My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1186 Buy One Get One Free

When fighting against the Heavenly Snake Demon God.

Not only did Chen Fan never use his ultimate power.

He hadn't even used the triple "Star Reaching" that he had already practiced to perfection.

Following Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique" and "Reverse Sword Art" to realize the twelfth form, his strength has improved a lot compared to the past.

Facing the Sky Snake Demon God, a top Demon God King who was not even much weaker than the Juli Demon God, Chen Fan could easily crush him without triple "Star Reaching".

But at this moment, after the Heavenly Snake Demon God activated his ultimate power and burned his divine power, it would be easy for Chen Fan to suppress him, but the strength he exerted at this time alone was not enough to kill him.

And the Sky Snake Demon God's expression changed again when he heard Chen Fan's words.

However, in his view, Chen Fan might be about to use his ultimate power!

The Heavenly Snake Demon God had a dignified expression, and his two vertical pupils shone with caution and fear.

It's just that Chen Fan's behavior stunned him.

Chen Fan raised his Dao Yuan mace again, but he didn't intend to activate the "Ultimate Power" at all.


The Dao Yuan mace in his hand swung down violently, it was still the twelfth form of reverse sword art.

Just as the sword light surged out, the face of the Heavenly Snake Demon God suddenly changed in horror: "How could it be?!!"

Containing the same power of the great way, the twelfth form of the Neijianjue is the same, but this time it has exerted a terrifying power far exceeding the previous ones!

"I can't stop it..." The eyes of the Heavenly Snake Demon God shrank sharply, the water light rippled all over his body, and the mighty power of the avenue flowed, and countless terrifying water lights rushed towards Chen Fan's sword light.

But it's useless at all.

Under the suppression of absolute power, the moves of the Sky Snake Demon God collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Chen Fan's sword light blasted towards the body of the Sky Snake Demon God...

On the other side, Chen Fan watched Jian Guang devour the body of the Heavenly Snake Demon God.

Chen Fan was moving his own arm.

Even if it was as strong as Chen Fan, after the sword was slashed, countless fine wounds broke out on the entire arm!

Chen Fan has completed the practice of the twelfth level of "Blood Fusion Art" long ago, but the thirteenth level of perfection or heavy damage is too cumbersome and complicated. Even after a long time, Chen Fan still has not gained much, so Compared with his original body, his physical body has not improved much...

For him, the triple "Reaching for the Stars" was also ridiculously heavy.

It's just that compared to the original Pengxuan Immortal, Chen Fan's body is much stronger.

Immortal Pengxuan couldn't fully use the triple "Star Reaching" moves at all.

But Chen Fan was able to slash dozens of swords at least by relying on his own body!

It's just that because the body is too strong, it is extremely difficult to recover from the injuries.

It is no longer possible for Chen Fan to recreate the situation when he was weak and weak, and he could recover from the injuries all over his body in seconds with just one turn of the source beads.

He turned his arm, and the countless fine wounds on his arm were rapidly healing and repairing.

And at this moment.

"Eh?" Chen Fan looked in the middle of the roaring and terrifying impact in astonishment.

The turbulent avenue circulates, and the surging water waves cover the sky.

Dazzling streams of light stirred, but one could only see that the Heavenly Snake Demon God with only one head was holding a strange flower that was crystal clear like crystal.

But at this moment, this strange flower is exuding a strong aura of water, and at the same time, the brilliance it emits turns into a huge water film to protect the head of the Heavenly Snake Demon God under it.

"This thing..." Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, this crystal-like flower was somewhat similar to the aura of little girl Nina.

Needless to say, Chen Fan also knew that the thing that could block the Heavenly Snake Demon God's ultimate move was definitely not an ordinary treasure!

But looking at the dao rhyme and breath flowing above the flower, Chen Fan also had an unspeakable wonderful feeling in his heart.

His eyes were flickering, but he drew his sword again:

"You were able to block my full-strength move, Heavenly Snake Demon God, your strength has been recognized by me."

"Unfortunately, the stronger you are, the less likely I am to keep you alive!"

Chen Fan's whole body was full of terrifying aura, but he once again slashed out the reverse sword art with one sword and twelve moves!

The mighty sword light surged towards the Heavenly Snake Demon God.

The Heavenly Snake Demon God was full of ferocity and unwillingness. He was able to block Chen Fan's sword because of the strength of his own treasure. When Chen Fan made another sword strike, he didn't have the slightest bit of confidence!

All that remained was the rippling light on the water film around the head, but under the impact of the sword light, dense cracks appeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's over..."

The Sky Snake Demon God is full of unwillingness and despair...


And it was the moment when the water membrane around the Sky Snake Demon God's body was about to burst.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed across the sky, and it appeared not far from the Sky Snake Demon God at a rather shocking speed.

"Heavenly Snake, I will help you!"

The golden light surged, but a gigantic Jinpeng suddenly appeared, its wings spread out, and it rushed towards the Heavenly Snake Demon God in the blink of an eye.

But taking advantage of the moment when the water film broke, the two claws easily grabbed the huge snake head of the Heavenly Snake Demon God.

The mighty sword light has been weakened by most of its strength, and the roaring force hit Jin Peng's body, but it left a large piece of blood.

It's just that it's not enough to kill this big bird.

But after the big bird grabbed the sky snake, it turned into a golden light again and went to the distance.

Its speed is so fast that Chen Fan can't match it at all!

"It's Jinpeng Demon Emperor!" Chen Fan also recognized the identity of this demon master immediately.

This Jinpeng demon emperor is the most powerful existence among the demon god kings in the demon realm.

Of course, compared to its strength, its speed is the most dreadful thing!

Although the masters of the Demon God King are all proficient in using the power of space.

But if you really encounter the situation where the Demon God King is fighting, speed is very important.

Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" can lock the space, and even the demon king and immortal masters don't even think about breaking the space around him.

But the Jinpeng Demon Emperor didn't need to break through the space at all...

As for the Demon God King of the Demon Realm, Jinpeng Demon Emperor naturally had a reason to make a move.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered with a faint light: "You can't escape!"

His eyes flashed, and a huge character suddenly appeared in front of him!

The star god's seal and extinction formula is motivating!


However, the attack of divine sense covered thousands of distances in the blink of an eye, and caught up with the Jinpeng Yaodi who turned into a golden light and went away.

Its stature stagnated suddenly, although it was still moving forward with terrifying inertia, but without its active maintenance, the speed dropped too much.

Although Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness is not much stronger than before, after a long time of cultivation, the Star God Seal has almost recovered its full power.

The Miezi Jue is naturally more powerful.

Even a master like Jinpeng Yaodi couldn't stop such a terrifying divine attack.

While Chen Fan galloped forward, there was an extra golden chain in his hand.

This chain is exactly the "chain of heaven"!

Although Chen Fan has a star-fixing mirror, the influence of a star-fixing mirror that can only reach the level of ninety-nine artifacts on such experts is limited after all...

And the "Chain of the Sky" is something related to the Supreme Immortal Artifact, and may even be a part of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, but the effect is stronger than ordinary trapped Immortal Artifacts!

Chi la la!

The golden chain was like a long golden dragon piercing through the long dragon, rushing towards Jinpeng Demon Emperor and Sky Snake Demon God in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the bodies of the two were bound.

And at this moment, Jinpeng Yaodi recovered, struggling hard to break free from the chains of the sky.

Its strength is indeed worthy of the strongest Demon God King in the Demon Realm. During the surge of power, the chains of the sky began to loosen in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan took the opportunity to move forward, and dropped his sword!

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