My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 130

Xi Nian lay back on the pavement of the bridge in pain, with a slippery and flexible body slamming into his arms, and he could clearly feel his chest being pressed by two pairs of soft and large objects. As for the jacket worn on the body, it is slightly flattened and deformed.

Xi Nian opened his eyes in the face of the dazzling sunlight, and was stunned again, but in the air near his eyes, strands of golden-bright and dazzling hair from virtual became real exposed.

It's not just hair.

Following is a beautiful face without any blemishes, a delicate clavicle, smooth and slender shoulders, a downward curve, a lithe and graceful attractive back and hip curves...

The most important thing is that there is no cover up on her.

The mysterious female characters who should have been invisible in front of Xi Nian appeared in their original size brightly under the sun!

"Pain Pain Pain..." The age of the woman seems to be about 25 years old. No matter her face or figure, she is a first-class Peak, not inferior to any professional cover model girl. As the intellectual beauty of urban white-collar workers.

At this time, the woman didn't seem to have reacted, and she was already exposed in Xi Nian's eyes, her soft and beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, her hands supported the ground next to her, and she wanted to get up. Sliding down in front of him.

Well, there's more to see now.

Xi Nian's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, and quickly moved his eyes to the side, but the two were too close to each other, and out of the corner of the eye, he could still see a lot of wonderful scenery that stimulated adrenaline.

The sun today,

is really big, white, spicy and powdery.

"Little brother, are you here?"

Next to Xi Nian.

Lorna, who was wearing black leggings and a white T-shirt, squatted down. She curiously looked at where Xi Nian fell, and glanced back and forth seriously, her big emerald eyes were translucent. , which does not reflect the silhouette of the juvenile.

"I'm right in front of you, can't you see me?" Xi Nian asked subconsciously.

"Yes. Can't see, not even a shadow, but it feels like you're here." Lorna nodded responded.

Even he's invisible?

Xi Nian was stunned, the Invisible Woman in front of him stood up with a gesture, and because his hand was still on the other's waist, the woman fell into his arms again.

Xi Nian immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. The Invisible Woman is actually not heavy, but he is an adult after all, and his ordinary physique can't bear it.

What is pain and happiness, maybe this is it.

"Don't let go." The Invisible Woman gritted her teeth and said to Xi Nian.

"I can't let go." Xi Nian responded with a wry smile.

Xi Nian tried to retract his left hand again, but as a result, his palm seemed to be fixed on the opponent's waist, and his five fingers tightly grasped the soft meat that was not greasy, and it was firmly fixed on it like a sucker.

There seems to be an invisible force connecting the two bodies.

"Stop catching!" Invisible Woman said in pain: "Stand up with me."

"No problem." Invisible Xi Nian and Invisible Woman cooperate with each other , Reluctantly stood up from the ground together, they did not have physical contact during the period, and they were also afraid that other parts would be connected again.


As soon as the other party stood up, there was basically no secret in front of Xi Nian.

In addition, there are too many people and pedestrians around, and the noisy open-air outdoor, enjoy the beautiful body bathed in the golden sunshine.

This is too shameful!

Xi Nian couldn't take it anymore.

"Susan! Are you here?"

Following the passage where the crowd was separated, a Caucasian man in a suit and a handsome and fashionable Caucasian youth ran over , the white youth still holds a pile of women's clothes in his arms.

"Here I am, next to a boy with black hair." The Invisible Woman called "Susan" called back.

In pursuit of the sound, the duo came to where the Invisible Woman and Xi Nian were.

"I can't believe that you guys actually allowed me to exert my abilities like this." Susan complained a little ashamed and unable to show one's face, and began to take the clothes from the white young man and bent down slightly. Pieces of the body were put on.

Xi Nian turned sideways.

"Sister, stop complaining, isn't this a success?" The white young man shrugged. Although he had an inch, his face was still very handsome, tall and handsome, a bit like Captain America Steve Rogers.

"Johnny, shut up, this experience is enough." Susan said bitterly.

"Didn't you say there was a boy next to me, why didn't I see it?" The white man on the side suddenly said curiously.

"How could it be, he's not standing beside you." Susan was putting her pants up on her legs, and she glanced at Xi Nian, so she met the black-haired boy out of sight.

The air suddenly became a little awkward.

After a two-second pause, Susan, who had not released her invisibility state, opened her mouth wide and said in surprise, "No way, can you see me?"

Xi Nian blinked. , sincere nodded, dare to say that the other party didn't hear Lorna's words just now.

"Ah this." Susan's mind went blank, then she held her pants in both hands, quickly pulled them up, turned around to pick up the rest of the clothes, and said with unprecedented shame: "You turn Go!"

"I'll try my best." Xi Nian twisted his left hand and turned around as well, but he was almost back-to-back with Susan.

The white man heard Xi Nian's voice and said, "Susan, that boy is invisible too? Can he see you?"

"Yes, Reed .Probably because of my ability, the boy's hands and my body fit together and can't be separated. Then he went invisible with me, but the two of us could see each other under the invisible - this is so strange !"

"Wait a minute!" Susan said here, she turned her head back when her white shirt was half on, and looked at the black-haired boy: "Why? Can a schoolbag be completely invisible?"

Susan was completely hit.


When Susan puts on all her clothes and releases her invisibility, she and Xi Nian, who is attached to her, show their true form.

"There are really other people." The white young man Johnny looked at Xi Nian in surprise, his eyes quickly fell on Xi Nian's left hand, the hand stretched out from under his sister's shirt, kept Grabbing the posture of his slender waist, he exclaimed dissatisfiedly: "Hey, boy, it's almost time to let go!"

Reid didn't know what to say when he saw this scene. moved towards Susan said: "Now, can I use the ability to separate?"

"I can't do it, I'm not proficient with this ability." Susan said in distress, she also felt it. It wasn't that Xi Nian was grabbing him on purpose, but there was a force within him that attracted each other's bodies like a force field.

Xi Nian was silent.

On the field, perhaps only Xi Nian himself could understand what was going on.

At the moment when Xi Nian and Susan were in contact with each other, they not only had contact, but also exchanged media --

The Lord of the Familiar was triggered.

Xi Nian gains the physique ability on Susan. But perhaps, even Susan herself is not proficient in this ability, which led to the current situation.

Invisible mode?

No, it should be Siamese stealth mode!

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