My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1144 Bait and Shot!

Chen Fan looked up at the sky, his eyes gleamed with a cold light, but this was the first time he activated the power of the Star God Seal "Magic Word Art"!

He didn't kill these people directly.

With his current strength, it is reasonable to say that he has no one to be afraid of except for the ultimates, but why he keeps hiding himself after leaving the ancient tree world, because he is worried that his strength will be exposed, and some fish that slip through the net will escape .

Even though he has already broken through to the Immortal, and the "Secret Code of Space and Space" has reached the Nine Levels of Perfection, there are still many places in the world that he cannot easily set foot in, and even the celestial deduction of the sun-shading mirror cannot be guessed.

Such as the sea, such as the place where some ultimate masters are, if his enemies hide in such a place, how will Chen Fan get rid of them all?

The high-profile reconstruction of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is a bait to lure those who have malicious intentions towards the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect...

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, one after another phantom light kept agitating on the barrier of the Sword Sect Protector Formation.

But at this moment, under the attacks of thousands of heavenly demons and many masters of the Nightmare tribe, countless cracks appeared in the barrier very quickly.

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the enchantment that shone with dim light could no longer withstand the attacks of thousands of heavenly demons and many night-dire masters, and shattered loudly.


Thousands of heavenly demons and masters of the Night Dire clan rushed into Jianzong.

But within Jianzong, many disciples and masters also emerged to contend with thousands of heavenly demons.

at the same time.

However, the blood sword king He Gu also turned into a streamer and rushed towards the night-dire group.

And behind He Gu, there were actually four masters who sealed the king, joined forces with He Gu, and fought with the masters of the Night Dire clan.

Although the Night Dire Clan has more king masters, the five King Seals from the Sword Sect's side joined forces and forcibly resisted the impact of the Night Dire Clan.

Outside of Jianzong.

King Ye Hua hid in the crowd, watching the scene with a delicate expression:

"Split Sky Sword Sect dared to announce the rebuilding in such a high-profile manner, but there was another reason, and they actually recruited the help of the four great king masters..."

King Yehua licked his lips.

He and Chen Fan had a long-standing grievance, but he had already arrived outside Jianzong.

It's just that he didn't rush to make a move, but waited silently for the first bird to try.

Naturally, there was a reason for the Sky Splitting Sword Sect's high-profile return, and King Ye Hua would naturally have concerns.

And now she knows the answer!

However, although the masters of the Dire Clan were blocked by several of the Kings of Jianzong, the number of other high-end combat powers of the Dire Clan still surpassed that of Jianzong, and the other disciples of Jianzong couldn't handle it at all. People keep dying.

Seeing the Night Dire clan fighting with the Sword Sect disciples, King Yehua was also ready to move.

But it immediately turned into a streamer and rushed into Jianzong.

Now that he has figured out where Jianzong's confidence lies, he naturally does not intend to continue to wait and see.

But at this moment, not only King Yehua, but also many spectators around him rushed into Jianzong.

Whether they had conflicts with Chen Fan or wanted to fish in troubled waters, these guys had no good intentions.

As more and more masters joined the melee, it was even more difficult for Jianzong's disciples to support themselves, and people continued to die.

The more time passed, the more people fished in troubled waters or saw the situation clearly, and the more people attacked Jianzong.

Just when the disciples of the Sword Sect were defeated, the Dire Clan and many masters were fighting vigorously.

A cold voice suddenly sounded in everyone's heart:

"What an ugly face."

With the sound of this voice, everything around has also undergone drastic changes.

Ripples like water stirred up.

In the chaotic battlefield, the corpses disappeared in an instant, and the surrounding scenes also changed suddenly. The masters of various races who were still attacking the disciples of Jianzong just now found themselves and others suddenly appearing in the open land in front of Jianzong on top of...

At this moment, a figure was suspended in the air, looking down at the crowd coldly.

It was Chen Fan.

Everything that happened before was nothing but an illusion created by Chen Fan through the "Huan Zi Jue".

Where can the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect find four more king masters!

Only by truly creating the illusion that Jianzong is in a critical juncture can the people hiding in the dark come forward.

The result did not disappoint Chen Fan.

Not only King Yehua, but Chen Fan also saw people from the Horned Demon Clan and the Zizai League among the hidden people, as well as other princes and kings from other races. What made Chen Fan even more angry was that more of them They have no conflict with Chen Fan, and Chen Fan doesn't even know each other!

But when they saw the scene in front of them and Chen Fan above their heads, exclamations came from among the intruders.

"It's Chen Fan!"

"How is it possible? Isn't he already dead?"

"It's fake, it must be fake! It's all an illusion!"

With the appearance of Chen Fan's figure, the surrounding people also started to be in an uproar.

Many experts even chose to retreat and run away when they saw Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and he raised his sword in his hand. At this moment, Chen Fan did not hide his aura anymore.

The suffocating breath erupted from Chen Fan's body and continued to spread!

The coercion belonging to the immortal series made the countless masters of all races present look at each other with horror.

And the next moment, Chen Fan finally raised the Lengfeng sword, and his eyes looked coldly at the thousands of heavenly demons and many masters of the Night Dire clan shrouded in a black cloud in front of him.

"The death of the three Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan doesn't teach us a lesson. If that's the case, then let's just get rid of them!"

The cold front sword in his hand fell down suddenly.

The tenth form of "Reverse Sword Judgment"!

With this sword, he was heading towards the direction of thousands of heavenly demons and masters of the Night Dire clan in the sky!


Waiting for the sword light to appear in the sight of the onlookers.

The thousands of heavenly demons in the sky and the masters of the Night Dire clan exploded into blood!

Just a moment.

Of the many masters sent by the Dire Clan, none of them survived.

Chen Fan's Reverse Sword Art not only has the power of Beiming Sword, but also has the speed of Wuwo Sword, and it also combines the advantages of other major swordsmanship!

Whether it is power or any other aspect, it is absolutely perfect and has no weaknesses.

In terms of power, Chen Fan's tenth form "Nijian Jue" is only slightly weaker than the thirteenth form "Hongmeng Sword".

Even among the thirteen moves of Beiming, only the final twelve and thirteen moves can surpass Chen Fan's move in power.

And you must know that this is only the beginning of Chen Fan's mastery of swordsmanship. When he creates the eleventh and twelve forms in "Nijianjue", he will naturally be able to compete with the thirteenth Hongmeng sword and Beiming's thirteenth form. Widen the gap.

Of course, the power of swordsmanship is one aspect. Chen Fan's terrifying physique and explosive power have already made him surpass the boundaries of ordinary immortals.

"It's really useless." Chen Fan retracted his sword, and his indifferent voice was not loud, but it easily spread around.

Surrounded by many foreign masters, they all looked shocked, and their expressions changed strangely.

With so many masters of the Dire Clan gathered together, among them there are even several kings. With this lineup, apart from the Demon God King and the masters of the Immortal level, who can beat it?

But such a terrifying lineup was easily lost in Chen Fan's hands.

Chen Fan's strength is too terrifying!

The faces of the remaining masters were covered with cold sweat.

Some people even turned into streamers and soared into the sky.

It's just that those who dared to run away, but before they could leave, their souls collapsed one by one and fell to the ground!

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