<Episode 120> Nursery

A small bed, a chest of drawers on wheels was pushed into the space next to it. Thanks to the pre-measured measurements, the size was correct. When I got into the gap just right, I felt better.

When I finally lifted my back, Si-eun wiped the sweat from my forehead with a wet tissue.

“great job. Really, I am so happy to have a good husband.”

“What do you have with this?”

I smiled softly and accepted Si-eun’s hand.

With this, decorating the nursery for Sarang is finished.

“It’s a girl.”

At the regular checkup last month, the doctor checked the ultrasound and said this.

I vaguely guessed. I also found a way to check it on the internet. Most of all, the doctor told me that she was a ‘pretty princess’ and hinted at me.

However, once it was confirmed, the feeling was different.

daughter She must be very pretty, resembling Si-eun. Just imagining it makes my mouth droop. It seemed that the expression “daughter babo” was not for nothing.

“Because the baby may come early. Avoid excessive activities, and pack a maternity bag with various items. If you come into labor, please wait so you can come to the hospital anytime.”

The doctor added this explanation.

At the thought that childbirth was really imminent, my heart suddenly swelled.

A few weeks before the due date, some changes came to Si-eun.

There were a lot of times when I felt short of breath. He said that he had lost his appetite and could only eat 1.5 servings per meal. It was also said that it became a little difficult to move the body while lying down.

The doctor said it was just a symptom of the last stages of pregnancy, but it seemed to be getting weaker anyway.

Si-eun couldn’t refuse my offer to take care of the housework.

Laundry and cleaning were all my responsibility. On the way home from work, I started shopping. There was nothing I could do about cooking, so I asked him to make a simple menu.

The day I met Sarang was approaching.

Preparations to welcome the new family had to be completed quickly.

Decorating the nursery today was the last step.

“But really.”

He sat down on the floor and opened his mouth.

“I was equipped with a lot of things.”

“I know.”

Si-eun, who was sitting on the big bed, quietly agreed.

Look around.

The bed in which we will lie in the crib. Mobiles hanging from the ceiling and scattered cushions. A chest of drawers with all kinds of baby products, from diapers, thermometers, formula and baby bottles. There is also a large sticker on the wall.

I had all the things I needed from left to right. I bought furniture with blunt corners. The wallpaper was determined by reading the ingredients of the dye. To get rid of the smell of new furniture, ventilation was not left out.

He raised his head and made eye contact with Si-eun.

“Are they all going to write?”

“Well. It is said that babies grow taller. Could it be that I can’t use them all?”

“I will. Do I have to throw it all away if it is left over or not used?”

“no. You don’t have to.”


Si-eun frowned at my question.

“You can make a second one right away and solve it.”

“… … uhm.”

I do all these things while trying to get pregnant. In any case, the affection for the child was great Si-eun.

But well.

“Honey, after love gives birth, shouldn’t we go back to school? You can’t postpone it forever.”

It was a natural issue. Even if it takes a few months or a year or two to take a leave of absence to take care of children. If you have a second child, things get bigger. There is also a limit on the total length of leave of absence.

After listening to my long concerns, Si-eun showed a small smile.

“It was a joke. After love is born, you should go back to school. … … together with the girl.”

I smiled at this.

“You don’t even have to do it for me.”

“What are you talking about? If I’m not going with my honey, I won’t go to school.”

“What if the person who was the student council president said something like that?”

When I burst out laughing, Si-eun also smiled.

Is there no reason to go to a school without me? The day will come when Si-eun, who was a model student herself, says something like this. The feeling is also new.

Si-eun still had a smile on her face.

“Anyway, that’s what I plan to do. Be careful after love gives birth.”

“I will probably be very careful. Unless the honey is squeamish.”

I replied without thinking, but Si-eun raised her eyebrows. It’s a very hot face.

“What to watch out for. Honey is perfect if you just go on the bed… … .”

Having said this, I stopped my lips with my fingers.

Why are you doing this? Si-eun’s eyes fell to the floor when she asked with a chin.

“… … love is listening I should refrain from talking like this.”

“… … That’s right.”

It was definitely a conversation that had no corner to help the child’s education.

It is better to change to a healthy topic. Perhaps he came to a conclusion similar to mine, Si-eun clapped her hands and brought up a new topic of discussion.

“Oh, I see, I just got a call.”

“To whom?”

“From Ina.”

If it’s Ina, are you talking about your friend’s girlfriend?

Since our double date earlier this year, I have been contacting me from time to time. Most of the time, they just said hello and hung up. Because no one has the guts to communicate privately with other women.

On the other hand, he seemed to be getting pretty close to Si-eun. It was about a few times that I witnessed frequent and deep contact.

Still, it doesn’t seem like there was a very important communication. asked timidly.

“What was the call?”

“The Inane couple.”


“They are getting married next spring.”

“uh? really?”

It was quite unexpected news. The tone went up due to some surprise. Irrespective of my appearance, Si-eun calmly continued her explanation.

“yes. It’s probably April. While preparing for the wedding, he said that if there is anything he does not know, I will ask him.”

“okay? That’s weird. Why didn’t you contact me?”

“I would have decided that even if I asked the honey, she wouldn’t know.”

It is a wise word.

I was surprised for a moment by the sudden news of the wedding, but it was predictable if I looked closely. Didn’t you two say that they would hold a ceremony right after graduation? Now was the time to start exploring many things.

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May I contact you later? I can’t help you prepare for the wedding, but I should congratulate you.

Anyway, I got married right after graduating from college.

“Wow, you’re getting married very early.”

Si-eun snorted as she shared her impressions with a sigh of admiration.

“Are you talking about honey?”

“Uh, uhm.”

A shy smile came out of its own accord.

We got married last winter, so if you talk to your friends, it’s just a year ahead. It was a little, no, too much to argue about seeing someone else and getting married early.

Si-eun slowly sweeps her bulging belly.

“There, we even have a child. What can you say about another couple going out?”

“right. You said you two had been dating since high school.”

“That too.”

Si-eun nodded slightly and agreed.

Haha, I wonder if we have the right to talk katabuta. I met Si-eun last spring, dated in the summer, got married in the winter, and got pregnant right away. No matter how many times I looked back, it was an incredible speed.

When measured with a couple of friends, the difference was even more pronounced.

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Married at 22 and father of children at 23. It’s never common.

The more you compare, the better it gets. He kept coughing, and one corner of his mouth went up endlessly. Si-eun was also smiling bitterly while fiddling with her charming points, whether there was much difference.

“Did we go too fast?”

When she looked at her face and asked, Si-eun answered while combing her hair with her fingers.

“It is, though. Wouldn’t that be a problem? It might be better to think of a child.”

“but. My former boss told me that. It is better to get married late, but it is better to raise children early. Otherwise, your body can’t stand it.”

I heard that the stress of the early days of parenting is indescribable. There was also an experience that it was common to cry every hour and ask for food.

Not only will your sleep patterns be disturbed, but you will also be mentally exhausted. This seems to get harder the older I get.

If the circumstances allow, and if only ignore the gaze of others. It would be better to have children early to make parenting easier.

He said with a stretch on.

“But, it doesn’t matter if you are early or late. In a little while, love would come.”

“I know. If you were going to think about it, you should have done it beforehand.”

Si-eun laughed softly. That’s right. Since you’ve come all the way here, you have no choice but to get through it well.

He nodded towards Si-eun.

“Because I finished decorating the nursery. Now all we have to do is wait for love to come out.”

“yes. Just wait until Sarang says she will come out.”

“Does the baby come out when he wants to come out?”

“That’s what I mean.”

Answer with narrowed eyes. Of course I was joking too.

Soon, Si-eun began to look around the entire nursery.

I followed and looked around the room. A room prepared for love. A space full of affection, full of all kinds of objects and decorations. A smile was naturally drawn on his face.

Si-eun’s gaze, who circled the room wide, finally returned to me.

“But that’s it.”

Si-eun tilted her head to see if something was suspicious.

“If we sleep together… … Do you need a nursery?”

“What does that mean?”

I can’t get the meaning. Si-eun held out her index finger as she tilted her head as if mimicking it.

“lets think. If the three of us sleep together, why do we need a nursery? Our room has a large bed, so we can sleep there.”

“is it?”


He cut it off and tapped the bed with his outstretched finger.

“After a while, we might be able to put only babies in this room. Until then, I might as well sleep with you. If even my sweetheart sleeps here… … .”

“… … no?”

Si-eun widened her eyes at the rather mean question. An urgent voice followed.

“Oh, no. It’s not that I don’t like it… … .”

But he hesitated, and he could hardly keep up.

I know it well. There is no reason why Si-eun hates sleeping with me.

Si-eun likes sleeping in my arms or holding my hand. Even these days when it’s hard to control my body, to the point where she always tries to keep me by her side.

Then the answer was simple.

“Are you sorry?”

“… … yes.”

Si-eun replied with a whisper.

I guess it was still

“I’m fine.”

“It’s okay. Honey, you have to take care of your body.”

Si-eun raised her eyebrows and looked straight at me. It sounded a bit squeamish.

“I heard that for a few dozen days after I was born, I kept getting up and crying. I could sleep at home just like the baby, but honey can’t even do that because she has to go to work.”

“I can eat lunch and get some sleep.”

“still… … .”

Si-eun bit her lower lip.

At the same time, there was a creaking noise from the bed.

I understood the meaning. Si-eun also seems to know everything that will happen in the early days of parenting. I don’t think I want to carry such hardships even for me, who is living in the company.

In fact, that is also correct. If you say that Si-eun is unavoidable because you have to breastfeed your baby. There is no reason for me to even be there.

Despite this, the reason why they insisted on going to bed together was very simple.

He got up from the floor and walked towards Si-eun. Si-eun’s eyes followed me, perhaps bewildered by the unexpected movement. Ignoring it neatly, he gently sat down on the bed.

Then, I placed my hand on Si-eun’s hand that was lying on the bed.

Si-eun’s eyes clouded as if she couldn’t change her mind.

I’ll say it softly.

“It’s our baby.”

“Is this my baby?”

Si-eun immediately asked.

“okay. He’s a baby born because I and Honey and I love each other. Even if I can’t help you. At least we want to go out together.”

“Because I love you… … .”

Si-eun muttered as if pondering my expression.

I grabbed Si-eun’s hand and grabbed it.

It wasn’t a choice that came out of some outstanding sense of duty. In fact, it seems that there are many houses where only the father sleeps until the baby is stable. I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all either.

But I just wanted to be with you. with Si-eun. And with our baby.

If I could help Si-eun and bring her diapers, it would be a bonus. If you don’t have enough breast milk, you’ll have to feed formula. I might as well be able to drink formula.

In the end, there was nothing that could be a negative for me or Si-eun.

Did Si-eun understand my heart? The answer that came later was simple.


Then he put his head on my shoulder.

“Still, honey. If I’m tired, should I go to another room and sleep right away? Honey’s health is also important to me.”

“Don’t worry, if you get sleepy, go out and sleep right away.”


Upon hearing my words, Si-eun snorted and spread her index finger.

I was watching something… … Si-eun began to poke my cheeks with her long, thin fingers.

As if he had any complaints.

Why do you want to come here all of a sudden? When I glanced sideways with my face still, Si-eun said with a slightly playful expression.

“I’m doing this because I know I’m not that kind of person.”


I guess I heard it all for some reason.

It is natural. Si-eun works hard to take care of the baby, how can I sleep comfortably? Even if I get kicked out, I’ll try to get back in.

It would be of no use if I tried. Now Si-eun knows me very well. The level of truth and falsehood can be discriminated without any doubt.

Si-eun’s voice continued as she was about to pretend.


And then caressing my cheek as if tickling.

“I am so happy to have a good husband.”

It was a compliment I had heard before.

If so, the words I would return were decided.

“What do you have with this?”

Si-eun smiled as if it was funny.

I was also ready to welcome love like this.

Furniture and mobiles, dolls and thermometers. Milk powder and bottle in diapers.

In this room with the feeling of a nursery, the only thing missing was our baby.

Joy and excitement, responsibility and even a little worry.

With so many emotions mixed together that I couldn’t count, I passed each day.

Finally, one day in early September.

Pain came to Si-eun.

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