My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1121 Lifting the Sword

Bai Fengyu looked at Chen Fan with cold eyes:

"Chen Fan, do you have any objections to my trial?"

At the same time, many immortals and demon kings also looked at Chen Fan with complicated expressions.

Xingjun even sent a thought: "Chen Fan, you bow to Master Bai first, and I will naturally help you get rid of the suppression in advance..."

However, Chen Fan didn't seem to hear what Xingjun said, but still stared at Bai Fengyu.

"Judgment? I just ask, Bai Fengyu, why do you judge me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xing Jun was also a little helpless: "Chen Fan! Don't be stubborn at this moment. Although your strength and talent are strong, you will not be the opponent of Master Bai. Even in my church , Teacher Bai's strength can also be ranked among the best, and his status is not ordinary, you must not compare him with ordinary immortals..."

Chen Fan shook his head:

"No matter how strong he is, so what if his status is not ordinary?"

"I did nothing wrong, why should I be judged by him?"

If the strength is weak, it's fine if you can't compete with the Demon God King. Resistance is just courting death, and Chen Fan can only accept it honestly.

But at this moment, Chen Fan has already possessed the strength of the Demon God King, and the bonus time for "Ultimate Power" has not yet passed, so naturally he will no longer bow his head for Bai Fengyu!

"Bai Fengyu, if you don't like me and want my life, just come and take it, do you really think I'm afraid of you?!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many immortals and demon god kings were extremely complicated.

Bai Fengyu was also very angry and laughed back, but he didn't hide his strength anymore.

The golden scroll unfolded in front of him, and the golden light of merit exploded.

The turbulent golden light rushed towards Chen Fan.

"Well done!"

Feeling the terrifying and surging power of merit, Chen Fan didn't have the slightest fear, but took the initiative to raise his sword forward.

The power of the healing elixir he took before has not completely dissipated, and the duration of the "ultimate power" has not reached the fixed point. At this moment, he is holding on to the power of Bai Fengyu's merits and virtues, and forcibly makes a move.

And when facing Chen Fan directly, Bai Fengyu also knew how terrifying Chen Fan's true strength was.

The thirteenth level of "Hongmeng Sword", paired with the second level of "Reaching for the Stars", and the blessing of "Ultimate Power", it is a bit outrageous.

Although Bai Fengyu is strong, even somewhat stronger than Bei Ming, but the power of the moves played by Chen Fan is even stronger!

More importantly, Chen Fan has the ninety-nine defensive Taoism artifact White Emperor Armor, has his own powerful physical strength, and has the source beads and healing elixir that can continuously recover from injuries.

Bai Fengyu wanted to kill Chen Fan unless his strength exceeded a certain level of Chen Fan's, but unfortunately he didn't.

The golden light and sword energy were constantly entangled, and the roar continued for a long time.

All the immortals around watched the two masters fighting with strange expressions, but no one dared to easily step into the battle between the two.

The strength of the two has reached the strongest level among immortals and demon kings.

In the whole world, it is difficult to find how many immortals or demon god kings who can suppress the two of them.

Apart from the two, Bei Ming, who was the most powerful at the scene, was forcibly suppressed, so how could anyone else dare to easily get involved in the battle between the two.

Looking at this scene, Xing Jun was also shocked in his heart.

Although he already knew what Chen Fan had done and had certain expectations for Chen Fan's strength, he was still amazed by the strength Chen Fan really showed.

"If it's just a competition of hard power, Bai Fengyu may have a slight advantage, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to win, but Bai Fengyu is not only strong in himself..."

Xing Jun took a deep breath, a look of worry flashed across his face.


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The golden light around Bai Fengyu's body was enthusiastic, intertwined with Chen Fan's primordial sword energy, continuously dissipating and agitating.

The expression on his face became even more ugly.

Chen Fan's primordial sword energy is not afraid of his own meritorious power, which also makes him have no advantage over other immortals and demon kings.

The more he beat him, the more he knew that it was impossible to take down Chen Fan on his own.

His eyes flickered, and a strong golden light spread out from his body, and then suddenly turned into a huge golden palm.

"God's palm of merit!"

A suffocating terrifying momentum suddenly descended.

Chen Fan's eyes were also fixed, and his expression became extremely solemn.

The scene where Bai Fengyu and Bei Ming fought before was also seen by him.

Although Bai Fengyu is strong, even Bei Ming has nothing to do with him, but his strength is not strong enough to defeat Bei Ming in a short time, what he relies on is the power of the "God's Palm of Merit".

"The 'God's Palm of Merit' is indeed powerful, but I haven't been idle all these years..."

As Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique" broke through the eleventh level, he and his party in the Blood Demon Secret Realm, he has consulted the Blood God for several years, but his mastery of "Blood Fusion Technique" has not only improved to a higher level, he can also learn from the inside. Besides, the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" has been further used!


Chen Fan still can't fully control the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" as he wishes, and excessive use of "Power of Heavenly Abyss" will affect his own mental will and body, but at this moment, it is naturally impossible for him to have any hesitation.

Facing Bai Fengyu's "God's Palm of Merit", Chen Fan also used his strongest method at this time without any concealment.

It is still the thirteenth level of "Hongmeng Sword" plus the second level of "Picking the Stars", and the second level of Berserk, but this time the Hongmeng Sword has also forged a rather exaggerated "Power of the Abyss of Heaven".

And with this sword cut out.

Countless black air lingers, and illusory tentacles spread and scatter!

The suffocating and desperate atmosphere of terror continued to surge.

Not only Bai Fengyu, but even the faces of all the immortals watching the battle changed drastically. What's more, they retreated crazily, pulling away enough distance from the two.

But I saw that the two fought against each other.

The surging golden light converged into a big hand and intertwined with the majestic sword energy mixed with palpitating power.

Click! !

The big golden hand that could easily suppress the power of "Bei Ming" couldn't block the power of Chen Fan's sword at this moment, and it shattered loudly.

A look of astonishment appeared on Bai Fengyu's face.

On the other side, Chen Fan's eyes were shining and extremely sharp.

The power of the Grandmist Sword mixed with the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", more precisely, the effect it can achieve is much higher than what Chen Fan imagined.

Of course, rather than saying that the "power of the abyss of heaven" gave the Hongmeng Sword a much higher power, it is better to say that the special "power of the abyss of heaven" restrained Bai Fengyu's moves even more.

Chen Fan's eyes were shining, but he moved forward again, and slashed out with another sword!

"Unexpectedly?!" Bai Fengyu's complexion also changed suddenly, and golden light surged around him.

Facing Chen Fan's sword light with the "Power of the Abyss", the effect of Bai Fengyu's golden light of merit was also greatly reduced, but under Chen Fan's sword energy, it collapsed in pieces!

"How could this be?" A look of astonishment flashed across Bai Fengyu's face, and his body retreated extremely quickly.

Chen Fan himself did not expect that the "Hongmeng Sword" that used the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" would be so effective.

"It seems that the power of merit is greatly restrained by the 'power of the abyss of heaven'..."

He laughed loudly, but took out the star-fixing mirror again, and the brilliance shot out from the star-fixing mirror, but it spread to Bai Fengyu in the blink of an eye, and his figure froze for a moment.

At that very moment, Chen Fan raised his sword and slashed down again.

At this moment, Bai Fengyu's face was filled with anger and bewilderment in addition to bewilderment and astonishment.

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