My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1196 Absolute Sword

Chen Fan's gaze also instantly looked at the long sword in the hand of the Blue Demon God.

Needless to say.

This crystal long sword should be the fairy sword that Yang Yan promised Chen Fan.

The Blue Demon God looked at Chen Fan with a slightly reminiscing and complicated expression: "This sword was left by a friend of mine before his death. Destroy its reputation!"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled when he heard the words, staring straight at the fairy sword.

At the same time, on the long crystal sword, the spiritual light transformed into a small white beast with a strange appearance. This little beast stared straight at Chen Fan with two watery black eyes, and its mouth There is also a baby-like milky voice:

"Are you my new master? Show me what you have, but not everyone can be my master!"

This little beast is supposed to be Jue Jian's tool spirit, looking at the sound of milk, but it's probably an antique-level guy.

Chen Fan smiled, but looked up at the Blue Demon God and the Yangyan Demon God: "This place is not suitable for showing your strength. If you two don't care, you can enter my mind world together, and I will be the sword spirit dew." Both hands!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Yan Demon God also laughed: "It is also a rare opportunity to see Chen Fan Sword Immortal and you make a move again, so I will naturally go."

The Blue Demon God also nodded.

It is actually very dangerous to easily enter the mind world of others, especially the world of masters of the same level.

The mind world is a place where a person's strength can be exerted to the limit.

If Chen Fan had evil intentions and attacked the two of them, it would naturally not be an easy solution for the two of them.

The two can easily agree, probably because they have their own confidence.

Of course, they didn't think that Chen Fan would attack them.


Within Chen Fan's mind world.

On the ground, there are long swords like forests.

Chen Fan raised his hand forward, and Leng Fengjian appeared in his hand.

He waved his hand slightly, and Leng Fengjian couldn't stop trembling and moaning.

"Let the sword spirit see the level of the sword moves I created myself..."

Chen Fan didn't urge Berserk and Reaching Stars, and didn't even use his divine power, the sword light in his hand cut forward slightly.


The edge of the sword pierced through the air.

But it didn't arouse any momentum, and it seemed to be a fairly ordinary sword.

But it made the expressions of the two demon kings and the fairy sword spirit shocked.

"Good swordsmanship!"

The Blue Devil was born in admiration.

Immortal Sword and Sword Spirit also nodded, but there was joy on his face: "It's a lot worse than my previous master, but it's okay!"

This sword spirit is a bit arrogant, and he doesn't speak highly of Chen Fan, but his face is full of joy, obviously he has already identified Chen Fan as his new master.

Yang Yan next to him also laughed loudly: "Sword Immortal Chen Fan, you have the blood against the gods, and your own strength is unparalleled, but you didn't expect your swordsmanship to be so powerful. It is really possible to achieve a new 'Ultimate'!"

Chen Fan smiled and didn't say much.

Yang Yan also said again: "Dare to ask Sword Immortal Chen Fan, what is the name of your move?"

Chen Fan put away the Leng Feng sword and smiled: "This is the twelfth form of my self-created sword art "Ni Jian Jue"..."

In fact, even if he didn't have the bloodline of Nishen and "Reaching for the Stars", Chen Fan could still rank among immortals and demon kings in terms of the realm of swordsmanship alone.

The twelfth form of Reverse Sword Art alone is enough to make Chen Fan compare with some old sword immortals.

Coupled with Chen Fan's terrifying explosive power, his strength is something that the Blue Demon God and Yang Yan can guess...

The Blue Demon God waved his hand and threw the Absolute Sword up.

Chen Fan reached out to catch Juejian, and he did not hide his joy, but he started refining directly.

Absolute Sword and Sword Spirit naturally cooperated in everything, and Chen Fan refined Absolute Sword easily.

And as a fairy weapon, Absolute Sword brought Chen Fan bonuses, not to mention.

Although Daoyuan mace is also a fairy weapon, it is not a fairy sword. The difference between them is not only in shape, but also the blessing of the power of the great way, and the gap in the upper limit that can be achieved...

With the fairy sword in his hand, Chen Fan's heart was once again full of confidence and pride.

The masters in the world, apart from those ultimates, who else can be his opponent?


In the sky.

Chen Fan, who had already refined the Absolute Sword, stood side by side in the void with the Blue Demon God and the Yangyan Demon God, staring directly at the scorching sun emitting infinite light and heat above the sky.

Chen Fan turned to look at the two Demon Gods: "What are we going to do now?"

The Blue Demon God narrowed his eyes:

"Wait. If the Sun God King falls, no one will be able to withstand the gap in the world, and the Sun God Court will also fall from the 'Nine Heavens', and then will be our real chance to make a move."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking: "The gap above the nine heavens is not blocked by the Sun God King. Wouldn't the power of the abyss be able to penetrate in? Will the catastrophe erupt here?"

The Blue Demon God shook his head: "Things are not that simple. Why does Tianyuan have to invade our world periodically and in a limited manner? limit……"

"Tianyuan is more convenient to invade only when the world's self-protection mechanism is the weakest... The exposure of the gap in the world may indeed make the Heavenly Dao distribute more power, and even lead to the early catastrophe, but it is impossible just because of a gap. It exploded immediately..."

Chen Fan nodded after hearing this.

He raised his head and looked at the sun, but he couldn't help but recall the face of "Yang"...

Time flies.

It seems that the Sun God King is in danger, but he didn't fall immediately...

In the blink of an eye, years passed.

Chen Fan took advantage of these days to get acquainted with the just-refined Absolute Sword in his mind world.

this day.

Chen Fan suddenly received a message from Yang Yan.

He escaped from the mind world with a single thought, only to see Yang Yan and the Blue Demon God still waiting in the void.

"What's wrong?" Chen Fan looked up at the sun. Although he could feel the shadow on the sun spreading, he was sure that the Sun God King hadn't fallen yet!

Yang Yan narrowed his eyes: "I just received the latest news... The monster clan Lie Ao has fallen!"

Lie Ao was the monster who practiced the Flame Dao that visited Chen Fan back then!

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Fan's expression became condensed: "Is it done by other flame masters?"

Lie Ao's strength is not bad, but he is stronger than Chiyan Immortal and Yangyan Demon God, but not weaker than Beiming. Except for the first-level immortals and Demon God Kings, those who can kill him are extremely powerful. Few, very few.

And you must know that as a monster clan, Lie Ao will naturally have some friends of the monster clan, and will also invite some first-class experts of the monster clan to help him.

Those who can kill Lie Ao are probably very few.

Yang Yan Demon God raised his eyebrows: "Under the sky, no one knows who killed Lie Ao, but nine out of ten it was one of the other guys, or even a few of them joined forces..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

The sun god king is about to fall, and these potential competitors are the biggest enemies.

Under the temptation of achieving the "ultimate", no one can escape.

Kill a competitor early, and there will be one less opponent when the time comes.

As for the death of an immortal, the possible consequences of the future catastrophe are not so important compared to the ultimate position.

There are only a few immortals and demon kings in the world who really abide by the rules like Bai Fengyu...

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