My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 693: The Evening Sword Emperor

Chen Fan looked up in astonishment.

Silver light fell from the sky.

And with the silver light flashing.

Everything around him froze at this moment.

Including Xiaodie flying at high speed, and the giant palm that was photographed in the sky.

"This is..." Chen Fan's sense of security and composure no longer existed!

Xiaodie was far from breaking out at full speed, and he himself didn't show his full strength at all.

But at this moment, some unknown force froze everything around him.

No matter how fast Xiaodie is, she can't move, and no matter how strong she is, she won't be able to exert herself.

If someone attacks him at this moment, then he...

He tried hard to control the movement of his body, but he couldn't even move his fingers. He could feel the flow of time and see the scene in front of him, but he couldn't even blink his eyes or move his pupils.

After a moment.


A ray of sword light cut through the sky suddenly, smashing the huge palm, including the frozen time, into pieces.

At the same time, the frozen space seemed to be cut through together!

Chen Fan took a deep breath and raised his head, only to see an old man with a sword stepping towards him in the thick blood mist in the distant sky.

Obviously his speed was extremely slow, but he was already in front of several people in the blink of an eye.

There is a special sense of contradiction in him.

Seeing the person coming, Rong Ziqi's eyes lit up: "Master!"

Chen Qingru also breathed a sigh of relief: "Sword Emperor Xuyu!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Xuyu Sword Emperor is one of the only two sword emperors left in the contemporary Sword Sect, and besides the head teacher of the Sword Sect, he is currently the number one strongest in the Sword Sect!

Chen Fan stared at Sword Emperor Xu Yu with scorching eyes, but his mind was full of the sword he slashed just now.

The meaning represented by the word xuyu is a very short time.

At that moment just now, Chen Fan also clearly felt the solidification of the space.

The fact that he was called this title definitely had a lot to do with his sword strike just now!

If Wei Dong and Rong Ziqi's swordsmanship were superb, Chen Fan could comprehend and improve it, but with this sword, Chen Fan only felt at a loss.

But there is no doubt that this sword is deeply imprinted in his mind.

As soon as the sword emperor waved his hand, two auras of light floated towards the twin sisters of Jianzong. After the aura entered the body, the aura of the two of them eased a lot, but the two of them were too seriously injured, and it would take a short time to recover completely. possible.

At the same time, the roaring sound in front of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" in the distance stopped, and Zhan Jianming, who was soaked in blood all over his body, rushed over in the blink of an eye, and rushed behind Xu Yu Sword Emperor...

And the thousand-handed old man didn't mean to stop at all...

Now that the Sword Emperor had arrived, the old man Qianshou couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried to keep Zhan Jianming.

Chen Fan was also speechless, lamenting that Zhan Jianming's luck is really good enough.

Of course, he was strong enough, if he couldn't sustain the attack of the thousand-handed old man, he might have died long ago.

The gap between the second level of longevity and the third level of longevity is huge.

Zhan Jianming was able to survive from Old Man Qianshou, but it was impossible to cause any harm to Old Man Qianshou.

"Sword Emperor Xuyu, I didn't expect you to come too. It seems that I still underestimated Jianzong's determination. Unfortunately, you came late..."

The body of the thousand-handed old man floated up, and with a wave of his hand, the bodies of the two long-lived masters who had been sucked dry were shattered like dead wood.

There are also countless immortal masters of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

In this short period of time, three consecutive immortals died here, which is also a great loss to Jianzong!

The only good news is that none of the three immortals who died were powerful figures.

In fact, Jianzong has paid enough attention to this matter, but now he still underestimated the determination of Momen.

For a moment, Sword Emperor Xu had surprise and fear in his eyes:

"Ning Xi... I didn't expect that besides Junhao Demon Lord, even you, the leader of the Heaven-hating Demon Cult, would be personally dispatched. What is there in Jialan Country that attracts you?"

Ning Xi giggled, but waved her hand.


In the sky, densely packed huge palms crashed down!

At least seventy or eighty!

And the strength of each palm is no weaker than the one that was slapped on Chen Fan before.

Chen Fan was shocked.

If you can't escape, even if you have the "White Emperor Armor", I'm afraid you can't escape the end of being photographed into a meat paste.

After a while, the Sword Emperor shook his head, and lightly swung the sword in his hand.


A silver light flashed across the sky again.

"There is no need to use this method of temptation."


As the sword light fell, the densely packed huge palms also collapsed one by one.

Meat rained from the sky.

A strong fishy smell spread out.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Chen Fan's strength has improved in turn, compared to when he left Dagan, he has improved by an unknown amount.

He doesn't even take ordinary longevity seriously, but right now, facing the confrontation between two real masters, Chen Fan still feels great pressure.

Even if he uses all his strength, it is impossible to intervene in the battle between the two.

He looked at Zhan Jianming not far away without showing any trace.

This guy was able to resist the thousand-handed old man for such a long time...

"I underestimated you. You, now you are not weaker than that annoying guy a thousand years ago..." Ning Xi's tone was also full of complexity, but there was no fear at all.

He rose into the air, and under the cloak, his arms extended and spread: "If it was a thousand years ago, I would not be your opponent, but now... with your strength, you want to break through me and destroy the 'Magic Prison'!" The door' is absolutely impossible."

For a moment, a icy coldness flashed across Sword Emperor Xu's face, "It is indeed difficult to defeat you, but I still have confidence in holding you back."

Ning Xi also had a flash of expression, and then seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked suspiciously at Sword Emperor Xu Yu, "Could it be that you..."

But for a while Sword Emperor suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Qingru, Rong Ziqi and Zhan Jianming: "I will find a way to trap this guy in a special place, up to ten breaths, and destroy the mission of 'Gate of the Devil's Prison'. I'll leave it to you!"

After finishing speaking, the man turned his head away and shouted loudly: "Ning Xi!"

The light of the sword in his hand rippled again, and at the same time, with him as the center, a huge silver ball of light suddenly formed, covering everything around.

A look of astonishment and surprise flashed across Ning Xi's face: "Little, really..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his body suddenly disappeared.

Disappeared together were the Sword Emperor Xu Yu and the huge silver ball.

Zhan Jianming didn't care about the surprise, his eyes flashed, but they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the "gate of the devil's prison"!

Chen Qingru and Rong Ziqi were relieved by Sword Emperor Xu, but they did not fully recover after all. At this moment, each of them gritted their teeth and burst out special secret techniques, rushing towards the "gate of the devil's prison".

And Chen Fan's face also flashed a touch of subtlety, instead of rushing forward like the three of them, he took a step back and disappeared into the void...

Although there are not many monsters left around, there are still a lot of the arm demons left by Ning Xi just now and the previous black armored men at the Dao fruit level.

These guys are also aware of the situation at this time, but they gathered together consciously one by one to guard the "gate of the devil's prison".

"court death!"

Although Zhan Jianming lost the spiral sword, he still had the silver ball of light. Although his strength was greatly reduced at this time, it was relatively easy to deal with these dao-level demons, and he rushed to the front of the three of them.

And behind him.

Chen Qingru and Rong Ziqi's own strength is slightly inferior, not to mention that they are in extremely poor condition at this time.

The two knew that it was impossible to destroy the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" by themselves, but they gave up decisively and helped Zhan Jianming take action.


Chen Qingru waved her hand, and ice flowers rippled around her body, and the cold wind suddenly hung up. In front of her, the movements of all the arms were sluggish, and the closer they were to her, the more affected they were.

Rong Ziqi seized the opportunity and rushed forward. The magnificent Jianguang also slashed one after another, helping Zhan Jianming clear the obstacle from the side.

Zhan Jianming stepped forward, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", and ecstasy flashed across his face.

"Hahaha, it's mine and I can't escape!" On the silver ball in his hand, streamers of light surged, constantly rushing to kill the arm devils in front of him!

He is confident that he can kill the arm devil in front of him in one breath, and then he can destroy the "gate of the devil's prison" in the distance!

And at this moment, not far from the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", ripples like water suddenly flashed.

A figure jumped over the obstacles of the devil and black-armored warriors, and suddenly appeared in front of the gate of the devil's prison.

It was Chen Fan.

His expression was extremely subtle, but his eyes were extremely sharp, and the branch in his hand was raised towards the gate of the devil's prison...

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