My Magic Has No Attack Power

Chapter 81: : Lumberjack

The zombie werewolf's brain was destroyed by Naka. Sure enough, it wilted without moving a few times, and fell to the ground and stopped moving.

During the period, there were many small zombie beasts running around, but those weak and brainless zombie beasts were really not a big threat, and they were easily solved by them.

Xiang En looked at his hands and found that there were no small wounds. He walked to the head of the werewolf's corpse and used a dagger to dig out the werewolf's intact eyeball.

This battle consumed four of his magic eye totems, and the previous inventory was also consumed on the way to the manor. Now there are only eight magic eye totems left.

Eye Totem's sustained recovery ability is better than that of other skills, and it is also an important item that allows him to maintain channeling.

He had tried to use the gray eyeballs of ordinary zombie beasts as a material before, but he failed, and the reason for the failure was unknown.

The eyeball of this zombie werewolf is more special than the eyeballs of other zombie beasts. Xiang En decided to use it to see if he could make a magic eye totem.

"Go and collect the corpses and throw them outside to burn later."

After putting the eyeballs in a small bag, Xiang En faced the corpses all over the floor, ready to pick up some firewood and burn them all.

Although Andrea and Naka have just ended a fierce battle, in the recovery of Xiang En's continuous spells, their physical and magical energy are still abundant, and they immediately began to act.

Xiang En was also idle by himself. He stopped his riding boots and searched for combustibles such as wood from the ruins of the house to use as fuel for the corpse.

In the process of picking up the body, an accident happened.

When Markey wanted to take Dobby's body to cremation, Dobby on the ground suddenly jumped up and knocked Markey, who was caught off guard, down.

Fortunately, Dobby, who had just completed the corpse transformation, didn't have much strength, and Markey reacted quickly and pushed Dobby away, and chopped off his head with a knife, so it didn't cause a tragedy.

"Hey..." Seeing Dobby who was still looking like before, Naka, who heard the sound, shook her head and sighed, feeling a little more despair about this world.

One by one, the corpses were moved out of the garden, and a hole was dug casually, and some shards of wood were thrown under it to cushion the back.

The remaining seven stood in front of the cremation pit, and Xiangen threw torches to light the bottom firewood.

They pretended to pray, and when the fire ignited and black smoke came out, the seven people hula and ran away.

In the time that followed, Xiang En had already figured out what to do.

He first asked Naka to take Maggie Duncan and the remaining warrior who did not deserve a name to chop down trees, and then let the riding boots clean up the debris that fell in the basement.

Xiang En himself took Andrea to look for the seeds hidden by Naka in the wreckage of the house and collect some useful things by the way.

Andrea's room and the main rooms in the house were all devastated by giant beasts. They found a lot of clothes in the ruins, shook off the dust, and they can still wear them after washing them...

There are also some commemorative items that have been picked out, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

The good house was destroyed for no reason like this, and now they are really fragile!

If Xiang En was a great magician, he would stand directly in front of the beasts, and a meteorite would smash those ghosts into screaming, but unfortunately there was no such thing.

The process of picking items was quite long, and they didn't stop until noon.

A pot is used to boil water, and the well in the backyard has not been damaged. This is the only part of the entire manor that is still intact.

The slightly turbid well water was purified by the Unscaled Spring technology before being poured into the pot, and many corn kernels were also added to the pot, which was one of the grains found in the basement.

In this magical world, having a crop like corn makes Xiangen feel very reasonable...

Because the coarse corn kernels are troublesome to process, and eating raw and stinging their throats, they were not taken away by Dunier and the others.

During the process of cooking the corn, Xiang En instructed Naka and the others to peel and remove the branches from the cut trees, and throw them on the grass to expose them to the sun. When the water dries out, these woods are good building materials and totem carriers.

Using the chopped branches, Xiang En completed the engraving of the magic eye totem, and finally inserted the werewolf's eyeball into the wooden thorn at the top.

The magic power flashed away on the totem, and the totem gradually converged, as if it had become an ordinary wooden stick again.

But Xiang En knew that this totem was successful. The eyeballs of the zombie werewolf not only met the material standards of the magic eye totem, but also exceeded it.

He looked at the magic eye totem in his hand, especially the green eyeball at the top.

This magic eye totem that uses zombie werewolf eyeballs as a material is more effective than the magic eye totem that uses ordinary beast eyeballs as a material in the induction of grace.

And there are a lot of additional increases. According to the results of mental power exploration and comparison of ordinary magic eye totems, the effect of this magic eye totem made with zombie werewolf eyeballs has increased by about 50%.

It should be considered that 1.5% of his magic power is extracted as the amount of recovery per second, and the overall recovery ability is increased to 150%. Whether it is for him or others, such a terrifying recovery speed will be a powerful boost in battle.

After studying the magic eye totem, Xiang En began to think about how to make a large forbidden vine totem.

The taboo vine totem is an important guarantee for defending against ground attacks. Whether or not the taboo vine totem is available is related to whether they can farm and live safely!

The totem of the large forbidden vine needs a very large amount of, but it can also be made by splicing multiple pieces of wood together.

The difficulty of carving raw wood is higher than that of dry wood, and the difficulty of splicing and carving is more difficult than carving from a piece of wood, so he plans to dry the wood for a few days before using it.

Before that, Xiang En was also going to make some horses and put them on the periphery of the manor to stop small and medium-sized zombie beasts from attacking.

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Not only that, but they have to make a lot of traps to surround the entire manor!

The manor of Andrea's family is really big. The garden in the front yard and the back yard combined are bigger than a standard football field. In terms of acres, there must be 11 or 2 acres of land.

Except for the house and the courtyard for afternoon tea in the backyard, most of the rest are grass flowerbeds, and a lot of green plants fill the manor.

Such a large grassland is deserted, it is really a waste not to plant anything, a huge waste!

They have a lot of crops that can be planted, such as corn and wheat, as well as some strange seeds that Naka hides, and they don't know what to plant.

The garden in the front yard is used for farming, and the backyard is temporarily vacant, which can be used as a training ground and also as a spare farmland.

If outsiders come here in the future, if there is not enough food, we can continue to cultivate.

After completing the planning in my head, the corn in the pot is also boiled, and it tastes quite sweet. It is served with bread, and this is the way to deal with lunch.

Naka and the others still devoured their food and loved bread and corn.

They knew every day before that they would vomit when they eat toasted bread. There is no harm if there is no comparison!

Chapter 81: The Lumberjack

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