"OK, for your honest sake, let's make a decision. How can we trade?"

Yang Yi does not grind the price. 800000 Liang is a reasonable price, but the premise is that the lotus body of qingmulian has no other defects.

"It's a quarter past one o'clock. As for the location, it's near the square."

Linglong looks at the square in front of the city Lord's residence. At the moment, the tea fight is going on there in full swing.

Yang Yi also looked at it and secretly said that these people really can pick places. There's no need to think about killing and seizing treasure near the city master's residence.

And during the tea party, the crowd is surging here, which is also suitable for running away.

"OK, it's up to you."

Yang Yi nodded and agreed.

"See you that night."

After completing the task, Linglong said goodbye with a smile.

"Young master, could it really be Han Mu killed by these people?"

After Linglong left, Dai Qing couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. It's possible. It has nothing to do with us."

Yang Yi glanced at Dai Qing faintly. He lost interest and got up to go.

However, before leaving, he looked back at the square and found that the mayor Lai Zhao, accompanied by many forces, was inspecting the cooking skills of the tea masters

After having had an impression in his heart, Yang Yi stopped staying and went back to Yang's house to practice quietly.

It was noon, and there were about three hours left before the agreed trading time.

There are tireless cicadas in the secluded courtyard.

Yang Yi opened his clothes, hammered the stone tablet and sharpened his flesh.

Compared with Cabernet Sauvignon, zhenleibao has a stronger sense of fragmentation while quickly improving through the attribute panel.

Therefore, as long as he is free, Yang Yi will fight to adapt to the changes of his body.

Time passed little by little, approaching the evening.

One after another, servant girls sent rich meals and put a banquet outside the courtyard.

The ingredients are mainly monster meat, with delicious delicacies.

This was specially arranged by Yang Yi.

Zhenleibao can become stronger through eating. Of course, he has to make use of this feature.

The sudden increase in food intake attracted the attention of some people in the Yang family.

But even Yang Yongning and Jiang Rong don't think it's any good.

It's better to practice martial arts if you can eat.

Yang Yi stopped practicing, sent plates of delicacies to the room, and then opened the attribute panel copied by Zhenlei Bao and swept away.

No matter how many times you watch such a scene, you will feel magical.

Feeling the experience value increased rapidly, Yang Yi nodded with satisfaction. The money was definitely worth it.

However, today's meal is ordinary. Monster meat is not a rare kind.

But even so, at least eighty-two.

If you occasionally copy and feed some high-grade goods to zhenleibao, it will be a huge expense.

Yang Yi couldn't help sighing.

The money in his pocket is going to buy Qingmu lotus soon.

Think about the future, the Yang family has more than a small amount of money in the short term, but no big money.

It's time to consider some ways to make money quickly

The sky outside gradually darkened.

Time soon came to the appointed time.

Yang Yi simply washed and changed into fresh clothes and rode to the agreed Yulin square.

The tea party gradually came to an end, and many people came back from there.

The street was a little crowded for a time. Yang Yi had no choice but to get off his horse and find another way.

After exercising his body method and constantly moving, he finally arrived at the square before the agreed time.

At this time, the first prize of the tea fight conference had just been decided, and soon the people around were still talking.

Yang Yi listened attentively, and also knew the news that his family had successfully won the tea fighting conference.

In fact, it's normal. Without some small moves, the strength and inside information of the Yang family are here, which can't be compared with the forces of the Han family and the green leaf gang.

In particular, the Yang family and the Mu family also developed a Qi Nourishing tea for martial arts practitioners at the bone refining level, which cut off the hope of others to win.

"Young Xia Yang, this way."

Under the dim lights, Linglong stood in the distance and waved to him.

Yang Yi calmed down and walked over with a knife. Since he received the news of rope fire knife technique last time, he changed himself into an ordinary second-class xuanbing knife and was always ready.

If you are in danger, the magic weapon of rope fire knife method will fall from heaven, or you can start immediately

"Linglong girl."

Yang Yi came to a fried pancake stall next to the square.

The stall owner and several nearby diners are obviously with Linglong.

"Young Xia Yang, will you come alone?" Linglong asked.

"It seems sincere." Yang Yi smiles.

"If I hadn't left in a hurry, I would really like to make friends with young Xia Yang."

Linglong said with a smile: "if young Xia Yang goes to Yaozhou in the future, remember to come to us. We are very famous in Yaozhou. No matter what you do, just report the name of the rat Gang directly. No one will dare to bully you."


Rat gang.

Just listening to the name, Yang Yi doesn't believe what Linglong said.

"OK, it's a deal."

But he said yes.

Linglong looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual, so she didn't delay any longer. She took a brocade box wrapped in a kraft paper bag from the nearby stall owner, which also smelled of pancakes.

"This can cover up the smell of green wood lotus."

It seems that she saw the difference between Yang Yi and Linglong and explained it with a smile.

Yang Yi nodded and took out a small package, mainly silver tickets and some small gold bars. The total is almost 800000 Liang.

Both of them gently opened a hole in the package.

After confirmation, the money and goods will be paid.

Yang Yi took the brocade box and quickly covered it.

Qingmu lotus is a four grade natural and earth treasure. If it is exposed for a long time, it will attract the saliva of some people.

"Happy cooperation. If there are such good things in the future, you can contact me at any time."

He said to Linglong with a smile.

"OK, young Xia Yang, see you later."

After counting the money, Linglong and his partner are ready to leave. Before leaving, they hug Yang Yi.

"Thief, don't go!"

Just then, a group of people suddenly surrounded this side.

They are all wearing yard guard clothes. When they look carefully, they are the Han family.

Han tie yuan took the lead, used his body method to pass the crowd and hit Linglong and others with his claws.

There was some chaos in the scene for a time. People fled one after another and screamed one after another.

Seeing this, Yang Yi directly flexed his fingers and shot a thousand strands of silk into a purple beam towards Han Yuan.


As soon as the purple beam touched Han Yuan, it was forcibly broken by the strength of the latter.

The terrible force of the wind scattered.

Han Yuan was also shocked by this strength and stumbled to the ground.

When I looked at it again, I found that Linglong and others had long disappeared in the sea of panic.

He turned his head to look at Yang Yi next to him, forced his anger and said, "young master Yang, what are you doing?"

Soon, the other guards of the Han family also arrived and surrounded Yang Yi.

"What do you want to do? You attacked me in broad daylight. It's still the gate of the city master's residence. You Han family are too overbearing to work! If I hadn't been protected by a brand-new third-order xuanbing, I'm afraid I would die under your claws today." Yang Yi was filled with indignation.

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