My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 140

Above the city's night sky, dozens of dense, orderly lights light up!

They, like Xi Nian, are heading towards the private port!

Xi Nian dark blue's eyes reflected a shimmer.

It seems to be an Iron Man Armor with different styles. The metal shell is painted with Iron Man's usual red gold paint. The grandiose's huge momentum is the same as the Iron Man Regiment!

"I knew, that guy won't die so easily." Xi Nian muttered, hugging Lorna's soft and light body, and easily avoiding several passing Iron Man Armors in the air.

Being able to escape successively in the form of a three-in-one black kitten, although it is in the case of one's own water release, it can still prove that Iron Man Tony Stark's survivability is basically full!

It would be strange if he really died at the hands of a terroristist organization with low-end extraordinary abilities!


Lucks Enterprise Harbor, bright spotlights are hung everywhere, nearly fifty people are busy in the huge venue.

In the middle of the two towers, at a height of 30 meters from the ground, the steel wire hangs the War Machine armor high on it, but the person wearing the armored battlesuit is replaced by a cabinet at this time. officials.

The port completely occupied by the terroristists is preparing for the live broadcast of the United States. At that time, the live broadcast will kill the War Machine and government officials that the United States relies on in one fell swoop!

This is the outrageous plan that Killian until now wanted to accomplish.

He originally wanted to directly arrest the American President, but the recent resurrection of Superman, coupled with the rise of Avengers and the Justice League, was worried that he would provoke too many extraordinary existences to affect the plan, so he retreated. Officers in alternate roles were captured.

On a hanging tower.

Killian, who was in a suit and leather shoes, was beside Pepper Potts, who was bound, and used the walkie-talkie to instruct Extremis's men to facilitate the plan, but at this moment, a corner of the port grounds below sounded. Bang Bang!

Under Killian's angry and hateful gaze, Tony Stark, bandaged, rose from the shadows, the circular light of the energy bar in the center of his chest.

He raised his hands as if hosting a banquet in a nightclub: "Everyone, good evening! From now on, this is called the Steel Plaza!"

The words just fell.

Dozens of Iron Man Armors roared in groups, each suspended high above the port.

"Target those hot targets and start the party! Also, Jarvis, get me a Mark Armor!" Tony Stark said coolly.

Suddenly, dozens of Iron Man Armors with different styles, moved towards the terroristist below, swooped down. Those terroristists are also not to be outdone, their bodies all become hot and hot, like a biochemical man who has swallowed lava, fighting violently with the armor in the automatic attack mode!

In an instant, the fire star splashed and exploded.

The human-machine war is about to break out!

"Tony Stark!" Killian laughed instead of anger. He ripped his shirt with one hand, revealing a strong upper body with abs. The blood vessels and flesh and blood beneath the body were also in the shape of high-temperature karst. , so that the temperature around the body suddenly rises a lot!

Killian's body naturally has his own life-long research, which can make people heal themselves like a plant, and quickly generate extreme high temperature Extremis!

It's just that the Extremis in his body tends to be more perfect, not only can it make the transcendence embodied more powerful, but the stability of the ability is not comparable to others!

bang! !

Fight forward with a punch with a high temperature effect, smashing a normal Iron Man Armor that swoops down here, causing half of the Iron Man Armor to melt and penetrate directly!

Killian's hot and red face grinned grimly. He was about to engage in the fierce battle of hunting for steel, but just took a step forward, and his red and hot body suddenly stopped!

Not far behind him.

Pepper Potts, who was tied up and sitting on the hanger, was also stunned. In her eyes, Killian was standing still like a sculpture, motionless.

It wasn't that Killian didn't want to move.

But at this moment he can't move!

The air is like solidified concrete covering Killian, his eyes are rolling wildly, and the hot body is constantly emitting hot smoke, just like the behavior pattern of Iron Man Armor when it crashes.

"Don't bother, you can't move."

Abruptly, in the vicinity of nothing in front of me, a boy's voice sounded strangely.

"You, who..." Killian's eyes twitched.


The teenager pondered for a while, and responded, "Tentatively, it is someone else's subordinate."

"Subordinate? Who sent you here! "Killian said at the same time, the forehead, neck, chest and other parts all protruded one after another terrifying blood veins, and the blood that was hot like lava inside was boiling to the point of gushing out!

He is using his greatest strength!

Xi Nian, who was floating invisibly in front of him, shook the head. Of course, he was not invincible after being supercharged. For example, the physical quality is almost the same as that of the ordinary human, and the superpower ability is mainly manifested in strength control, and strength control is related to the distance between itself and things.

At a distance of 10,000 meters, the super-powered Xi Nian may only be able to manipulate an object the size of a cup.

Five kilometers, the super-powered Xi Nian can freely manipulate objects the size of a car.

Within a kilometer, Xi Nian can steer a Boeing plane or a giant ferry.

100 meters, Xi Nian can lift a skyscraper in front of him.

As for within ten meters -

Xi Nian calls it the exclusive field of super power. Entering this field, several force fields are superimposed and intertwined on the side of the body, connecting the light. Hard to escape. In his knowledge, there are definitely no more than three people on Earth who can escape!

So, the super energy mode is simpler and more incomprehensible than any previous mode!

Infinity is hidden under the exclusive field.

As long as the supernatural ability or physique weaker than this mode is found by Xi Nian and brought close to the body, he can only be reduced to the fish on the chopping block and let him slaughter, and even any act of resistance is difficult to do arrive!


Killian is desperate, the three people who can escape the exclusive field of super power are obviously not him.

No matter how hard you try, you can't move!

"Killian, you won't forget me, will you?" At this moment, a childish girl's voice sounded.

"It's you!" Killian widened his eyes in horror. Although he couldn't see the invisible existence, he could hear the girl's voice.

It's her, it's her coming to take revenge!


A Mark 42 Iron Man Armor sped up, it was the armor Tony Stark was currently driving, and he rushed to stand still on the pendant The Killian, just approaching a certain distance, the battlesuit seems to be caught in the quagmire of the air, and the Iron Man is directly stuck in the air!

"What??" Tony Stark in the battlesuit was also stunned.

"What to do with him, Boss." Xi Nian turned a blind eye to this, not knowing whether he obeyed the order or asked softly.

Lorna looked at Killian in front of her and pondered for a while, then smiled and pointed to the night sky in the sky.

"Understood." Xi Nian smiled slightly: "Then, fly up."

Fly up, fly up, fly up!

The words "fly up" echoed in his brain repeatedly, Killian was stunned for a moment, his frozen body suddenly accelerated, moved towards the night sky above the port!

Xi Nian took Lorna and flew behind him in order to make sure that the opponent was sent to a certain height.

"No, stop!"

lose one's head out of fear shouted, Killian's red body was getting faster and faster, like a humanoid satellite , all the way to break through the clouds upwards of a thousand meters, and continue to rush out of the sky without slowing down!

It's like flying straight to heaven!

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