In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

Chen Fan finally ushered in his ninth round of Thunder Curse.

But this time, several other people also cast their gazes over.

Because the ninth thunder curse is very special, but it is the first threshold.

Before that, even Ming Xuanguang, who had the sixth level of longevity, died in the ninth thunder curse.

"This Chen Fan should be a talent. The level of Leifa practice is high enough, but his cultivation is too poor. The ninth time, he should be dead."

King Yehua slightly raised his eyebrows, and looked at Chen Fan, but his face was extremely calm, without the slightest anxiety and tension.


Lei Guang instantly slashed towards Chen Fan.

In fact, the ninth round of Thunder Curse was really extraordinary. Even Chen Fan at this time felt great pressure.

But it's just stress.

The improvement of his way of thunder made his own practice speed of "Thunder Law" increase a lot.

At this moment, his "Lei Fa" has even reached the fourteenth floor.

The number of thunder curses exceeded a full five layers. No matter how terrifying the thunder curse is, no matter how much pressure it puts on people, the damage to him is almost nothing, and there is no way it can hurt him.

Several people around saw that Chen Fan was still alive, and they were all stunned.

Comparatively speaking, Chen Fan had a great disadvantage over the others, but he also had a great advantage.

Chen Fan's cultivation base and level are weak, and he is slow to comprehend the lightning spell, so it is the most difficult to block the attack of the thunder spell.

But the problem is, the frequency of his thunder curse attacks is much lower than the rest of the people!

At the same time, King Yehua, who has suffered the most thunder curse attacks, has reached more than 20 rounds, while Chen Fan has just passed the ninth round.

"Could it be that this kid's talent has really reached an outrageous level, and Lei Fa practiced so fast?"

But at this moment, Chen Fan's eyes were burning.

According to the current speed of practice, and the approximate time when the thunder curse will descend.

The difference between Chen Fan's "Thunder Law" and the number of thunder curses will still gradually increase. In other words, the damage he receives from thunder curses will continue to decrease within a certain period of time in the future.


There were only six people left, but the six people supported each other for a longer time.

Even Rong Yan, who was the weakest, survived another three or four rounds of Thunder Curse before his state obviously began to decline.

In fact, not only Rong Yan, but also the Marquis Yun Yuanhou, who was at the level of Marquis, was starting to find it difficult to support him.

Rong Yan, whose face was full of unwillingness and hesitation, stood up.

"I have something to say—"

His voice came out, and everyone looked over.

He took a deep breath, flipped his hand over, and there was another gray pill in his hand.

An extremely uncomfortable breath spread.

"This guy really has a second banned drug!" Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and his eyes were extremely subtle.

Everyone else also had scorching eyes.

Rong Yan sighed: "Based on my progress in lightning spells at this time, and the degree of resistance to thunder spells, at most two more times, I will definitely die... And you guessed it right, most of the lives have been overdrawn." I can't take the second pill either."

"I don't need this pill..."

"However, I don't need to tell you the meaning of this elixir to you?"

Everyone nodded.

Even Lei Peng was also staring at Rong Yan with the same eyes.

Although Lei Peng has the greatest chance of surviving, he may not be able to guarantee it, and Qi Niao naturally has concerns in his heart.

He may not need this pill himself, but naturally he doesn't want others to get it either.

Two princes and one king put him under a lot of pressure.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Rong Yan continued: "How many of you are left, who will survive to the end, I don't know, I don't know who this pill should be given to..."

"I have come up with a way during this period of time. This elixir will be held by those who agree to my conditions. Whoever among these people survives to the end, this elixir will belong to him!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"This is impossible!"

That Marquis of Yunyuan reacted the most violently:

"If everyone agrees to your conditions, who can survive to the end...there is no need for this pill at all!"

Except for Chen Fan and the dying Rong Chen, Marquis Yunyuan had the least advantage among the remaining people.

King Yehua is stronger than him, Lei Peng is far superior to his understanding of the way of thunder, and the Liuer family of the same level of strength is an innate spirit.

Rong Yan sneered: "If you don't want to, then you don't have to agree to my conditions!"

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yuanhou's face immediately turned pale.

In fact, his decision is the least important, because it is impossible for him to live to the end.

At this time, the man has already shown signs of decline, and after Rong Yan's death, nine out of ten he will be the next to die.

And Chen Fan frowned deeply, and after thinking about it carefully, he also understood what Rong Yan meant.

If everyone agreed to their conditions, it would be like going back to a time when no pills existed. Although the person who survived to the end could get this pill, he would not need it at all.

And as long as one person refuses to agree, this elixir will definitely be in the hands of his competitors!

It is difficult to accept a promise, and it is even more difficult to accept a non-promise.

Take Chen Fan for example, he thinks he has a lot of advantages, and the probability of surviving to the end is extremely high.

Even compared to Lei Peng, he has a certain degree of confidence, but he dare not say that he will definitely survive to the end.

With this elixir, Rong Yan, who was at the 5th level of longevity, survived several rounds of Thunder Curse attacks. If it was someone else, such as the stronger King Yehua, or Lei Peng, who had the deepest understanding of the way of thunder, they would be able to survive the thunder curse attack. How long can you live?

If you don't agree, it will be a pity that you will lose and lose your life because of the gap of one pill in the opponent's hands.

As for the rest of the people, you all looked at me, and I looked at you, with extremely tangled faces.

In fact, everyone knows the real answer, and basically agrees...

It's not how good the conditions are, but how bad it may be if you don't agree!

Seeing that everyone was not in a hurry to express their views, Rong Yan shook his head and said:

"I don't ask you to give up all your treasures and gains. If someone can survive to the end, you only need to give one-tenth of this harvest to my relatives in the horned demon clan, and that will be enough."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's acceptance level naturally increased a lot.

Lei Peng snorted and said coldly:

"If everyone agrees to his conditions, wouldn't they be in the same situation as without this pill? If long as everyone agrees, don't agree to this guy's conditions, everyone don't want this pill, right?" Already!"

What Lei Peng said is not bad. There is no essential difference between everyone agreeing to the conditions and everyone not agreeing.

There was a moment of silence.

Liu Erhou said: "If everyone makes a promise, I can also give up."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and nodded, "I think the same way."

If everyone reaches a consensus, the scene will return to the original situation, and everyone will face off completely fairly.

It's just that although Chen Fan and Liuerhou agreed, King Yehua did not reply.

As for Marquis Yunyuan, his choice is not important...

Seeing this scene, Rong Yan also sighed, shook his head and said:

"If you do this, then I will have to give this elixir directly to someone I recognize, for example, this master of the Lei Peng clan, is this... what the rest of you want to see? ?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

This Rong Xuan is too cunning.

All of a sudden, Lei Peng, who was most likely to survive to the end, was pulled to the opposite side of the others.

If everyone reached a consensus, it would actually be equivalent to handing over the pill to Lei Peng.

Lei Peng narrowed his eyes slightly: "If everyone reaches an agreement, even if this person gives me the elixir, I can make an oath of heaven and not use this elixir."

Everyone was stunned.

In fact, Lei Peng is eager to see this relatively fair situation.

Rong Yan shook his head, his eyes swept over several people:

"I didn't say that I would definitely give this pill to Lei Peng... it is possible to give it to anyone..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless again.

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