My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1177 swallow it in one gulp

"Daoyu?!" Meng Qi's mouth twitched, his face full of despair.

He also went to the doctor in an emergency and lost his position.

"Hmph. I have already been cultivated in the second level of the Dao Domain. Since you want to die, I will help you..." Second Prince Wang looked at Meng Qi with cold eyes, and raised his hand forward. Thousands of phantom lights surged in the center, but they condensed into a sharp light gun and rushed towards Meng Qi.


The air howled and the wind blew.

While the phantom light was stirring, the walls of the pavilion were instantly overturned.

An indescribable terrifying force pointed directly at Meng Qi. Meng Qi's body was restrained by the Dao Domain, but he couldn't move an inch, but he could only let the guns of light all over the sky come towards him again!

A look of despair flashed across his eyes.

Meng Qi has not been promoted to the ninth level for a long time, and he is not too powerful in the ninth level, but the second son of the king is already a second level Dao domain cultivation base, how can he resist.

And at this moment.

The wind and thunder stirred, and suddenly a phantom-like figure stood in front of Meng Qi.

It was Chen Wenhao.

On Chen Wenhao's body, there was a layer of illusory white light armor stirring and circulating.


A series of light guns rushed towards him, but they couldn't penetrate the light armor around Chen Wenhao's body at all, and the impact was completely absorbed.

Chen Wenhao touched the little fox on his shoulder with one hand, and smiled: "Why are you so angry..."

The Second Young Master Wang couldn't help being taken aback.

The old Xuan next to him had a twinkle in his eyes:

"My lord, it's a defensive weapon!"

Hearing the words, Second Prince Wang couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, looked at Chen Wenhao a few more times, and then his expression was extremely cold:

"A mere ninth level, you can come and go freely under my Dao domain, and you have a defensive Dao weapon added to your body. I think you are not a disciple of ordinary people..."

"It's just that if you dare to meddle in the affairs of my Wang family, are you ready to risk the lives of the whole family?!"

When it came to the end, the tone of Second Prince Wang was full of hostility and murderous intent.

Hearing this, Chen Wenhao narrowed his eyes, but the little fox he was pressing on his shoulder showed a fierce look on his face, no longer able to control it, it turned into a streamer and flew out instantly!

The little fox galloped like a phantom light, and for a split second, there was only a scream.

The second young master Wang, who was still aggressive before, collapsed to the ground at this time, his neck was directly bitten off by the little fox, a lot of blood spilled out, and the Dao Domain could no longer be maintained!

He covered his neck with one hand, and looked at Elder Xuan beside him in pain and astonishment, while the other hand was stretched out in the air feebly.

All this happened in a flash, but even the guard Xuan Lao who was next to the Second Young Master Wang didn't react.


And when he saw that his young master's neck was bitten off and collapsed on the ground, his man was about to burst into tears. He rushed forward and took out a lot of medicinal materials and pills to help the young master refine it. However, the second young master Wang, But the breath is constantly weakening, and it can't be saved at all.

A moment later, the pupils of the second son of Wang were completely dilated.

"No! Young Master!!" That old man Xuan got up angrily, his body was turbulent, and a Dao Fruit appeared on his head, and his whole body exuded an aura ten times more terrifying than that of the Second Young Master Wang!

"Damn it!" As soon as Qi Qi clapped his hands, the power of heaven and earth rolled and turned into a big hand with aura, and the terrifying power slapped towards the little fox lying next to him.

A flash of disdain flashed in the eyes of the little fox, but its head swelled suddenly, tens or hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, and then bit down on Elder Xuan.

The huge mouth bit the giant palm into pieces in an instant, and bit it off under Elder Xuan's stunned and panicked eyes.


Accompanied by the tragic wailing and crisp popping sound, the little fox's head swallowed Elder Xuan's whole body, and only then began to shrink.

The little fox smacked his lips, and then poohed twice, but he looked disgusted.

Everyone present was astonished and stared at this scene in a daze.

And the little fox turned into a streamer and flew to Chen Wenhao's shoulder again.

Chen Wenhao stroked the little fox's body: "Uncle Guang, you are so murderous, just teach these two guys a little lesson..."

The little fox "hummed" arrogantly.

Chen Wenhao shook his head and said:

"It's not that I don't want you to kill, it's just that after beating the young ones, the old ones will come. It's a small matter, but it may become a big one...Why do we have to make so many things in the Thai Emperor's Dynasty, and the troubles are big, mother I'm afraid I'm going to say it again."

"Hmph!" The little fox turned his head sideways, as if he didn't answer Chen Wenhao.

Chen Wenhao also laughed, a little helpless.

And at this moment, Yuan's father rushed towards Second Young Master Wang with a changed expression as if he had just realized it.

The second son of Wang has long since died.

After Father Yuan confirmed the death of Second Young Master Wang, his legs went limp, and he collapsed on the ground in despair: "It's over, my Yuan family is over..."

"Changsheng... that old man is a master of Dao fruit, the little fox ate him directly, he must be a spirit beast of the longevity level..." Nina walked in front of Chen Wenhao with a complicated expression, but she looked at the little fox full of subtlety.

Meng Qi next to him also had cold sweat on his face and a complex expression:

"Brother Chen is an extraordinary person... unexpectedly protected by a long-lived beast!"

And when he heard the word "Longevity", Father Yuan seemed to have found a savior, but he scrambled and knelt down in front of Chen Wenhao.

"My lord, your divine beast killed the second son of Wang. If the Wang family comes here, how can my Yuan family stop it? You can't just ignore my Yuan family..."

As soon as Chen Wenhao waved his hand, he lifted Yuan's father up in a flash of inspiration:

"Don't worry, the man was killed by the spirit beast under my command, I will naturally take care of this matter to the end!"

Father Yuan felt relieved, but he saw Chen Wenhao suddenly raised his head: "Longevity... came really fast..."

At the same time, a suffocating and terrifying momentum suddenly descended from the sky.

The air roared and the spiritual light surged, but a young man in white clothes who was more snowy floated above everyone's heads.

The dome of the pavilion was overturned by the Second Young Master Wang long ago, but this man was condescending and looking down at the crowd, and when he saw the Second Young Master Wang's corpse on the ground, his expression froze.

One waved his hand, but the corpse of Second Young Master Wang flew straight up and flew in front of him. After confirming that Second Young Master Wang was hopeless, he also put away Second Young Master Wang's body. He looked down at several people.

"Which one killed my Wang family's Tianjiao, stand up and die!"

Father Yuan's mouth twitched, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Chen Wenhao.

There may be changes in the corner of the eye of the others.

Naturally, these changes in details could not escape the eyes of the man in white in the sky.

He looked straight at Chen Wenhao: "It's you?"

Chen Wenhao was still indifferent, and slightly cupped his fists towards the sky: "Your Excellency, do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are!"

However, before Chen Wenhao could tell his background and identity, the man in the sky turned into a streamer and rushed to Chen Wenhao in an instant.

"Killing my royal family's Tianjiao's life, even if you are the heir of the Thai emperor, you will die!"

As he spoke, he lifted his hands forward, and thousands of phantom lights intertwined and rushed towards Chen Wenhao.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wenhao just shook his head: "Why do you have to come here to die..."

Then there was only a roar, and the little fox on his shoulder suddenly turned into a stream of light and galloped out, but its head swelled again, this time it swelled more than a hundred times!

A demonic aura of horror and fear surged out.

The terrifying blood basin bit down with a big mouthful, but directly swallowed the man in the sky and the thousands of turbulent phantom lights in the sky.

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