Outside the cave, on the open space exposed to the sun, Yang Yi stood alone, bathed in the sun, looking invested and enjoying.

A few sparrows fell to him, and he did not move, as if he were a stone sculpture exposed to the wind and the sun.

Gradually, Yang Yi's body became transparent and red.

The hot energy in his body is shining with the sun, making his state look very mysterious at the moment.


The sparrow felt the heat coming from his face, but it was cold from his heart, as if he were in the abyss.

Quickly fluttered his wings and flew high into the sky through the shady and mottled trees.

Yang Yi didn't care about the changes in the outside world. The transparent red light seemed to melt him, making him forget that he was still in the change brought by the breakthrough, and he just felt more and more happy.

The time in the forest is passing by bit.

When noon passed and the sun faded, he gradually recovered from the state of breakthrough.

The heat dissipated around.

Yang Yi unconsciously shook his fist.

He was satisfied with that sense of strength.

In fact, long before this breakthrough, he had condensed the mental concentration of a powerful cyclone to the extent that he could read all the sky.

However, at that time, their own realm remained half a step, so the physical transformation was not obvious.

This belongs to the gap between Yang Yi and other people who read all the martial arts of heaven. Although this gap does not have a great impact, he has cultivated so many martial arts and even several special body refining skills, which have long made up for these gaps, but it is good to break through.

This will turn his martial arts into a more pure advantage rather than making up for his shortcomings.

Now, his two strength cyclones have reached the level of full reading and connecting the heaven, and he has also accepted the baptism of breakthrough, which can be described as complete merit and virtue.

Now he, without self modesty, can sweep the same level!

With the increase of powerful cyclone and the advantage of martial arts... Even if he has the ability to compare money, his xuanbing, pill and array are not inferior.

The accumulation of many advantages is enough for him to deal with various situations.

"According to the elder, after reaching the realm of connecting with God, there will be some changes in God's consciousness, and I don't know what it means."

So far, Yang Yi has fought with many tongtianjing, even the tongtianwu who died in his hands. He still has a clear understanding of the combat power of this level.

But it's a little unpredictable to get through the divine realm.

He had only seen a few battles and watched the excitement.

It is precisely because of this that his estimation has become conservative.

Otherwise, normally speaking, with the accumulation of so many advantages, let alone the same level, even if you fight across a realm, you will have a certain suppressive force.

Of course, it's best to avoid fighting with tongshenjing.

But if it can't be avoided, as long as the other party is half read and God, Yang Yi has great confidence to touch it.

If you don't fight in person, you won't know what the level of tongshenjing is.

Anyway, with his martial arts attainments, even if he can't fight, he's sure to slip away.

In fact, this breakthrough is not only to keep up with the pace in terms of physical quality, but also the strength cyclone itself is quietly changing.

Now the mental concentration in the two strong cyclones has been flat.

If it operates alone, it is no different from the ordinary whole mind to pass through the heaven.

But once the cyclones are mobilized at the same time, they will blend together and throw up a crystal blue fog.

It's like thickening.

Wait a moment, and a drop of pure liquid will condense.

This is a very interesting phenomenon.

At least Yang Yi has never heard of anyone whose powerful cyclone will liquefy before.

At least he didn't contact any martial arts practitioners.

After careful observation, Yang Yi determined that this was due to the mutual interference of dual force cyclones.

In the past, there was no such phenomenon when the strength of two cyclones was transferred together, probably because the mental strength concentration was not enough or uneven.

If the concentration is not enough, it cannot be liquefied. If it is not balanced, the strength of the weak side will be directly dominated by the strong side and can not interfere with each other.

This phenomenon can be observed only when both strength spins reach above the concentration of quannian tongtianjing.

"Does this mean that the powerful seeds in the realm of creation are liquid? The phenomenon that appears in my body probably represents the strengthening direction of the next stage."

Yang Yi made a guess.

Thanks to the feedback of martial arts, when he was in the bone refining realm, he had already produced the first strength cyclone, which was originally a sign of strength.

So this is not his first run.

Now that he has changed his mind, the cyclone has changed again. He naturally thinks so.

Carefully understand the drop of liquid, in which the concentration of mind has not changed.

This shows that the process of pulling strength from the two cyclones does not produce a "chemical reaction", which is more like cooling, making them change from gaseous to liquid.

Two times the same concentration of brine, mixed together, the concentration of salt is constant.

Even if you turn them into ice.

What changes is form.

Since the concentration of mental power remains unchanged, it means that the power of martial moves will not change.

What is the significance of this morphological change?

With this doubt, Yang Yi continued to draw the strength of the two air spins to fuse with each other to form crystal blue water droplets.

To be honest, the process is not so easy.

We should control the intensity to ensure that the amount allocated by the two cyclones is equal.

The warm light of the sunset fell on Yang Yi's face, reflecting his angular facial features. At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, flashed and disappeared in place.

When it appeared, it was already in the deep forest with towering ancient trees.

The breeze blows, and the ancient trees shrouded in the warm yellow sunset are absorbing energy bit by bit.

Soon it became withered and yellow, and the leaves were rustling.

Yang Yi's right hand is like emerald jade, which is extremely transparent. The bright green light has been significantly enhanced compared with a few days ago!

His eyes trembled, and he had roughly guessed the result, but he still swept up lightly, fell to the edge of a mountain rock fault, and clapped it with one hand.


When the emerald finger just touches the rock mass, it is released with great energy.

Part of this energy comes from the absorption of the outside world, but the core is the strength droplets condensed by Yang Yi this afternoon.

The concentration of mental power in that power drop did not increase, but because the volume decreased after condensation, the total amount of power used to exert martial arts activity increased!

This is a matter of efficiency.

The forward swing time of the move is fixed.

But during this time, you add gaseous energy, while I add liquid energy.

Although we have the same concentration, our efficiency is higher than you. The energy added in the same time is several times that of you.

Although in this way, my consumption and the pressure on my body are several times that of you.

But in a short time, you can't compare with me.

After understanding this, Yang Yi knew what would happen when he touched the mountain with his Cui Xu hand.

Just listen to a loud noise, the sound waves spread, and the 100 meter high rock mass was directly defeated by the emerald light and quickly collapsed.

Birds and animals scattered, and the mountain collapsed in a large area.

Yang Yi withdrew for the first time and landed on the crown of an ancient tree in a distant location.

He held his breath and looked at his hands. He didn't believe that it was the energy released by Cui Xu's hands.

"I'm getting started?"

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Under the action of strong liquid drops, de Cui Xu's hand broke through the last bottleneck!

Yang Yi opens the property panel:

Host: Yang Yi

Realm: the whole mind reaches the heaven (35 / 8000)

Spiritual value: 4800

Enlightened martial arts: Chi Xia Gong, Jing Hong Jue, Yu Ying Jue

Untainted martial arts: Cui Xu hand

Number of scans: 1

Cui Xu's hand appeared impressively in the column of uninitialized martial arts!

Although this martial art was originally only one step away from the door, Yang Yi was very happy that he could break through this way earlier.

This is a secret level martial arts, which is one level higher than ordinary martial arts.

However, even so, Cui Xu's hand is just an introduction, and should not be as destructive as that.

This part of the credit belongs to the strength drop.

The enhancement of the energy supply side has brought some changes to this martial arts. Even if it is just an entry-level, it has been able to give play to the lethality of Xiaocheng state.

The pressure on the body is not small, and it takes a lot of energy.

But these two side effects are acceptable. Needless to say, Yang Yi's physical quality, the dual strength cyclone structure also allows him to be capricious in the strength consumption.

"It seems that you'd better save some strength drops before fighting next time."

Considering his physical endurance, he estimated that he could not save much. At most, he could provide a kill move.

But that's enough. The use of the beginner's Cui Xu hand can increase so much. If it is used in conjunction with the spirit wandering skill, it can hit the strength drops into the enemy's body

Thanks to the existence of detonating technology, the original power of Youling's skill is infinitely close to the martial arts of Huanian. After enhancing energy and power, I'm afraid the effect will be higher.

Of course, the premise is to break the other party's strong defense, otherwise everything will be in vain.

"I don't know when I can fuse the whole powerful cyclone into droplets..."

I initially tried the martial moves of the enhanced horsepower version, and then returned to use the powerful cyclone, which made me feel a little empty.

However, Yang Yi is not in a hurry. He believes that this day will come soon, and the high probability will be faster than the same order.

When the whole mountain collapsed, the roar of rolling thunder stopped.

Yang Yi took a look and sprinkled some phosphorous powder around to eliminate the residual mental power.

Then he went home.

[the hero player, green snake, handed in the five grade heaven and earth treasure, ice muscle grass!]

As soon as I came back, I heard the news of Youling's skill.

When Yang Yi opened it, he couldn't help laughing. The green snake scattered people had a lot of inventory and sent him a five grade heaven and earth treasure.

It's not easy to find this level of natural material and earth treasure, so he probably had it before, but he can't resist the temptation of task reward and hand it in.

Before he spoke, he refined tianyinmu fire, which not only made a successful breakthrough, but also quenched a wave of strength attributes in his body. This was originally the work of xiaoyanxi, but after refining it, it was equivalent to Yang Yi's body and played a role in sharing work. The effect can not be said to be small.

Even the daily collection limit of spiritual accumulation value has increased by 100 points. With his breakthrough, he can collect 1800 spiritual accumulation values every day.

In addition to the contribution of green snake scattered people, the upper limit of daily collection spiritual accumulation value has reached about 2900 points.

This has largely alleviated the embarrassing situation of the increasing number of martial arts.

It takes 30 points of spiritual value to enlighten the martial arts. If you feed back 30 times a day, that martial arts needs 900 spiritual value, which is quite exaggerated.

However, this exaggerated consumption brings about an improvement that everyone is jealous of.

Lift the ice muscle grass out of the panel.

Yang Yi, who has refined the wood fire from heaven, now the effect of refining ice muscle grass is not so great.

Moreover, the effect of this natural material and earth treasure on the improvement of cultivation is not significant. The reason why the product level is so high is that it can rejuvenate the skin of the martial arts refiner.

This is a fatal temptation for many women.

Looking at the cool ice muscle grass in his hand, Yang Yi thought for a while and presented it to Yu Ying Jue.

Speaking of it, he hasn't praised Yuying formula for a long time. It's not that Yang Yi doesn't want to, but Yuying formula is a little tired of this set after being used to sweet words.

Unless he can come up with some new words.

It's not urgent, and it's not a big deal. Anyway, the Yuying formula is close to perfection. It's estimated that it's almost the same after refining ice muscle grass.

[your Yuying Jue was very happy to receive your gift, but in the end she didn't leave the ice muscle grass for her own use, but gave it to Jinghong Jue. But because of this, Jinghong Jue was a little unhappy. She thought you were eccentric and Yuying Jue was mocking her skin. In the past, she didn't care about it for the sake of Yuying Jue, but this time she was a little Sorry, I think you only like Yuying Jue and think of her first.]


How can a good thing suddenly lead to contradictions?

Yuying formula doesn't mean that.

Besides, he wanted to send something to Jinghong Jue, but he couldn't communicate at all.

Yang Yi feels a little wronged.

However, considering the harmony between the two, he finally tried to feed back the Jinghong formula.

However, in addition to triggering a small-scale animal tide, there was no other relevant feedback.

No move.

Yang Yi sighed helplessly.

At this time, it was getting late. He put the matter behind him temporarily and returned to the cave to melt Cui Xu's hand.

"Do you spend 2000 spiritual value to enlighten Cui Xu hand?"

Looking at the prompt on the property panel, Yang Yi chose enlightenment without saying a word.

I don't know what kind of characteristics it will be.

Just as he expected, Cui xushou's panel was generated:

Martial arts: Cui Xu hand

Realm: Beginner Level (1 / 2000)

Characteristics: greedy

Quality: Huanian martial arts

Feedback: None


Yang Yi is a little afraid of this characteristic. Although experience tells him that the characteristics of derogatory words are generally not bad, it is too negative.

What can't a man do when he is addicted to greed?

The same is true when it comes to martial arts. Maybe this is what this characteristic refers to.

But in order to find out the truth, he plans to give feedback several times. What if his understanding is too one-sided?

The ability to refresh features will not be used until it is absolutely necessary.

Changing a brand new is equivalent to changing a personality.

Martial arts has accompanied him all the way to the present. It's a little cold-blooded to think about it.

But if this feature is really bad, you still have to change it. There's no way to be soft.

"Feedback Cui empty hand, ten times!"

Yang Yi looked at the bright moonlight outside the cave and said decisively.

[your Cui Xu hand has been practicing hard for a day... It doesn't exist. Your Cui Xu hand doesn't exist. He's looking for prey! Only hunting can make him stronger!]

[your Cui Xu hand is greedy and has absorbed the catching skill of the star Lord Yan Nannan of Donglai palace. The lethality of the move has increased greatly, experience + 750!]


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