My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 133

Susan and the four have no defense against Xi Nian and Lorna's 'two siblings'. First, the two of them are too young, less than 30 years old together. It is really difficult to put conspiracy theories on them. body.

On the other hand, the beginning of this matter is also considered to be caused by Susan's unilateral loss of control.

With Reed's first-class genius and wisdom, he may be able to detect Xi Nian's strangeness, but he has encountered too many changes this day, and now his mind is fully devoted to the transcendence of his body In addition, the anxiety of the good friend, the stone man, infected himself, so that he also regarded Xi Nian and Lorna as ordinary children.

Xi Nian mixed into it, and with the Divine Heart reading in his schoolbag, he quickly figured out what happened to this group of people who had just come into contact with the extraordinary.

A week ago.

Reed's study found that exposure to high-energy cosmic storms generated by the solar wind may trigger the evolution of life on early planets, and studying it may fundamentally advance the understanding of human genes, and then develop treatments Novel medicines for various human diseases.


Reed took his friend Ben to a company run by the president named "Victor" to solicit investment, and met Susan, who was the genetic director of the company at the time, and her younger brother Johnny, five. The people formed a group to take the company's exclusive spaceship to outer space.

In space, they accidentally exposed their bodies to a cosmic storm. After returning yesterday, the four bodies began to show abnormalities one after another—

First Ben's body Petrified, it can easily lift several tons of weight class cars.

Reed's body is rubberized, allowing him to freely expand and contract all parts of his body.

Johnny gained the ability to control fire, wrapping his body with fire, and even causing supernova-level high-temperature flames of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Among the four.

Susan's abilities are the most complex and numerous, currently known to be capable of invisibility, energy protection, and mysterious force field effects...

Reed deserves to be said A genius in the field of science, although he could not directly create a machine against cosmic storms in a short period of time, he still developed a special clothing for the four of them to wear on the spot, that is, a magical battlesuit that can be burned, invisible, freely retractable, and not easily damaged. .

Xi Nian thinks that the big pants that Hulk wears should also be this kind of battlesuit.

Reed and Johnny put on the magical battlesuit directly. Susan couldn't change it if she wanted to because her body was still connected to Xi Nian's left hand.

Simply confirming the physical condition and developing a battlesuit, night has fallen outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

"By the way, I'm going to find Victor!" Reed looked at the daytime city lit up outside, as if he had remembered something very important, and left the office in a hurry.

Is this a reaction?

Xi Nian muttered to himself. Now that the four of them have become supernatural and acquired magical abilities, Victor, the investor who followed them before, should have had a special condition long ago.

At this time.

Susan held her magical battlesuit in one hand and moved towards Xi Nian with a smile on her face: "Max, then you'll come with me... go back to my house first?"

"Okay." Xi Nian smiled back.

"Boy, please pay attention to me. Don't play my sister's idea at night." Johnny reminded coolly.

Susan glared at him immediately, finally couldn't help it, and reprimanded: "Johnny, what are you talking about?! He's still a student, several years younger than me! Besides, Polaris We'll be there too!"

"Who knows." Johnny shrugged.

For him, it's still nice to see Reed as his brother-in-law, better than the arrogant and uncomfortable Victor.

As an old lover who has changed more than ten girlfriends, Johnny has always had an ominous premonition since seeing Xi Nian.

I watched elder sister Susan leave the company with Xi Nian and Lorna.

Johnny shook the head, throwing away his too absurd thoughts.

It's always impossible, and in the end, a boy younger than him became a brother-in-law, right?


Susan's home is actually an apartment in the bustling downtown of Los Angeles, on the same street as the company.

The overall space of the apartment is less than 50 square meters, which is very suitable for single living, but after Xi Nian and Lorna came in, the apartment was inevitably crowded.

Gentle lights come on.

Susan tied her loose golden hair and looked smart and intelligent. As the hostess, she took Xi Nian to quickly clean up the clothes and books scattered on the sofa.

After being conjoined for a few hours, the two developed a certain tacit understanding.


It's like Xi Nian has been holding Susan's waist all the time. The combination of a young boy and a mature woman makes the taxi driver just now frequently cast strange eyes.

Fortunately, Susan has had an outdoor experience at noon and has exercised enough shame.

Considering the inconvenience of eating out for dinner.

Susan bought McDonald's hamburgers and went home. She brought Xi Nian to the small dining table in the living room and sat down, and called out Lorna, who had been following obediently: "Hamburgers are for dinner. Is it okay? Polaris."

"Okay, elder sister." Lorna responded cutely, even her voice was soft and cute.

Xi Nian couldn't help but fall on her hair.

Well, it's dark green, not scarlet.

Just now, he once thought that the girl sitting next to him had been replaced by Wanda.

"It's so good."

Seeing Lorna sitting down on the chair, Susan's heart seemed to be softened, and she reached out to touch Lorna s head.


Seeing a cold light flashing in Lorna's eyes, Xi Nian hurriedly stood up to stop Susan's behavior, and gently patted the opponent's hand down with his right hand. go.

However, at the moment when she touched Susan's hand.

Xi Nian regrets it.

With the stimulation of static electricity coming from the contact point, the second force field was pulled, and Xi Nian's right palm and the back of Susan's hand fit together!

Susan: "..."

Xi Nian: "..."

Lorna blinked, the corner of her mouth raised slightly like a little devil, as if watching a play.

Xi Nian looked at the second conjoined place, and slowly spit out the words she had not finished just now: "My sister... she doesn't like people touching her head."


It is destined to be a scene of male silence and female tears.

Xi Nian's left hand grabs Susan's right waist and joins it together, and her right hand joins the back of Susan's left hand. The two were like a dancing couple at a ball, stagnant by the spotlight that fell on them, motionless maintaining an intimate posture of bonding.

Xi Nian sighed while looking at the hamburger at the table, his stomach made a slight gu gu noise, and his hands are now completely 'crippled'.

"I'll help you take off the mask and feed you." Susan breathes deeply, feeling that as the only adult here, she should be responsible.

No matter what the situation is, don't panic!

"No, let Polaris come." Xi Nian called quickly.

He was really scared.

If Susan's remaining right hand was joined to his face, the two would really be joined together to form an alien!

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