My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1204 The Final Battle

Huo Rong's whole body was scorched black, but he quickly took out various herbs and pills and stuffed them into his mouth, and it took a long time for his breath to stabilize.

On the other hand, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Fan narrowed the distance with Huo Rong again.

It's just that the power of the "Ultimate Fire" he endured has also continued to increase, but it has gradually exceeded the limit that he himself can bear.

The water on his body was agitated, and while using the water heart to recover from his injuries, he also stuffed a lot of pills into his mouth, forced himself to continue walking, walked to a sufficient place, and then drew his sword, aiming at the melting pot of fire. cut off.


Although there is still a certain distance from Huo Melting, it is not far after all, and under Chen Fan's all-out attack, even the "Ultimate Fire" cannot instantly burn up the power of his moves!

The turbulent sword energy pierced through the torrential fire and melted towards the fire.

Although the power continued to decrease, the distance between Chen Fan and Huo Rong was already close enough, but this sword successfully hit Huo Rong before the power disappeared.

And although the power has been reduced by a huge amount, the remaining small part of the power still melts away towards the fire with a bang.

Huo Rong was seriously injured by the "Ultimate Flame" because of rushing forward, but at this moment, facing Chen Fan's sword light, it was hard to resist, and his whole body was splattered with flesh and blood.

Amidst the tragic wailing, his person also followed the terrifying impact of Chen Fan's sword energy, and charged towards the Sun God King closer!

The damage of Chen Fan's sword light and the damage of "Ultimate Fire" are superimposed, even if his strength is like a fire, he is unable to maintain it at all. During the tragic wailing, his mutilated flesh and blood are burned away in the blink of an eye, leaving only a stern skeleton. It is also constantly collapsing!

The power of Chen Fan's sword light could not be maintained in this environment, and soon disappeared.

But the fiery breath weakened to the extreme in the blink of an eye. After Chen Fan's sword light power disappeared, it also flew back decisively and rushed towards the periphery.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan raised his sword again.

"Let me go..." Huo Rong's steps froze slightly, his skeleton-only body looked at Chen Fan, and said extremely weakly.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Promise me one condition."

Huo Rong nodded hurriedly.

Only then did Chen Fan put down the sword in his hand, letting Huo Rong continue to move towards the periphery.

Chen Fan himself did not continue to move forward, but also moved towards the periphery.

He has also reached his limit at this time, and every time he stays here for a while, he will suffer more damage.

Chen Fan and Huo Rong kept retreating one after the other, but they quickly passed Yang Yan and came to the outermost area, near the gate of the temple.

When Huo Rong passed Yang Yan, he was not stupid enough to attack Yang Yan. With his current state, even if he made a move, he would not be Yang Yan's opponent...

The Blue Demon God also looked at Chen Fan and Huo Rong who had withdrawn in surprise, and laughed loudly: "Chen Fan, well done!"

Chen Fan shook his head, then flipped his hand and took out another pill, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He himself did not comprehend the Dao of Flame, and the damage he suffered was actually far greater than that of Yang Yan and Huo Rong, but his physical strength was strong enough, and he was nourished by the power of the Dao of Water, so he was able to bear it hard. The injuries were not serious.

And the medicinal power of an elixir was completely refined in the blink of an eye, but Chen Fan's injury still hadn't fully recovered.

The flames burning on his body did not dissipate.

There is no way, the power of "Ultimate Way" is too terrifying.

Chen Fan decisively took out a second elixir...

However, the state of the fire melting next to it is even worse. Although it has retreated to the edge, the raging flames are still burning on its skeleton, and there is no flesh and blood on it.

A master of this level has extremely tenacious vitality, but if he is seriously injured, it will be quite difficult to recover.

In fact, if it wasn't for him being the Demon God King of the Flame Dao, he would have died long ago.

At this moment, Chen Fan was by his side, and he didn't dare to choose to escape at all, but he immediately took out various pills and treasures, continuously absorbed and refined them, and recovered his injuries.

Chen Fan also immediately made a vow of heaven with him, asking him to withdraw from the competition for the Flame Avenue, and promised himself a condition.

Although Huo Rong hated Chen Fan extremely, he had no choice but to agree.

And when he made the oath of heaven, he could also feel the emptiness in his heart.

He knew that it was Tiandao who had given up on himself.

Theoretically, he can obtain the ultimate source of flames, that is, all other demon kings and immortals of the way of flames are dead...

On the other side, while Chen Fan quickly recovered from his injuries, he kept looking at Yang Yan.

Yang Yan gradually moved forward steadily, although it was very slow, but the state was always maintained at the best.

The "Ultimate Flame" is powerful, but as a master who controls the Flame Dao, as long as he chooses to move forward steadily and not rush forward, he will not be eroded by such a terrifying force at all.

And behind him is obviously supported by an ultimate master, and there are still more than one "ultimate power" in his hand!

But at this moment, Chen Fan suddenly turned his head, and accompanied by restless fluctuations, another person arrived.

Chen Fan tilted his head slightly, raised his hand forward, and Absolute Sword appeared in his hand again.

At this moment, his injury has not fully recovered, but his combat power has not been affected too much.

He walked out of the temple.

The sky was full of light, and a man with long green hair descended from the sky with a gloomy expression on his face: "Damn King of Fire Demon, you have delayed me too much time..."

Although the Flame Demon King is not as powerful as Chen Fan, he is also extremely powerful. With the "Ultimate Power", there are few opponents in the world, and there is another hidden card in his hand, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

However, judging from the current situation, since this person has arrived here, and the Flame Demon King is nowhere to be found, the outcome of the two is probably not difficult to guess...

I just don't know if the Fire Demon King died at the hands of the man.

At this moment, Chen Fan's body was still filled with a thick, earthy yellow light, and he was still in the state of maintaining the ultimate power. Although the man's aura was strong, he still did not have the aura of "ultimate power" to maintain it.

"This guy didn't activate the 'Ultimate Power' in the face of the 'Fire Demon King'? Could it be that he didn't have any extra 'Ultimate Power' in his hands, so he didn't dare to use it lightly?"

Chen Fan thought that when he fought against him before, he didn't use the "Ultimate Power", but chose to use the "Ultimate Power" to force himself back...

"you again!"

When he came outside the temple, the green-haired man saw Chen Fan, and a look of helplessness and entanglement flashed across his face. He looked inside the temple, but looked at Chen Fan again:

"Let me in."

Chen Fan shook his head solemnly, raised the Absolute Sword in his hand: "You have to ask it."

A stern look flashed across the face of the green-haired man, and he moved forward with his empty hand, and a bean-like spar suddenly appeared in his hand.

He grasped the spar violently, and in the next moment, an incomparably frenzied and terrifying aura surged from his body.

The star god seal in Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness also started to tremble crazily again.

At this moment, the man had already arrived outside the remains of the Sun God King, and Chen Fan refused to let him, but he had to use all his strength.

Chen Fan's eyes were dignified, but he urged the power of Yun Jinyi and Thick Soil Mirror, and then he flipped his hand and took out the ultimate power of swordsmanship.

Facing this person, only relying on the blessing of the ultimate power of the earth, Chen Fan did not have the slightest confidence to win.

Of course, he doesn't seek the truth to defeat the opponent. It is enough to delay the opponent and force the opponent to fail to obtain the ultimate source.

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