Think of a good paragraph?

This made Zhou Dong stop, but the anger did not subside, and he sneered and said: “Then I have to see, if you are not satisfied, you wait for the head to burst me.” ”

When the words fell, he walked over to He Hao.

At the same time, at this time, he sighed inwardly.

Dog, you disappointed me so much!

For the paragraph He Hao said next, Zhou Dong had no hope.

People who have so much time to sleep again can create good lyrics no matter how much they can.

He said this as the last bit of friendship between friends.

Don’t embarrass the other person so much.

Huang Lei and He Dan were directly stunned, and wanted to ask He Hao to apologize again, but after seeing Zhou Dong’s appearance, they stopped~.

Stinky boy, stinky boy.

How to say hello, usually monkey essence monkey essence.

Why is this stupid at this time.

Forget it, forget it, maybe you shouldn’t have been in this circle in the first place.

As for whether He Hao can write the lyrics that satisfy Zhou Dong.

The two felt that it was impossible, if He Hao did not sleep, it was still possible, but this look, there was no possibility at all.

“I’m so disappointed in the big guy.”

“I’m also disappointed, how is it like a sand sculpture, a dead duck has a hard mouth.”

“Hehe, this is all asleep, what good lyrics can be made.”

“Meditation is really ridiculous when everyone is stupid.”

“It is.”

“This lyric can be good, I dried all the things in my thatched house.”

“I’ll let the horn fan in fifth gear turn the little brother.”

The audience all mocked, very dissatisfied with He Hao’s sleep, thinking that he was too irresponsible.

At this time, Zhou Dong had already picked up the paper and looked at it, and his face did not trust He Hao’s creation.

He Hao held his head and instructed: “Remember to sing it in hip-hop.” ”

Zhou Dong shook his head and looked up, his brows wrinkled slightly at the first glance.

This expression made the audience sneer.


And at this very time.

Zhou Dong glanced at it for the second time, his eyes widened, and he subconsciously looked at He Hao.

He Hao made a hip-hop gesture, pointed his finger, and swiped.

What are you waiting for?

And this action made others stunned, especially those fans of Zhou Dong.

“What the hell, isn’t Zhou Dong dissatisfied?”

“It seems that I want him to come to the meaning, and Zhou Dong’s expression…”

“Isn’t that really going to happen?”

“Does the real horse have the trick of meditation?”

But in the next second, they were already sure.

Because Zhou Dong made a hip-hop gesture, his head kept nodding, and a beautiful singing voice flew out of his mouth.

“To the world

If you have too many complaints

If you fall, you don’t dare to continue walking

Why should people be so fragile and degenerate? ”

After he finished singing, He Hao chuckled: “Is it in line with your heart?” ”

Zhou Dong nodded heavily, and responded with joy on his face: “He, Taihe, it’s just a general one made for me, although I can only listen to the beginning, but I think you won’t disappoint.” ”

He Hao smiled, and then said: “Do you believe me meditating now?” ”

Zhou Dong had the truth of disbelief, and gave a thumbs up in response: “I believe it, I don’t care if others believe it or not, anyway, I believe it.” ”

“I’m thirsty, you know.”

He Hao smiled and spoke.


Zhou Dong wanted to say something, but thinking that it seemed that he was wrong just now, he didn’t believe him, stopped the words, and said with a smile: “Okay, I’ll call you now.” ”

Others looked at the back of Zhou Dong to fetch water, looked back at He Hao, and subconsciously gave a thumbs up.

The king of heaven helps fetch water, you cowhide.

Huang Lei and He Dan both looked at each other, both smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the two glared at He Hao with tacit understanding.

Stinky boy, you can do it, why do you still talk so much nonsense.

Want to scare us to death?

“I went to Nima, and it really satisfied Zhou Dong.”

“My good, the big guy is too perverted, this is really okay, is he really meditating just now.”

“The one just said, dry the inside of the hut at home.”

“Please come out and say, when to do it, I will prepare five dollars for you.”

“The little brother who said to open the fifth grade horn fan roll will also come out, when will he do it?”

“BNG: I can whitewash, meditation is really okay.”

“Damn, the big guy is too showy.”

The audience was shocked and looked at He Hao with wide eyes, a little doubting whether it was an illusion.

But the facts tell them that this is not an illusion, but a reality.

··· Ask for flowers…

Zhou Dong, who went to fetch water, picked up a cup of cold drink and said with a smile: “Come on, passion fruit water, the ice is just right.” ”

He Hao leaned on the chair, picked up the water and took a sip, and then smashed his mouth,


“Just good, just good.”

Zhou Dong rubbed his hands and laughed, and the whole person became a little humble.

In fact, he didn’t want to do this, completely because he didn’t believe him before, afraid that he would find an excuse because of this matter and directly pick up the burden and stop working.

Knowing He Haona’s character, Zhou Dong knew that this was entirely possible.

This guy is very doggy.

Looking at the humble appearance of the Heavenly King, everyone was stunned.


You are the king of heaven, the superstar Zhou Dong of the heavenly king.

Just now you said to blow his dog’s head up.

………. 0

How is this humble.

Even if you don’t trust and cause a little problem, it’s a small problem.

No need to be humble, right?

Zhou Dong turned his head and said, “Teacher He, I can already see that you are very sleepy, so go to sleep!” ”

There was something before, he had already understood, and it was done in an hour and a half, which was completely He Hao’s nonsense.

In fact, it may not be used for half an hour.

He said that for so long, it was all because he wanted his own uncle to go to sleep so as to avoid the professor.

In order to rest early.

In order to see the birth of my song as soon as possible.

Zhou Dong said, He Dan, you will go and get today’s box lunch!


He Dan was stunned for a moment: “I’m not sleepy!” I’m going to wait for the end. ”

It’s not just him alone, but also Huang Lei, in order to be able to go to bed early, in order to be able to hear the perfect song, also said that let He Dan take today’s box lunch.

“Teacher He, you are sleepy, and very sleepy. Go to sleep! ”


He Dan was stunned, a little feeling wrong.

Are they targeting me?

After Huang Lei finished speaking, he gave a look to the other young people, and gestured while He Dan didn’t see it.

Go and let Teacher He go back to sleep.

A few young people, even Tan Songrong and Ren Jaren, who did not have much tacit understanding with Huang Lei, instantly understood what it meant.

They were a little confused about this.

I don’t quite understand why Huang Lei wants them to do this. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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