My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 127

Very good.

Now that I know who the secret mastermind who attacked Lorna is, and also know that the other party is a terrorist organization, then things become a lot easier...

It's just that I'm dealing with that before the event.

Xi Nian glanced at the twenty or so members in the field, and suddenly said: "Who among you secretly joins Killian, stand up for yourself."

This sentence is one When they came out, everyone in the car wash was stunned.

Edek breathes deeply and said solemnly: "You mean, among us, there are traitors?"

Xi Nian was appointed.

He didn't think that bald man could enter the car wash without the help of insiders and directly invade the door of Lorna's room-


If there is no problem with Lorna's body, even if Bald Man has the ability of self-healing, high temperature, and self-destruct, it is impossible to hurt Lorna.

Therefore, the opposing forces will choose this time to come to sneak attack, which indirectly confirms that there is a bit of information coming out of here. Knowing that Lorna's physical condition may not be very good, she sent a subordinate to try it out.

"Who is the traitor?"

"No way..."

Everyone on the field looked at each other in blank dismay. Like a traitor, everyone is afraid.

In this case, it may be difficult to find out the identity of the traitor even if you check the cellphone and surveillance.

"You don't have to guess. I can easily tell who is the traitor." Demi-God Hua Xi Nian stretched out his hand, and suddenly a golden light emerged from the air, and a small swimming dragon- like extended into the air and landed on Edek first.

"Are you a traitor?" Xi Nian moved towards him.

"No." Edek replied simply.

"Then you are not." Xi Nian nodded lightly and continued to lasso the mantra on the other person beside him.

So, the question and answer session begins.

"Are you a traitor?"


"Are you a traitor?"

"No, no !"


This scene is a bit funny and weird.

After all. That traitor, will directly admit his identity as a ghost?

But when the mantra lasso fell on a woman, Xi Nian continued to ask mechanically, "Are you a traitor?"

Under the ropes of Blink golden light , a ray of dive light flashed in the woman's eyes, and she replied, "I am."

"!!!" Everyone on the field was dumbfounded.

Does this work?

Being bound by the mantra lasso cannot lie, this is the most inexplicable part of this dive tool!

"Are you also an accomplice? Who is your accomplice?" Xi Nian continued to ask.

"There are two accomplices, they are also the first to take refuge in Killian, their names are: Dodd Samuel, Marlen Jeremy..."

ranging The woman's words are finished.

On the field.

The two Muscular man complexion greatly changed in the back row, stood up from the stools in horror, and quickly fled to the main entrance of the car wash!

Just before the two escaped from the car wash, a golden lasso slid through the air like lightning, tying their bodies together in a circle.

Xi Nian grabbed the other end of the mantra lasso, and with just a slight tug, the two adult Muscular men flew backwards.

Xi Nian held the rope with one hand and let the two adult Muscular man tied up in the air, looked down at them and asked, "Tell me, why did Killian want to kill Lorna?"


Among these two adult Muscular man, there is also an 'acquaintance', that is, the villain who chased after Pete last time.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me." The villain responded with a blank look in his eyes.

Another Muscular man opened the mouth and said: "Killian thinks that Lorna has a very peculiar mutant gene. So last time I wanted to work with her and ask her to provide her own blood, I used it in my own human experiment research. But Lorna refused. Later, Killian contacted us secretly, and as long as there was a suitable time, he would get rid of Lorna and send her body there..."< /p>

Listen to him here.

Edek finally couldn't take it anymore, his eyes were flushed with anger, and he punched the Muscular man fiercely, knocking out a few teeth!

Some other members also showed a fierce look in their eyes, and the traitor was definitely one of their most hated beings.

"These three traitors, leave it to you to deal with." Xi Nian took back the mantra noose, threw a sentence, and walked to the upstairs escalator beside him.

Behind him, screams of pain continued.

Xi Nian didn't pay attention to the situation in the car wash, he quickly returned to a dark room, Xiao Huang jumped forward with a "meow" sound, and landed on him quickly and lightly. on the shoulders.

"Good job, go back to Reward canned fish." Xi Nian praised, and then his eyes fell on the bed, and the green-haired young girl lying on it also opened her eyes at the right time.

“How do you feel?” Xi Nian asked softly.

Lorna responded with a rare obedience: "I don't feel dizzy or hot, but I just don't have the strength."

"You just need to rest for a day or two." Xi Nian Sitting down beside the bed, he said, "Just outside..."

"I have heard." Lorna opened the mouth and said: "didn't expect, there will be three inner ghosts."< /p>

"You have a good rest, I'll take care of it." Xi Nian thought for a while, then said solemnly: "I let Xiaohuang and Can Luo stay by your side to protect you, now the traitor has been found out, you It's safe here."

Lorna asked bluntly, "You mean you want to go to Los Angeles, right?"

Xi Nian nods.

Since the other party takes action against Lorna and is a terroristist, there is nothing to worry about.

He wants to take advantage of the Demi-God mode that is still maintained at the moment, and he will kill the opponent in one fell swoop!

A warm little hand suddenly grabbed the corner of Xi Nian's clothes, not knowing whether it was imperative or coquettish: "Little brother, don't... leave me, at least tonight."

< p>Xi Nian lowered his head to meet those emerald eyes, unable to refuse at once. It was the first time he had seen the strong Lorna show such a weak gesture.

Lorna said weakly: "Tomorrow, my body should be almost recovered, and then I will go to Los Angeles to solve this problem myself."

"How can this be possible." Xi Nian felt helpless and sighed: "Then tomorrow, I will go to Los Angeles with you."

Although there will be no Demi-God mode tomorrow, but with Xiao Huang around, he can still become other model.

Or, let Lorna fix her status.

In short, Xi Nian didn't want Lorna to face the unknown danger alone.

"Then it's settled, little brother." The green-haired young girl turned around and turned her back to Xi Nian outside, a look of success flashed in her eyes.

Going to Los Angeles to solve the enemy's forces is just incidental, Lorna's real thought at the moment is to let Xi Nian stay by her side for a longer time.

Even if only for one day.


On the other side, late at night.

Xi Nian's home.

The girl with crimson hair and white pajamas hugged a Carina pillow and gently opened the door in the middle room. She looked at the silhouette lying on the bed in the dark room, and came to the front and whispered. Asked: "Master, is it cold?"

The person on the bed did not respond.

"Are you asleep..." The crimson girl muttered, hugging the pillow and leaving the room in disappointment, closing the door cautiously.

He fell back into the silent room.

As the silhouette on the bed flipped gently, revealing a mature, lithe and graceful woman's body under the quilt...

Diana opened her beautiful eyes, she was leaning against herself A larger pillow, and a normal-sized pillow was held in his arms and clamped a little bit by his legs protruding from under the white gauze skirt.

Xi Nian's pillow began to deform slightly under the slender and shiny legs...

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