My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 119

Apocalypse star.

Starting from the original site of the ancient temple, a bottomless abyss appeared on the ground, and the abyss spread to the end of the city of Apocalypse, and black smoke rose from it.

Pop Tower!

A sturdy arm stretched out from the abyss and grabbed the broken ground layer next to the abyss. From the inside of the Dark Abyss, a pair of eyes with scarlet lightning lit up.

At this time, those eyes showed pain, anger, coldness, and ruthlessness!

It sounded like a hoarse devil:

"Earth, I will definitely go!"

As long as you master that, the most powerful existence, and also for He uses it! !


Somewhere in the universe, above a planet in outer space, an incomparable gigantic Super Intergalactic Battleship is moored here.

Inside Warship's cabin, there is a dark hall with the universe outside the window as the background. The main seat here is seated with a tall silhouette similar to Darkseid, but the rough body is purple potato. The bald head of the base color exists.

"Master. Loki he's a complete failure, not only losing a fleet of warships, but also the Mind Stone." Old men in neat uniforms floated into the hall from outside, very gentle and respectful Kneeling down on the ground, moved towards the bald head on the main seat and said with his eyes down.

Thanos sat on the main seat with his face unchanged, with one hand slightly supporting the armrest of the main seat, his fist supported one side of his face, and asked, "Gamora, have you found her?"< /p>

"Not yet." Ebony Maw, one of the Black Order, shook his head lightly and said, "She should have gone to the alien civilization on the other side of the galaxy. I have contacted Ronan the Accuser and asked him to find that one. At the same time, pay attention to where Gamora is."

Thanos narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Send Nebula, she can find Gamora. Gamora, it is impossible. The missing link! It must be brought back to me as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Master." Ebony Maw nodded in command.

Thanos continues, "Have you found where Dwarves lives?"

Ebony Maw responds quickly: "Narrowing down, it shouldn't take long to be sure!"

"Very good." Thanos nodded lightly, his sturdy arms dropped from the back of the chair, clenched his fists, and said coldly, "When everything is ready, that's when I go to Earth."

"They will understand then that I am - Destiny!!"


Above the Nine Realms, Asgard.

In the Divine Domain Asgard, there is a small independent prison with a very high strength Divine Force Formation and a transparent glass-like entrance.

In a prison where only one mattress can fit.

The handsome and charming young man woke up suddenly, his forehead and nose were full of pea-sized sweat, the back of his clothes was also wet with cold sweat, his whole body stood up with chills and goosebumps All in one!

Evil God Loki's first reaction when he woke up was to hurriedly reach out and touch his chest. Although there was no wound there, when he touched the skin with his fingers, there was still a memory imprinted on him. of pain.

It hurts!

"Yeah, I'm already not in Earth. I failed, almost died..." Loki muttered to himself, before losing his strength and laying down again in the claustrophobic prison bed.

He couldn't remember how many times he woke up like this.

At the end of the dream, it was the silhouette of the young man in the silver spider battlesuit, also the finger-

the silver metal spider web that pierced Avatar's forehead, and the silver spider web that penetrated the body The dagger on his chest...

Even thinking about it now, Loki shudders subconsciously and curls up slightly.

That fear is implanted in the deepest part of the body and soul!

"Never go to Earth again."

Loki closed his eyes in a low voice, not knowing where his next fate would lead.


Washington, a residential building, a single room with nothing special.

"Master, it's time to get up for breakfast. Otherwise, you'll be late for school!" Xi Nian woke up from the familiar and sweet bed-calling service of her crimson maid.

Black-haired teenager Xi Nian was yawning, stretched his waist and got up, and then he watched the little girl silhouette run over to open the curtains, and the cool, thorn-white morning light filled the window. 's photo fell in.

"How do I remember, today is the weekend."

Xi Nian mumbled confusedly, rubbing his hair that was a little messy in sleep.

"No, it's only Friday today." Little Wanda said, and da da da ran out of the room again.

"It's been three days since then." Xi Nian muttered inexplicably, lifted the quilt and got up, put on his shoes, and walked to the closet in the room.

He opened the bottom drawer and took the white shirt off.

I saw one left and one right at the bottom of the drawer, quietly stacked with a black and white tight battlesuit with a spider logo, also a dark cloak battlesuit with the "S" family Totem logo...< /p>

There are more and more strange battlesuits.

Xi Nian silently closed the bottom drawer again, opened the upper level of the wardrobe, and took out a set of normal long-sleeved clothes hanging from it.

Wash up and change into clothes.

Xi Nian went outside the room to have breakfast with Wanda, the TV in the living room was on, and a few days later it was still playing the extraterrestrial events from a few days ago.

However, due to the first appearance of the Justice League and the miraculous resurrection of the superhero Superman, news reports all believe that the alien invasion was solved by Superman and the Justice League.

After all.

Who would think that the powerful existence that almost single-handedly solves the alien invasion is just an ordinary high school student who has to go to school exams?

In this regard, Xi Nian is relieved that he can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

He knew that this was mostly the result of his aunt behind the scenes. Now the whole world is discussing the resurrection of Superman, and no one pays attention to who the sun-like light and shadow that once appeared in the sky is.

After eradicating the alien forces hidden on Earth by Apocalypse, Xi Nian was finally able to return to a relatively peaceful daily life.

The only bad thing is-

My aunt's evening practice is temporarily gone, and she said it is to give him a good rest for the time being.

Well, this is an extremely cruel thing for Xi Nian, who is studying in hobby.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Sitting on the opposite chair, Wanda looked at Xi Nian with a low expression and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Xi Nian shook the head, suddenly remembered something, and reminded: "Right. This weekend, you are going to a place to study, and I found a teacher for you. ."

"teacher? What are you learning?" Wanda tilted his head slightly, and his crimson hair in double ponytails swayed slightly.


Xi Nian said: "You stay at home on Saturday, someone will pick you up at 3/12/2022 10:00, and you'll know then."

"Ok Yes, I can learn whatever the master asks me to learn." Wanda suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and was nodded well-behaved.

Now she doesn't know what kind of world she is about to step into!

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