The cave has a huge space and transparent light. Some furnace debris and damaged xuanbing can be seen everywhere.

Yang Yi continued to go deep along a long and narrow corridor, surrounded by waste landfills, and even weak energy fluctuations have been transmitted from some locations.

Hoo Hoo.

A hot wind suddenly blew around.

Yang Yi blinked and the ruins of reality began to disintegrate.

Instead, there are virtual images in the hot wind.

Teams of lux transport all kinds of materials and deal with waste residue; The furnace with thick chains was burning, and sometimes red slurry gushed, causing the temperature in the cave to rise sharply.

There is also the clang sound of beating in the quenching process, as well as the shouting sound of craftsmen working hard.

Such a mysterious scene impressively depicts the scene of Qingming sect forging xuanbing in distant times.

Yang Yi looked shocked as if he had come in person.

The hot wind gradually dissipated, and the cold ruins appeared again.

Yang Yi is still full of meaning. This sudden hot wind must be mixed with the thoughts of craftsmen. Even after the baptism of time, it still exists.

He shook his head sadly, and then controlled the dream interpretation monk to take the lead and continue to deepen.

Inside the cave, there are many ear chambers for storage, but now, most of the mysterious soldiers and spirit objects inside have lost their value.

But when Yang Yi went to the fifth ear room, he found a good thing.

What is placed here is not related to xuanbing, but the spirit hammer used to forge xuanbing.

Quenching is a very important link in the forging process of xuanbing, and the function of spirit hammer is naturally used by xuanbing for quenching. Its own materials are also very precious and the cost is very high.

The skill of a forging master depends not only on his own strength, but also on whether the spirit hammer in his hand is high-level. A high-level spirit hammer can often make forging masters fight for blood.

In this ear room, there are more than ten spiritual hammers, large and small.

Although most of them have been damaged, the spirit hammer with thunder pattern and psychic reaction placed on the central stone step attracted Yang Yi's attention.

"I'm afraid this spirit hammer can be used to forge magic soldiers?"

Yang Yi picked up the spirit hammer with thunder pattern. The weight is definitely more than a kilo!

He tried to take out several holy grain stones. Soon, the holy hammer reacted and swallowed up the aura in the holy grain stone.

After that, the thunder pattern on its body became more obvious and glittered with spiritual light.

Now, Yang Yi dared to confirm that this holy hammer is really used to forge divine soldiers. Its own value may even exceed that of ordinary fourth-order xuanbing!

Contentedly put it into the space ring.

Although Yang Yi is not a forging master, it's OK to give it as a gift to the forging master.

If you want to find a forger to repair the blood drink lightsaber, you can't come to the door empty handed.

Leave this ear room and sweep the rest of the room one by one.

Yang Yi was not so lucky next.

After looking around, I found only one piece of third-order xuanbing that can be used. It's worth 2.3 million taels.

Disappointed, he left the storage area and went to another passage in the cave.

There is a dried up river here. It is estimated that it was once used to divert water for forging soldiers. Now it has dried up, which is occupied by a large amount of waste slag and molten slurry cooled rocks.

Yang Yi fell here and looked down.

He was vaguely aware that the cooled rocks of the molten slurry were somewhat unusual.

I was about to jump off the river to find out. There was a hot wind blowing nearby again. However, this time, the surrounding scene did not change, but there were more than ten ways to read the soldiers!

Looking at their costumes, it seems that they are disciples of Qingming sect. They are guarding here. Yang Yi is close to here and just activates them.


A bleak voice came from the mouth of a leading soldier.

He looked solemn and couldn't see his face clearly. Holding a long sword in both hands, he bent his legs and rushed over quickly.

Then, all the soldiers move together!

Seeing this, Yang Yi quickly condensed a powerful giant sword in his hand and collided with them.

This leader's Nian soldier has the strength to know the territory!

However, this does not mean that the master of this mental power was the state of Tongqiao before his death. It may be stronger or weaker than this, but the longer the mental power is precipitated by time, the stronger it becomes.

Monk jiemeng led the other soldiers, while Yang Yi fought with the leading soldiers. The weapons of both sides were handed over, causing a terrible shock.

Before long, Yang Yi had the upper hand in the competition. Although Nian Bing was treacherous, his moves were relatively rigid. Yang Yi rolled by his own realm and soon divided the winner and loser.

The powerful Qi giant sword swept forward, and a Jiaoyue impact hit out. While defeating the idea, it also left a deep cut mark on the rock wall of the cave.

The cave vibrated and the rocks on the top fell.

After a long time, peace returned here.

Yang Yi took a breath and asked the monk to guard nearby. Then he jumped into the river to explore the mystery of the molten rock.

"This rock seems to contain extremely pure fire energy?!"

Yang Yi put his palm on the rock and could sense a trickle of heat flowing into his body along the palm.

After refining for a moment, he felt too slow, so he clenched his fist and knocked heavily on the rock, which was like opening an egg shell. The internal structure of the rock suddenly appeared, which turned out to be soft slurry!

Majestic heat gushed out of it!

Yang Yi was overjoyed. He found a nearby place to sit down and run the Cabernet Sauvignon skill to refine the fire energy.

Time goes by.

After about two hours, the fire energy here is finally exhausted.

Yang Yi opened his eyes from the state of meditation and tutted his mouth with satisfaction. This refining made him gain more than 30 experience points!

And there is still a lot of energy in his body, which has not yet been refined.

"These fire attribute energy should be the result of the reaction between the geothermal energy here and the slag of forging xuanbing."

Yang Yi guessed the source of energy. In fact, refining the fire attribute energy here not only improves the experience value, but also makes his Jinyang fire more pure.

Unfortunately, there are not many large-scale molten rocks. Even if there is geothermal support in other places, the energy is volatilized and cannot be retained.

Yang Yi stood up and left the river.

However, at this time, his sight was attracted by the broken molten rock.

After the soft slurry inside stopped stirring, a piece of cyan black copper floated up.

Yang Yi took a palm move and sucked the copper into his hand with his mind.

The copper still exudes heat.

After a brief exploration, he concluded that the copper piece was probably a fragment of a high-level xuanbing!

The outer side is painted with the picture of a green dragon coming from the clouds, while the inner side is smooth and has a faint tingling feeling.

Yang Yi only thinks that this copper piece has an extraordinary origin and is likely to come from a divine soldier.

But the specific use is unknown. He plans to include it in the ring first and then explore it later.

I looked back and saw that there was nothing else in the slurry. Then I jumped into the river and left here.

"Friend, please stay. Can I have a look at the things you just received?"

The voice is very young, with a bit of irresistible meaning.

Yang Yi frowned and looked around. He saw a team of people catching up from the rear. It was a team composed of major gangs and scattered repair.

There are eight of them and five of them have access to the territory. Among them, the strongest one is the leader of the blue shark sect, Feng Yao.

He was the one who spoke just now.

Feng Yao was holding a knife in his hand. He was tall, handsome and had a bit of pride on his face.

At the moment, I stared at Yang Yi, as if to prevent the latter from escaping.

The rest of the team, led by Feng Yao, had dispersed their speaking skills and showed a tendency of encirclement.

They vigilantly kept a certain distance from Yang Yi and jiemeng. After all, in their strength, Yang Yi and jiemeng were all reading Tongqiao, which was equivalent to Feng Yao.

However, there are many of them, and Feng Yao, a famous expert, is here, so I'm not afraid that Yang Yi can turn out any waves at the moment.

"If I remember correctly, you should be the person next to the leader of Chuanhe City, Bai Zhen? Unexpectedly, instead of following the leader, you formed a team with a strange monk."

When Feng Yao was in the hotel, he looked at the strength of the dream interpretation monk. He was not his opponent.

For Yang Yi, Feng Yao guessed that he was probably separated from Bai Zhen, or he was not spoiled.

Either way, now is his chance.

He just saw with his own eyes that Yang Yi put something in the ring.

"You dare rob me when you know I'm the leader of Baicheng?"

Yang Yi showed great composure, but his composure was mixed with a trace of panic. Then, taking advantage of the confrontation between the two sides, he quickly used his body method to steal away.

"Want to go?"

Feng Yao frowned and drew a knife to keep up.


At this time, the dream interpretation monk rushed up with golden light.

When Feng Yao saw this, he chopped down with a knife. The blue force was like a rushing water flow, which immediately drowned the dream interpretation monk, and then bombed it.

An expert who can read all about Tongqiao territory can't beat one move!

Other people around were shocked to see that monk jiemeng fell heavily to the ground and Feng Yao took advantage of the victory to pursue Yang Yi.

In their sight, the dream interpretation monk is a genuine quannian Tongqiao realm, which is equivalent to the realm of fengyao, but I didn't expect that the combat power gap between the two sides is so large!

But then again, they all felt numb after seeing Feng Yao's knife!

This Sabre technique definitely contains a unique artistic conception. There is no reason why you can beat the same level with one move!

"It's so terrible! No wonder the sect leader refused the solicitation of the city leader of Tianxuan city."

"It's too evil to understand the artistic conception of martial arts at such an age."

"Ha, my guild leader came here for the examination of the disciples of Qingming sect this time. If Qingming sect can look for the real place of the sect, how can our vision be limited to just one state and one country in the future?"

They were also busy. They were divided into two groups, one to limit the injured dream interpretation monks, and the other to chase Feng Yao under the leadership of an old man.

Listening to the old man's voice, he should also be a member of the blue shark gang. He is particularly confident in Feng Yao's strength.

Others nodded convincingly when they heard the speech. Some people thought Feng Yao was too arrogant, but now they no longer had any doubt when they saw his hand.

This is indeed a talented person, and he may break into a world in the future!


It's being touted here.

Suddenly a cry came from a distance, which made people's heads ache and crack, and they fell down one after another.

A moment later, their pain eased. Looking up, they found that the person who used his divine sense to attack was Yang Yi who ran away!

He suddenly turned back and drank to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao's body was stunned on the spot, his body protection strength collapsed, his eyes were wide open, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

The knife in his hand originally wanted to pull out and chop at Yang Yi, but now he stopped.

Everyone looked at this scene strangely. What happened? Just a move to suppress Feng Yao?!

They were far away, just affected, and could not understand what Feng Yao had experienced at that moment.

The old man who was also the blue shark Gang quickly caught up with him, but he found that Feng Yao had bled in his seven orifices and couldn't wake up.

"Guild leader!"

He was pathetic, and then looked at Yang Yi like a monster.

Yang Yi smiles.

The smile was brilliant against the light behind him.

This soul cutting technique is very useful. There are many blessings of martial arts on the shelf. At the moment, Feng Yao's divine sense is probably in a difficult battle between heaven and man.

Without giving the other party too many opportunities to struggle, Yang Yi played a strong spirit and pierced his heart.

Originally, when seeing Feng Yao's sword technique with artistic conception, he wanted to control it with spirit beads.

However, the strength of Quan Nian's Tongqiao territory is no longer helpful to him. There is no need to kill one stone. It's enough to have a dream interpretation.


"I fought with you!"

The old man of the blue shark Gang played with both palms.

Yang Yi saw this and showed his strength to the sky. With a flick of his fingers, the third-order xuanbing cone fire tribulus and Xuanchong peak hit together.


The old man struggled with his palms, puffed and flew out.

The fire poison spread rapidly, the breath was listless, and his face was purple and blue.

Yang Yi coldly takes back his eyes, goes to Feng Yao and takes down both space rings.

"You, leave the space ring and you can go."

He received Feng Yao's space ring, which was not enough, and looked up at the dull people.

Among them, there are several experts who know the world. The ring may not be all their wealth this time, but it is also a lot of wealth together.

These people gathered by nearby gangs and sanxiu dare not resist after seeing Yang Yi's strength of connecting heaven?

Even Feng Yao and other amazing figures died at the hands of Yang Yi!

Such strength is beyond their imagination.

Leave the space ring honestly, and then run away in a panic.

Yang Yi took all the space rings and thought about it. The speed of money is not slower than looking for opportunities!

Leave contentedly.

He opened the ink map and went to the next cave.

Among the ruins, the sky is faint yellow. It seems that there is no time flow and remains unchanged.

Yang Yi showed his body method and went towards a rocky mountain. Looking down, he found that there was a powerful collision sound not far away.

I can't see who is fighting, but from the perspective of strength, the two sides have definitely reached the level of heaven!

He ignored it, urged his body method to the extreme and quickly climbed the mountain.

"I hope there is no one here."

Yang Yi is looking forward to it.


A moment later, his fantasy was disillusioned.

A figure is being chased and killed at the moment. When you look at it, it is Wang Yue!

Wang Yue also saw Yang Yi, fled in a panic and shouted, "brother Yang, help me!"

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