My Love Life with My Soft Girlfriend

Chapter 603: Join Tech Club

"Hello, senior."

"Hello, schoolgirl."

Ning Xi's sweet and touching smile fell in Yi Zhiqian's eyes, and she felt the taste in her heart.

As a girl, why was Ning Xi so beautiful?

How powerful are genes?

After the last meal, Yi Zhiqian learned that Ning Xi was the daughter of the richest man. As a native of Xia, she was no stranger to Ning Xiangtian, the richest man in Xia, but what puzzled her was that Ning Xiangtian did not look handsome. , how can there be such a beautiful daughter?

Not scientific! ! !

According to Ning Xi's instructions just now, Ye Fan didn't open his mouth. After nodding to Yi Zhiqian, he stopped.

"Sister, do you have anything to do with us?"


Yi Zhiqian suppressed her thoughts and went straight to the topic: "During the last meal, didn't the junior say to join the science and technology club? I see that you and the junior have not moved for a long time, so I came to ask, if you are now If you have time, you can come with me and fill out the application form for joining the group first."

Ning Xi raised her pretty face, and her crystal clear eyes were filled with inquiries.

Ye Fan looked indifferent, "The competition for the talent list will be fierce, are you sure you want to join the technology club?"

"Not quite sure."

Ning Xi stuck out her fragrant tongue, and lowered her head around the ends of her hair, "I just want to join the science and technology club and have a look, so I can experience the feeling of a university club."

"Didn't we already join the Go club?"

"That's different."

Meeting Ye Fan's puzzled eyes, Ning Xi explained softly: "Brother, there is nothing new in Go, and the name of the science and technology club is very cool. My sister also said that there are many great gods in the science and technology club. I can see the real Iron Man."

Ye Fan laughed and scratched on the girl's upturned nose, "Okay, if you want to join us, join us."

"Thank you brother, brother is the best!"

Facing Ning Xi's brother, Ye Fan didn't feel anything, but Yi Zhiqian, who was beside him, had a very strange expression, and thought to himself, "So Ye Fan likes cute and cute girls? It seems that I also Can."

never mind!

She doesn't have Ningxi's looks, Ningxi's temperament, and Ningxi's curves...

"Sister, senpai?"


The soft voice coming from her ears made Yi Zhiqian feel a little sour at the same time.

Why even the sound can be so good?

God is so unfair!

On weekdays, she didn't have a bad temper, but since she met Ning Xi, she found that she couldn't compare to Ning Xi in everything except her height!

As soon as this idea emerged, it quickly fermented in Yi Zhiqian's heart.


At least, she still has a height advantage!

"Have you discussed it?"

"All right."

Ning Xi nodded, "You can go to fill in the group application form now, please senior sister."

"No trouble."

Yi Zhiqian shook her head with a smile, stood by Ning Xi's side while speaking, looked at the girl whose head was half her head lower than her, and pointedly said, "Junior sister is really small and exquisite, so she can't be envied. "

Ning Xi's eyes drooped slightly, and he faltered: "Brother said that girls who are too tall can't find boyfriends easily, so I don't dare to grow up."

Lore! ! !

Ye Fan, who was watching the whole play, turned around silently when he saw Yi Zhiqian's wonderful expression, and shrugged his shoulders.

He never said these words, apparently this little thing made it up temporarily.

However, no matter how dark and heavy the pot his girl gave, he had to carry it!

Yi Zhiqian was silent for more than ten seconds, with an embarrassed smile on her face, "Junior, junior, just come to the sixth floor of the Science and Technology Club to find me."

After that, he picked up the umbrella on the ground and turned to leave, revealing a strong sense of depression in his back.

Ye Fan took Ning Xi's little hand and followed behind, joking: "Xiao Xi, when did I say those words?"


Ning Xi's cheeks were flushed, and Can Ruo Mingxia's eyes were slightly dodging, "'s not important."

Ye Fan's eyes are gentle and deep, and his words are quite emotional, "I think that Xiaoxi didn't even know how to lie. It's only been so long. I didn't expect to use the skill of lying so skillfully and powerfully! It's really amazing!"

Ning Xi's face was hot, and she said weakly, "Brother taught me well, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black."


In an instant, Ye Fan's expression froze.

have to.

Even small things have learned to slap people... tsk tsk!


door of Tech.

Ning Xi looked surprised, "Is the technology club so big?!"

The building in front of us has six floors, and there is a huge sign on the top floor with three large black characters printed on it.

Tech Club!

Not to mention Ning Xi, even Ye Fan was quite surprised when he saw this scene.

The venue of the Taekwondo Club is big enough, but it is nothing compared to the Science and Technology Club in front of me. Who would have thought that Qing University would give the Science and Technology Club a building as an activity base?


too exaggerated!

Walking into the building of the Science and Technology Agency, there are two elevators on the front.

Ye Fan took Ning Xi to the sixth floor by elevator, and immediately noticed the president's office not far to the left of the elevator.

It's not that the two have good eyes, but that the sign is too conspicuous.

In the office, Yi Zhiqian was sitting at the desk. When Ye Fan and Ning Xi came in, they pointed to the chair opposite, "There are no extra stools here, sorry."


Ye Fan asked Ning Xi to sit down, looked down at the application form on the table, and asked, "Sister, what do I need to do after joining the club?"

"It depends on the individual's opinion."

Yi Zhiqian got up and poured two glasses of water on the table, "If you don't have any ambitions and just want to get a title, you don't have to do anything. Our technology club has no daily activities, and the members are basically lone rangers. If you want to achieve some results , it has to rely on personal ability.”

"At Tsingtao University, our Academy of Science and Technology is the No. 1 club. The school provides a lot of resources, such as bonuses and rare materials for experiments, but these are all conditional. After filling out the form, I will send the club's The contribution system is for you."

Ye Fan didn't ask any more, and leaned over to look at Ning Xi who was filling out the form for him, "If you don't know anything, remember to ask me."

Ning Xi, who was filling out the form, stopped writing, her eyes were dazed, her lips and teeth were lightly opened: "Xiaoxi knows the information about my brother."

Ye Fan smiled comfortably and stroked the girl's blue silk with his big hand, "Little clever ghost."

The freshly baked dog food made Yi Zhiqian look stiff, she picked up the water cup and pretended to drink the water calmly.

Soon, two forms were filled out.

Yi Zhiqian put down the water glass, and after checking it, she forced a smile and said, "From now on, the juniors and juniors are members of the science and technology club. I hope you can achieve great achievements here."

While speaking, she opened the drawer and took out a folder and put it in front of Ning Xi, "This is the contribution system of our science and technology agency, you can take a look."

"Thank you, senpai."

Ning Xi picked up the folder and read it carefully.

Yi Zhiqian's eyes flashed, and she got up and walked around the desk to Ye Fan's side. There was a hint of bewitching in her voice, "Are you not interested in the class of the fourth-level academician of the Academy of Science and Technology?"

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