"Endless reincarnation, no future world..."

When Yang Yi came to this conclusion, he was surprised, but soon he calmed down.

This is nothing new.

The four seasons will reincarnate, and it is not incomprehensible that the world shuffles again in the mental storm.

As long as this time span is large enough, shuffle.

This may be a self-cleaning ability of the world itself.

After all, for ordinary people, the life span is only a hundred years, and a certain thickness is given before and after this life span.

For example, set the time limit of reincarnation to 1000 years.

For most people, there are traces to follow. Of course, there is also the future!

Ordinary people live a good life, even if they burn high incense.

Their future is very short, some even short enough to think about what to eat tomorrow.

As for the flood after death?

Only a strong man like Yang Yi who stands at the peak of martial arts will worry about this kind of thing.

After all, with their life span, even a reincarnation is possible

From the historical data of Qingming sect, the time limit of a reincarnation is between 1000 and 2000 years.

But is that all the secrets of the world?

Think about it, the restart of the world itself is not terrible.

The terrible thing is that the restarted world has a deep brand of the previous world!

Under the splicing of different elements, the possible landscapes are different, but similar shadows can always be found in them.

For example, there is Qingming sect in every cycle.

Perhaps even the element of greater Vietnam must exist.

However, he may have appeared before the moon invitation country, or his territory may be different from today.

If the thoughts in the minds of martial artists in the world are regarded as elements.

These elements or a real experience may also come from poetic imagination.

As elements, they are equivalent.

When the world is reshaped, it becomes the smallest unit, arranges and combines in an uncertain form, and evolves into a new history.

Ordinary people can't feel it at all. Summer insects can't speak ice.

However, the strong who stand at the peak of martial arts can deeply feel the repetition of reincarnation.


Man himself is a link of all things.

Since these elements will affect the remodeling of the world, will they also affect people?

It doesn't make sense that these residual thoughts wandering in heaven and earth must be accumulated to enough magnitude before they will affect the world. As long as it exists, it should have a subtle impact on the surrounding world!

Even if the impact is very slight, the impact must exist!

Yang Yi's mind opened, and his dreamland was like a static time, with yellow leaves falling all over the courtyard stagnating in mid air.

"No wonder people always feel a sense of deja vu. This thing has not been done before, but it is particularly clear. They can even predict what will happen next..."

"These should be affected by the residual thoughts around us."

"The information recorded by these things comes from the experience of the disabled master before his death. Now he has a subtle resonance with the people around him, so these things gradually happen to them."

To put it simply, is to be assimilated by residual thoughts!

If this conjecture comes true, it's really terrible.

What no one wants to happen to himself is controlled by an invisible force.

Yang Yi never thought that he would get the answer in a dreamland after pursuing the truth for so long.

This cold bird totem was transformed by the ancestors of the Ruan family.

Is it possible that his own existence is transmitting this message to the descendants of the Ruan family?!

After all, not everyone breaks through so quickly as Yang Yi, so we need to speed up the flow of time with the help of fantasy to amplify some discordance around us.

Yang Yi thinks it's very possible. He thought of these under this guidance, but what's the specific situation? He can only wait until the inheritance is over and return to reality to ask.

To tell the truth, Yang Yi feels that he has gained a great deal this time.

Although he knew the contradiction of mental power, he did not tangle.

For the whole world, his personal thinking has little influence, so even if he is bound by his own cocoon, it can't turn him.

Mental strength is still his strongest strength.

Maybe we'll start thinking about the whole world when we break through the creation environment. For now, I don't worry about him. The sky is falling and a tall man is standing on it.

Time flows again. Yang Yi doesn't know how many times he reincarnated in the dreamland, how long, and finally his consciousness was awakened by Ruan baizang.

When Yang Yi slowly opened his eyes, the mountain altar had completely frosted, the sky was clear, and a large array of halos rippled.

But he and Ruan baizang kept the sacrificial posture, just like two ice sculptures.

In front of the altar, the cold bird totem keeps dropping crystal blue energy. The energy entered the body and was absorbed unimpeded. He obviously felt that the martial arts tree in his body, the branches and leaves of the area representing Yu yingjue, had become much lush.

"Originally intended to guide one-third of your totem power, this amount has been a lot, but I didn't expect to underestimate your appetite. I'm afraid that after this battle, our Ruan family can't hold a sacrificial ceremony for the younger generation in five years."

Ruan baizang smiled bitterly and looked complex. She couldn't believe it anyway. Yang Yi was already a strong man who knew everything about God.

What happened in more than a year?

Clearly before this, their realm was quite, but now, he just has the opportunity to break through the half mind and pass through the realm of God, but Yang Yi has completed the feat of two steps!

This is really a blow to self-confidence.

"Thank you."

Yang Yi also smiled awkwardly.

It is really valuable for the Ruan family to do this for him.

Immediately sink down to feel the change of Yuying formula.

After accepting the inheritance, sure enough, the martial arts panel can be opened!

There is no change in the above experience. The Yuying formula itself is full of energy.

However, thanks to the inheritance of cold bird totem, the origin of Yuying formula has been sublimated. This feedback is that the martial arts panel has changed from purple to gold!

Just like the Jinghong formula, you can open the shackles of martial arts by improving the quality of martial arts to Huanian!

"It is worthy of the inheritance of the Ruan family. I feel that the ice wheel pulse of Yuying Jue is more than three times stronger, even compared with Gao Ruchang." Yang Yi was surprised.

"It's natural. Gao Ruchang's talent is far less than you."

Ruan baizang was curious about why Yang Yi had an ice wheel pulse, but she didn't ask.

At the same time, she did not say that the reason why the inheritance was so smooth was that she used her own blood essence to escort Yang Yi.

Moreover, Ruan baizang is a member of the family with special blood. While she acts as a medium for Yang Yi, her frost moon strength is constantly helping Yang Yi polish the purity of the ice wheel pulse.

Ruan baizang looked at Yang Yi with a faint smile. There was a frosted blood flower on the chest of the witch's dress. Seeing that Yang Yi was immersed in cultivation, she didn't bother. She got up and left the altar to protect the Dharma for Yang Yi.

To be honest, even she herself may not know why she gave everything to Yang Yi, perhaps in return for saving lives, or because of the inheritance of the Baihua sect.


[if jade Chan skill is detected, do you spend 100000 points of spiritual value and jade surplus formula? How to improve it?]


Yang Yi nodded and said silently.

This jade Chan skill is the Huanian martial art that Yang Yi bought from the Ruan family.

Cold attribute, auxiliary system.

Its existence is like carrying a small cultivation array all the time, which can increase the speed of meditation by about 10 to 20%.

It can be said that it is the best integration and promotion object of Yuying formula.

But even so, it also needs a spiritual value of 100000.

It can only be said that it is too difficult to improve the origin of gold.

Yang Yi's more than six hundred thousand spiritual values accumulated in more than a year have consumed half of them in the twinkling of an eye

As Yang Yi's voice fell, the martial arts panel of Yuying Jue changed, and the quality column became the idea of change.

Like Jinghong formula, there is an induction in Yang Yi's mind when he breaks through. When Yuying formula reaches the state of great success, Yuying formula will also open some shackles

So you can see the appearance of Yuying Jue?

Yang Yi looked forward to this. If the previous theory is good, the origin of Yuying formula should also be transformed by residual thoughts, that is, I don't know who the other party is in history

Yang Yiya thought and couldn't help asking, "Xiaoyu, do you know who you are now?"

[hum, how thick skinned is it to expose the previous events as if nothing had happened? If you think I forgive you, you are very wrong. You just feel a little pathetic... One day, I will let you make a choice. Do you want me or Jinghong formula!]


Yang Yi is speechless. It seems that it is not easy to coax the angry Yuying formula.

As usual, he praised Yuying Jue and even gave some precious gifts. However, except for the experience reward, Yuying Jue's attitude did not change much.

In this way, it can only be shelved for the time being.

It still takes 2000 experience points for Yuying Jue to break through Dacheng. In about two months, Yang Yi doesn't believe that Yuying Jue can remain arrogant and refuse to communicate for such a long time.


Half a month passed in the twinkling of an eye.

During this time, Yang Yi has been staying in the Ruan family.

He took a lot of benefits from the Ruan family. If he left directly, it would not be in line with his style.

I don't say how far I want to help the Ruan family, but at least during my stay in town, if the Xia family are willing to fight, Yang Yi doesn't mind trying to learn from the Xia family leader Xia Wanqian.

These two years, naturally, are for the Ruan family to collect books.

As a royal family who once invited the moon, the Ruan family has a very rich collection of books. He even found books written in the same language as Jinghong Jue.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yang Yi didn't take those words and asked Ruan baizang directly for important information in the words written by Jinghong Jue.

But first confirmed one thing with the portrait of the old painter.

The woman in the portrait was not painted by the old painter against Jinghong Jue. But there is such a person in the history of a certain region.

She is the goddess of the dune land adjacent to the kingdom of Dayue!

In the literature records, the goddess has been favored by God since childhood. She was born ChuChu and moving. She is good at sacrificial dance. No matter what she does, she is auspicious and full of good deeds. She comes uninvited by the mount of divine animals.

She grew up in a castle in the oasis since she was a child. Her mind is simple. She is accompanied by animals such as deer and is deeply loved by the people.

Until a dust storm that was enough to destroy everything swept down, the goddess who was not familiar with the world was fixed at her best age forever.

Yang Yi has studied a lot of literature and books about the land of sand dunes during this period, and may be able to translate the words written by Jing Hong Jue.

The above information is not much, mainly to show her identity and express her gratitude to Yang Yi, so that she can be reborn in this way.

Yang Yi looked at him and muttered, "I remember Lai Zhao is the remnant of the dune land... Since the sandstorm that was enough to destroy everything, only a few people have survived in such a large area. Up to now, the living environment there is still bad, and it is not too much to say that it is dead."

He couldn't help sobbing. He didn't know whether Jinghong Jue would lose when he heard the news.

Loss is inevitable, isn't it? However, today's Jinghong formula is not only the identity of the goddess of the dune, but also his martial arts. In the future, when it is separated and formed, the relationship may be closer

Yang Yi doesn't care much about the past of Jinghong Jue. His relationship with her is based on the latter becoming his martial arts.

But understanding each other's past really makes Yang Yi treat martial arts as an independent individual.

Now the two martial arts of female personality have sublimated their origin to gold. I don't know which martial arts will keep up with them next?

Although there is no clear experiment, Yang Yi can feel that it is the only way to improve the origin of martial arts in order to complete the measure of martial arts separation.


The comfortable environment made Yang Yi spend only a few days reading the Ruan family's collection.

During this period, he didn't fall behind in martial arts cultivation.

Through their own regulation of the two strength attributes of water and fire, trial and error, and the continuous feedback of rope fire sabre, this martial arts finally fits perfectly with the surge Sabre classic!

Water and fire collide with each other and burst out a huge amount of high-temperature steam in an instant.

For many masters of chemical thinking, the temperature of this steam may not be a killer mace, but the artistic conception of knife technique contained in it is absolutely.

Every tiny drop of steam and water that is almost invisible is a sharp blade.

Countless steam burst out and strangled together, like hundreds of millions of knives spread out at the same time. Even if the former was in the state of God, he had to fight with 120000 spirit.

This is not enough. During traveling abroad, the rope fire Sabre technique realized two artistic concepts, one is "lobbying", the other is "maneuvering".

The specific effect of lobbying is still unknown, but Yang Yi knows that the rope fire Sabre technique can form an alliance with the other two martial arts, prosper and lose, and even integrate the power of other martial arts moves when he moves!

After two martial arts are allied, the rope fire Sabre technique can even continue to be allied, but the premise is that we must establish a hostile relationship with another martial arts. If the enemy is weak and I am strong, if the hostile martial arts become stronger, their own martial arts will be weakened, just opposite to the Allied martial arts.

For now, it is enough to form an alliance with two martial arts. No matter how many martial arts Yang Yi has, it is not enough.

After some thinking, he bound the skill of Youling and the formula of earth bound sword into an alliance of rope fire sword.

The earth bound Dao formula is not very aggressive, but it has the effect of binding the enemy. Maybe there are some changes with the burst of high-temperature steam.

The art of wandering spirit is more suitable.

The art of wandering spirit itself may be difficult to match with the rope fire Sabre technique, but the special Detonating Technique "over steaming kill" with the rope fire Sabre technique is estimated to have a miraculous effect!

Considering the binding and dehydration, Yang Yi named it "steamer knife"!

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