My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1183 Undercurrent

Inside the Joan Tower.

Immortal sounds are heard, silk and bamboo are lingering.

In the wide hall.

But it was full of people celebrating Chen Xi's birthday.

Chen Wenhao led Nina to stand in front of a dignified woman in palace attire.

"My lord..."

The person was Ye Yunxin.

Thousands of years have passed, but the years have not left any traces on his body.

She still looks like a young woman in her twenties and thirties.

On the contrary, with the growth of his cultivation base, his temperament is getting better and better after being in a high position for a long time.

"Wen Hao."

Ye Yunxin smiled and stepped forward to straighten his son's collar, her face could not hide her affection: "Didn't there be any trouble when I went out this time?"

Chen Wenhao coughed:

"Mum, you don't know what your son is like. I didn't take the initiative to cause trouble..."

While talking, he changed the topic, and turned to introduce Nina to his mother: "This is the girl I met in the Western Regions..."

Ye Yunxin was also very satisfied when she saw the girl Shui Ling brought back by her son. She immediately took Miss Nina's palm and asked about the girl's identity and age.

It's a pity that the girl's background is indeed not simple, except for the basic information such as name taboo and age, but she didn't reveal more.

Right between talking.

There was a sudden uproar in the hall, but there was a flash of spiritual light, and a woman in red clothes flying into the hall, fluttering like a fairy, full of fierce aura.

"Sister Xi is here!" Chen Wenhao's eyes lit up when he saw the person coming.

Following Chen Xi's arrival, all the guests around also stepped forward to congratulate and salute.

Chen Xi greeted everyone with a smile, but she went straight to the direction of Ye Yunxin and the others.

"Wen Hao is back?" Seeing this little cousin's return, Chen Xi also looked concerned.

It took Chen Fan thousands of years to get such a son.

With Chen Fan as the center, all relatives and friends radiated out showed great care for Chen Wenhao.

However, Chen Wenhao hastily greeted him, flipped his hands over, and took out a jade box:

"This is the jewelry that my younger brother bought by chance when he was wandering in the Western Regions. Although it is not a precious thing, it is very beautiful, so I gave it to Sister Xi as a gift."

"Wen Hao has a heart." Chen Xi accepted it with a smile.

For other people, he doesn't look down on ordinary treasures. If Chen Wenhao can produce a treasure that makes others tempted, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Wenhao to obtain it by himself.

Therefore, Chen Xi didn't care whether the gift given by Chen Wenhao was precious or not, but what she cared about was whether Chen Wenhao had this intention.

As Chen Wenhao said, he also introduced Nina to Chen Xi.

Nina took out an ice blue bracelet as a gift and gave it to Chen Xi.

"Huh? I can feel the charm of Dao Dao in this thing... This is not an ordinary thing."

Chen Xi took the gift from Nina, and also looked at Nina curiously:

"Little girl, which family in the Western Regions are you from?"

Those who can take out this kind of treasure as a gift are definitely not people of ordinary power!

Nina was a little nervous immediately, "I, I..."

Ye Yunxin realized the little girl's difficulties, but stepped forward: "Xiaoxi, why do you have so many problems!"

Chen Xi also realized something immediately, smiled, and didn't say anything more, she turned her head to look around, then looked at Ye Yunxin, cleared her throat: "Uncle, isn't he still in seclusion...?"

Ye Yunxin smiled and shook her head, "Your 5,000th birthday, no matter how busy your uncle is, he will come here in person, but he is going to welcome some important figures from other holy sects...he will be here in a while..."

Chen Xi immediately understood and nodded.

Masters who have become immortals and demon kings will naturally not show their faces easily.

Chen Xi himself naturally wouldn't attract too many big shots.

But there is Chen Fan behind her, those big shots are mostly coming for Chen Fan!


at the same time.

Outside the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

The sky was full of light, but there were two figures floating in the sky.

These two people were the ones who came here in the Thai Emperor's Dynasty.

The man in black armor held a spar in his hand: "The spar has sensed it, and the little girl is indeed here!"

The woman in red looks complexly at the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect who looks like a fairyland not far away, with a complicated expression: "Yuan Shenzhou, Sky-Splitting Sword Sect..."

Seeing the woman in red, the man in black armor next to him also had a subtle expression: "Chiling, have you dealt with the Sky Splitting Sword Sect before?"

When Chi Ling heard this, she narrowed her eyes and recalled:

"You should also know that I was not born in the Demon Realm, but in the mainland... And the place I am in is in this Yuan Shenzhou, so naturally I have dealt with the Sky Splitting Sword Sect..."

"It's just that at that time, the strongest sword sect of splitting sky was only the fourth level of longevity...but now..."

Shaking his head, Chi Ling looked at the man in black armor again:

"Although I have dealt with the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, I have nothing to do with it, and even caused the death of many people from the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect... and with your and my strength, I am afraid it is impossible to get into the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect You will be discovered. Chongxuan, what can you do?"

The man named Chongxuan shook his head:

"Let's not talk about you and me, even if the lord is close, I guess we may not be able to fight against the one from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, let alone the lord is still inseparable from the demon realm... Then we have to wait, the little one The girl probably doesn't know that we have already chased her, as long as she waits outside the Sky Splitting Sword Sect all the time, as long as she comes out, she may be caught by us..."

Chi Ling was helpless: "What kind of solution is this?!"

Chongxuan shook his head: "Do you have a better way?"

Chi Ling was also speechless when he heard the words.

In a courtyard with immortals, if you do some small tricks, you are definitely courting death!

Even if the true spirit is reincarnated and recultivated, it will definitely be discovered.

"Then just wait." Chi Ling nodded helplessly.


However, Chen Wenhao and Nina didn't know that there were two uninvited guests outside the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, and the target was Nina.

At this moment, Nina anxiously followed Chen Wenhao to the family banquet at Chen Wenhao's house.

Nina also finally met Chen Wenhao's father.

"I met my uncle..." Nina cautiously followed Chen Wenhao.

Of course he didn't know that the person in front of him was the peerless sword fairy from the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect.

Thousands of years have passed, and as the way of swordsmanship has become more refined, Chen Fan has lost the sharp and intimidating aura of the past, and instead has returned to the basics and become more gentle.

Of course, it's not that Chen Fan lost his sharpness, but that he completely restrained his sharpness and hid it inside.

Chen Fan smiled and nodded towards the girl.

With a glance, he had already seen through the special features of the girl.

He casually sent out a treasure containing Dao rhyme, but Chen Fan raised his head to look at Chen Xi again:

"Are you breaking through again?"

Chen Xi also nodded with a smile: "I have a little understanding... I know I can't hide it from my uncle's eyes."

Chen Fan nodded:

"Since that's the case, then this kind of treasure is convenient for you as your birth gift... You should be able to exert some of the effects of this thing at this time!"

When he flipped his hands over, he took out a fiery red fan.

When Chen Xi saw the fan, his eyes lit up immediately, he took the fan in surprise, and quickly thanked Chen Fan.

This fan is nothing else, it is one of the two immortal artifacts that Chen Fan got when he opened the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion!

After Chen Xi reshaped his body, he greatly expanded his talent. After thousands of years of hard work and Chen Fan's training, he had already broken through the sixth level of longevity. The breakthrough this time was a breakthrough after understanding the Dao. The cultivation base will not improve much, but the strength can be improved to a higher level. I am afraid that it will not be far away without being a Marquis!

Although she is not yet able to fully utilize the power of this fan, Chen Fan originally planned to give this fan to her. It just happened to be her 5,000th birthday, and she will make another breakthrough, but it will be a little earlier...

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