My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 112

The kiss was quick and fleeting, but it contained an extremely burning emotion inside.

Before the black cloak covering the two fell, Wonder Woman retracted her sexy lips and quickly kicked back and stepped out of the pothole.

Just before Wonder Woman left, Xi Nian also left another portable dive tool for Xi Nian --

Mantra Lasso.

"Thank you, Auntie."

Above the pothole.

The corners of Xi Nian's mouth were slightly raised, and there was still the fragrance of violets between his lips, and a little medium was ingested into his body along his tongue.

Heterosexual contact, media ingestion.

Condition fulfilled.

This is the third trigger of Xi Nian's Familiar's Master ability today.

dong dong dong!

Xi Nian once again heard the sound of his own heart beating like a drum, but this time the sound was more thumping, clear and uplifting!

He closed his eyes.

It seems to see that fifty thousand years ago, many centuries ago, the powerful and incomparable old gods on the Olympic Mountain stood in great numbers, and the lightning intertwined by the vast Divine Force flashed into the depths of the dark universe.

He pricked up his ears.

It seems to be heard from the original site of Krypton, hundreds of millions of light-years away, where the shocking cry of the Kryptonian group is unwilling to exterminate, and finally all precious hopes are pinned on the two children.

Love, and strength.

The genetic abilities of the two strongest races of the ancient Greek gods, the Kryptonian family, Earth and Krypton are simultaneously ushering in an unprecedented convergence in the bodies of human teenagers.

Two different abilities originally vowed to be the strongest, but with the help of the super spider ability, it seems that countless invisible spider webs are formed in the body, and the two isolated and invincible abilities begin to gradually pull. , integrated into one.

The old Power of God and the power of Krypton began to strengthen each other, tending to the small perfection of all races!


Xi Nian opened his eyes, his eyes turned golden, as if the ancient golden flames were burning.

His original jet-black short hair began to grow at a speed visible to naked eyes, and turned into a silver-white background. Every strand of hair was overflowing with a huge Divine Force, which was casually draped over his shoulders. and back waist.

The superman uniform that showed the muscular curves on Xi Nian's body was like a layer of white Divine Force light film on the dark surface.

Not only that.


Around Xi Nian's dark cloak's elegantly swinging body, one after another Divine Force's electric light continues to burst out, just like the thunderbolt of silver white constantly piercing the air, and existence reflects its own dive might all the time.

Hey! !

The mantra lasso left by Wonder Woman suddenly moved autonomously, like a golden dragon floating in the air, coming to the back of Xi Nian's head at high speed, spinning into a circle to form a yellow golden light ring .

hu hu! !

An unprecedented powerful imposing manner rose from the youth, blowing the hair and sleeves of everyone dozens of meters away.

This is,

holding the super spider, the old Power of God, the Kryptonian physique at the same time - the true form of the super deified Xi Nian!


"What is that?!" The Justice League people outside the battle, also the Supergirl in the sky, all widened their eyes in surprise.

Flash instinctively felt that the electric light that continued to glow around the body of the ultra-black battlesuit youth at this time was a bit similar to the situation when he used Speed Force, except that it only occurred when he needed to run at the speed of light. And the mysterious youth simply stood there.

The steel-bone mechanical body suddenly trembled violently, and the red light in the chest and left eye converged and extinguished.

Sea King on the side quickly supported Cyborg's body and asked, "Are you alright?"

He was really a little scared, and Cyborg was at this moment because of his passive defense mechanism, Launch a missile.

"I'm fine." Gang Gu took a deep breath, as if he knew what Aquaman was thinking, and looked at the young man on the field and said bitterly: "Don't worry, the defense mechanism in my body has just been All are automatically turned off."

He said in fear: "You know what? Even in the face of the Superman just now, my mechanical body remodeled by Apocalypse technology is just instinctive to attack and defend itself. Now, the defense mechanism doesn't dare to make a sound."

"It's not just fear. The Apocalypse technology in me judges that the existence in front of me cannot be resisted, so there is no need for defense. "

"..." Aquaman was silent, and his body and mind were not terrified now, the bloodline of Emperor Atlantis seemed to be trembling, and he wanted to acknowledge allegiance!

"Diana. Can you tell me, what did you just do?" Batman asked the Wonder Woman, who had just withdrawn from the battle, with a can in one hand.

Wonder Woman never looked away from the young man, revealing a more confident look than herself: "Look at it. It's almost over."

"This feeling is really amazing."

The super-deified Xi Nian with a halo murmured to himself, and looked down at the palm plated with Divine Force. When he gained the power of Krypton, he was so powerful that he had the illusion of omnipotence.

And now, omnipotence does not seem to be an illusion.


The sound of a sonic boom was heard again in the sky, Superman Karl dived down at a high speed, and in a flash approached the top of Xi Nian's head, waving the superman who burst the air One punch!

In the next scene, everyone on the field was stunned.

I saw that the mysterious young man was still looking down at the palm of his right hand, and his left hand had been raised up at some point, firmly holding Superman's fist against the palm of his left hand.

A punch that was powerful enough to defeat the mountain building, and the power was thoroughly unloaded in an instant.

And. The ground under Xi Nian was intact, and the biological force field and the square ground were covered with defense.

Superman was also stunned.

"Superman. Haven't you recovered your memory yet? I'll let you wake up a little." The super deified Xi Nian spoke softly, the five fingers on his left hand contracted, tightly grasping Superman's fist, Then swipe up hard!

hu hu!

The strong hurricane broke out locally, and Superman was immediately moved towards the blue sky by Xi Nian and flew out!

A white cloud just floated and stopped over the square, a huge hole was suddenly broken in the middle, and a beam of brilliant golden sunlight fell on Xi Nian.

Superman's speed continued to rise, kilometers, ten thousand meters, and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Carl!" Supergirl became nervous.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." The super-deified Xi Nian said softly, next moment, his body disappeared on the square, leaving only a circle of white aura radiating outward. wave.

At the same time, the white cloud that opened a hole in the sky completely dissipated!

In less than a second.

The super-deified Xi Nian came to the dark and quiet outer space of Earth, the dark cloak was flying, and the golden lasso that formed a yellow golden light ring seemed to be fixed behind his head.

Under the direct sunlight, Xi Nian's silver hair and the white Divine Force arc on his body glowed with golden luster.

The youth at this time is like a real Spiritual God in the world. Behind him, Earth shows the true appearance of a blue sphere!

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