, come to a handsome pose, I’ll take a picture of you.” ”


Just as he was taking a picture of Peng Peng, He Hao came out of the house with a water gun in his hand.

“Oh, you’re taking pictures!”

He Hao looked at everyone with a smile.

“Yes! Come and come, uncle will also take a picture of you. ”

Seeing him come out, He Dan beckoned.

“Brother Hao, I’ll take a picture with you, take a picture of the opposite, and then we’ll turn the water gun into a real guy.”

Peng Peng took the water gun and walked over to He Hao with great interest.

He Hao looked left and right, took out Zhao from his arms, and said with a smile: “Let me take a picture of everyone!” ”

“Okay! Your boy’s photography skills are very good. ”

“Yes, come and take a picture.”

“Coming, coming.”

The crowd began to gather around and form two rows.

The short one and the girl squatted on the ground, and the tall one stood behind.

This makes the audience a little anxious.

“Don’t go! Big guy, this is to fix your good. ”

“The big guy is too insidious, and when he came out, he wiped the water outside the water gun clean.”

“It’s over, it’s over, my sister is going to give a shot to the rhythm.”

“Song Rong, this is going to shoot all over the face, and the big guy is too yin.”

“Upstairs, this car is powerful!”

“Why did you suddenly start the car, what are you all thinking?”

“I didn’t think about anything, shoot my sister with a water gun, what’s wrong with this?”

“That is, shoot Song Rong in the face with a water gun, what’s wrong with this?” _

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