My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 110

East of Metropolis, Stryker Island, next to Harbor Town.

This was the place where Superman and Doomsday had their final battle. After that war, Superman and Doomsday perish together, including the abandoned factory, and the urban area around several li was razed to the ground.

Afterwards, in order to commemorate the dead superhero, Superman, as the center of the battlefield, it was rebuilt into a vast memorial square.

A large number of citizens pass by the Superman Memorial Square almost every day, even if there are no buildings or signs on the square, only the brilliance of the golden sun shines day by day.

In the middle of the Superman Memorial Square, there is a low commemorative platform with three black long stone tablets on it, recording various deeds of Superman.

This day, afternoon.


A shirtless, black-haired man in black trousers flew from the sky above the plaza platform.

He looks like he is in his early 30s, his face is carved like a knife and axe, his body is tall and strong, his upper body is like steel poured and forged, and each muscle is like an assembly line, showing a sense of strength!

The black-haired man landed barefoot on the cold and flat floor tiles, his eyes filled with confusion and dazed expression, as if he didn't even know the purpose of coming here.

His eyes fell on the center of the low platform, where three long black stone tablets stood, with a huge "S" shaped Totem engraved on the ground, and a line of obvious English engraved beside it:

"If you're looking for his monument, please look around."

The black-haired man's eyes became more puzzled, his breathing became slightly short, and the words " Who is he?

Why does the special Totem on the ground look so familiar...

I can't wait for the black-haired man to think about it.

Behind, on the square in front of the low platform, four silhouettes arrived here with their own extraordinary abilities.

The Sea King Arthur Curry, armed with a silver Trident weapon, jumped to the ground with amazing bouncing force, and the Wonder Woman Diana Prince, carrying a sword and a shield and wearing an armor and battle skirt, fell from the sky. Basically all mechanized, the Blink energy red light steel Victor Stone flew down, and finally Flash Barry Allen, who appeared and stopped at an extremely fast speed with silver lightning flowing by his side.

If Xi Nian was present, he would have known that this is the standard member configuration of the superhero organization Justice League.

Well, there is just one less main founder, and the other party is rushing over...

"We really succeeded." Wonder Woman Diana looked at the man standing on the platform. The black-haired man sighed with emotion.

That's right, the black-haired man in front of him is the dead superhero-

God among men, Superman, Carl El!

It's just that Superman Karl looked at the four Justice League members present, his eyes slightly narrowed with a confused and defensive look.

Something's wrong!

The Wonder Woman four on the field realized this.

"He's scanning us!" Cyborg's left eye Blink glowed with electronic red light, and he couldn't help but said nervously.

"No way?" "What's going on?" Aquaman and Flash subconsciously tensed.

"He's very confused and doesn't know who he is." Wonder Woman suddenly realized that the resurrected Superman Karl-El is not complete enough, at least there are some problems with his memory!

Just then.

The body of the steel-bone machine twisted and twitched slightly. He rebuilt the machine body from the mother box. Due to the existence of Apocalypse's Peak technology, he instinctively feared the existence of the powerful Krypton in front of him, so he made a passive Defensive behavior——

The left hand of the robot lifted forward out of control, the arm switched to attack mode, and a small missile was launched!


Superman Carl easily avoided the missile sideways, and the missed missile blew up a Blackstone Tablet behind him!

"Broken." Justice League crowd complexion changed.

As they expected.

Because of Cyborg's stressful defensive behavior, Superman Karl looked at the four again, and the doubts in his eyes turned to-hostility!


The strong existence that should have been resurrected as a savior has become an enemy at this moment!

In half a minute.

The center of the Superman Memorial Plaza was in a mess, all the stone tablets were destroyed, the ground was full of pits and depressions, and the three of Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg fell in different places.

They are not too weak with extraordinary power.

On the contrary, the superhuman Carl's strength as an opponent is not at the same level as them at all! Even if the four of them joined forces at the same time, they were knocked to the ground in less than a minute, like adults bullying children!

Of course, the equivalent to a child is not bad. Ordinary human is as weak as an ant to him!

Pop Tower!

Superman Carl still had the red temperature in the corners of his eyes. He confronted the only Wonder Woman standing on the field at the end. He picked up the opponent's battlesuit shoulder strap with one hand, and his forehead slammed directly against Wonder Woman's. on the forehead.

Just listen to the sound of "clang"!

Wonder Woman's diving tool starlight on her forehead survived the blow!

"Karl El, stay awake!" Wonder Woman said at the same time, not to be outdone hit her forehead hard, knocking Superman Karl's head back slightly.

This is the four members of the Justice League, who have dealt the biggest and most obvious blow from just now to now.

Just this time, it seemed that Superman Karl was completely angered, and his body surged out with a powerful coercion that looked like reality.


Superman Carl's body suddenly floated upwards, looking down at Wonder Woman with a condescending coldness, his waist and back of head leaned back for a short period of time, and then slammed into Wonder Woman again!

The sound barrier was broken directly!

Seeing that Superman Karl's forehead was about to hit her on the head, Wonder Woman opened her beautiful blue eyes, but a black silhouette descended from the sky at a high speed, just in front of her body——

The ground beneath him was cracked and smashed by his feet.

The black cloak, which was hanging down from behind, moved, raising one hand forward at the same time, blocking the serious blow of Superman Carl with the back of his hand!

bang! !

It was just the collision between the fleshy bodies on the foreheads and the backs of the hands, and the air burst open unbearably first, and a shock wave swept away with the body contact point as the center!

"How is this possible?!" Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and the others lying on the ground widened their eyes in disbelief, looking at the existence that immediately took over the attack of Superman Karl.

The superman Karl floating in front also clearly showed a surprised look.

It can be seen that it is a mysterious young man wearing a black superman battlesuit. He is about 1.8 meters tall, his face is delicious and pretty, and his body is also forged like steel essence, and the battlesuit shows muscles like strength and aesthetics. Curves, vigorous and lush black hair flying wildly!

"You are..." Wonder Woman beautiful eyes flashed for a while, staring at the profile of the mysterious young man.

Although the person in front of him seems to be a few years older and has entered the stage of adulthood ahead of time, his appearance is more sturdy and sunny than before, and his physique is tall and strong after being strengthened by dual physique abilities, and his body shape is similar to the golden ratio. The segmentation is generally perfect, and the too powerful aura on his body is extremely inconsistent with usual.

But she still recognized the identity of the mysterious young man in the super black battlesuit.

In addition, the bracelet object worn by black haired youth at the wrist under the super black battlesuit also echoes the guardian silver bracelet dive tool worn on his right hand.

It's Xi Nian.

Not true.

In a more appropriate way, it should be——

Black Super Xi Nian! !

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