My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 151

The sun sets and night falls.

The giant waves that attacked like ancient beasts have receded, leaving behind a large pile of colorful marine garbage and ship wrecks. Many rescuers came to rescue by air and land, and many places in the city set up spotlights to search and provide lighting.

The black spider web was removed in advance by Gwen, who was replaced by his own spider battlesuit, otherwise the rescue helicopter would not be able to land on the ground from above the town.

Students and parents, along with the surviving local employees and residents, were sent out of the town in batches by the rescue team in winter towels.

While rescuing the evacuees, workers in protective clothing gradually carried out disinfection and sterilization operations in the town.

After all.

A large amount of marine debris and dead creatures will breed virus plagues that are far more invisible and terrifying than natural disasters.

On the top of the mountain on the side of the town.

A tall and beautiful silhouette stands here, the night wind blows her black hair, the ancient shield and divide sword on her back, Blink is cold and holy under the moonlight.


Another slightly petite silhouette jumped to the side, with a sturdy and light body, with green feet wrapped in a pair of thin boots.

The Spider-Woman who came to the top of the mountain pushed the hood away with one hand and tore off the spider hood he was wearing with the other hand, revealing a fluffy golden short hair inside, facing the moonlight was a Nice and refined face.

"Miss Diana, so you are Wonder Woman."

Gwen, carrying Xi Nian's previous schoolbag, looked up at the front, and the beautiful and intellectual Spiritual God sighed with emotion.

"Didn't Xi Nian tell you before?" Wonder Woman Diana smiled slightly and said softly.

"No." Gwen shook his head and said, "The guy only said something about his hidden abilities, also about Kara being a Kryptonian. Never mentioned about the superhero identity behind you. ."

"Really." Wonder Woman lightly nodded.

Gwen paused and said sincerely: "I think. That's because he thinks your secret is more important than his own."

Wonder Woman didn't speak. , with beautiful eyes shining with wisdom watching Gwen quietly, the translucent eyes reflected the silhouette of the girl still wearing a spider battlesuit.

Spider-Woman Gwen suddenly felt a little flustered in his heart. After all, at the moment, he was completely irrelevant to his usual gentle and pleasant appearance, and jumping up and down was far from intellectual and elegant.

But at this moment, Diana said, "How about you call me auntie in the future?"

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise: "This... is it really okay? "

"If you will." Diana nods with a smile.

"Of course, of course I would!"

Gwen said hurriedly, and then called with slightly red cheeks: "Auntie."

Diana nodded. In response, he suggested: "Let's go back to the original appearance. If we don't go back, your mother should be worried."

"Aren't we waiting for Xi Nian?" Gwen's face showed concern. , looked towards the sea outside the Oblivion starlight.

"Don't worry. Since he chose to do that, it proves that he at least has the confidence to protect himself." Diana looked at her and said, "Didn't he get the ability from you?"

"Yes." Gwen blushed.


From the schoolbag that Gwen was carrying on his back, Xiao Huang’s soft cat meowing sounded, as if to indicate that he had also contributed.


At this time, the other side of the town.

A completely deformed and scrapped pickup was stranded on the road along the coast, which was badly damaged by the waves.

Messy, stinky hair fell down to cover his drooping face, and Sea King Arthur Curry knelt on his knees on the trash-filled sand, holding a 50 The man in his early years old, the other's eyes closed, has lost his vital features.


Normal sea tides beat gently on the shore sand, and a middle-aged man with neatly combed hair and dressed like a gentleman walked ashore from the sea with a silver Trident in hand.

"My God..."

Atlantis Empire military advisor Vico looked at the scene in front of him and sighed unacceptably.

Neptune motionless hugs his father's body like a dead sculpture.

"All of this was triggered by Aum, and it's just a prelude to provocation. He wants to provoke a full-scale war between the seabed and the land world." Vico looked at Sea King solemnly, and said quickly: "Ya Se, I know, you are very sad now, but you must cheer up as soon as possible. Only you have the chance to stop Aum! Save the Atlantis Empire!"

Sea King raised his bloodshot eyes, angrily With a low growl: "The Atlantis Empire killed my mother first, and now it killed my father - you want me to save it?!"

"The Atlantis Empire is your mother's, As the First Prince, you should be the first successor of the empire!" Vico said solemnly: "And it was Aum who caused all this, and your anger should fall on him!"

Vico said Pause here, and the conversation changed: "also, your relatives...not only your parents."

"You mean the so-called half-brother, Aum?" Neptune clenched tightly fist.

"It's not him."

Vike shook his head and sighed: "Your father shouldn't have time to tell you, there is also an important secret that you don't know."


The sea, under the seabed of 10,000 meters.

In the deep sea area that modern submarines cannot reach, the strong pressure in the water depth of 10,000 meters is enough to crush an ordinary submarine into a scrap iron plate.

The deep sea here has no light, no living creatures, it is pitch black and cold, like a corner of the universe beyond the sky.

And if you continue to dive under the seabed of 10,000 meters and arrive at a huge seabed, the Great Rift Valley, you will see a developed civilization that exists here and far exceeds the human world on land——

The submarine rift is full of submarine energy light cannons and reconnaissance equipment. There are thousands of giant guard stone statues on one side. The entrance next to it glows with bright light far exceeding the daytime on land. The entrance is also the exit. The light bridge spanning several kilometers of submarine rifts, there are many dense submarine spaceships shuttle back and forth in the giant light bridge channel!

This is the King of Atlantis, the only kingdom gateway to the outside world.

Among the light bridges.

A two-seater, jellyfish-looking undersea spaceship heads toward the Imperial Gateway.

Sit in the driver's seat of the spaceship is Mera, the beautiful and alluring sexy, but now she is wearing a peculiar dark battlesuit, and her always gorgeous red hair is showing a coquettish scarlet.

"This is Atlantis..."

Black Mera, that is, Xi Nian, who dominates the body as a symbiosis, muttered to himself.

Through Mera, he kept adding information about the underwater world.

The underwater world.

In fact, it evolved from the ancient empire on Earth, the Atlantis Empire. Due to the continuous in-depth exploration of the field of technology, it was backlashed by out-of-control technology, and eventually the entire Atlantis empire fell from the land to the bottom of the sea, and the inhabitants of the empire also gained the ability to live and live on the sea floor.

It's just that after the first generation of emperors carried the dive tool Trident and buried them somewhere in the sea, the Atlantis empire began to fall apart and evolved into the current situation of the seven kingdoms of the underwater world.

Among them, the strongest is the King of Atlantis, which is the main force of the Atlantis Empire.

Yes, it's just the kingdom, but the people in the country still call themselves "empire" that's all.

Secondly, the second most powerful country is the Zebel Kingdom where Mera is located.

also Fisherman Country, Saltwater Country, Trench Country, Missing Country and Mysterious Ancient Country. The latter two kingdoms (the missing country and the ancient mysterious country) have now disappeared, and the citizens of the trench country have degenerated into sea monsters.

So. There are only the last four left in the underwater world that can really be regarded as kingdom civilization.

Blackening Mera said to himself: "So. As long as the King of Atlantis can get the support of the remaining Three Great Kingdoms Zebel, Fisherman's Kingdom, and Saltwater Kingdom, they can unify the seabed. world?"

Meera's thoughts responded: "Now, I, Royal Father, have stood on a united front with Aum."

"I'm going to marry you soon. After the past, it is natural to stand in the same camp." Xi Nian sneered.

Mera was speechless.

Because of the symbiosis, she now also knows a lot of information about the "Xi Nian" parasitic in her body.

It turns out that the other party is just an ordinary human, or a young boy, a high school student six or seven years younger than her?

Then, by making physical contact with others, exchanging bodily fluids, can you hold each other's abilities within half a day?

If it weren't for the huge waves caused by Aum today, it would not have provoke such a special human existence.

Meera persuaded with her thoughts: "Xi Nian, stop, I will handle the next thing..."

"Can you handle it? In the end, it's not Pin your hopes on Aquaman." Xi Nian responded.

Meera was silent, she really had to rely on Aquaman to bring down the reigning Aum.

After all, no matter how much the Zebel Kingdom where she is located, it cannot be compared with Atlantis, who has a profound background and is an orthodox empire!

"Since you have no choice, it's better to stick to me and try." Xi Nian said.

In his opinion, things like this kind of power grab are sometimes very simple to deal with.

Meera is extremely complicated, she already knows what Xi Nian wants to do next.

Start today.

King of Atlantis country, no, it should be the underwater world, I am afraid it will usher in the changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.


The blackened Mera's small spaceship arrived at the gate of the country, and the fully armed submarine soldiers in white armor immediately stepped forward to scan and confirm with laser guns, and finally scanned the instrument. Show "Diplomatic Privilege" to allow passage.

Meera, as the Princess of the Zebel Kingdom and the fiancee of the leader of Atlantis, has a very convenient clearance certificate.

As a result, the spaceship entered the King of Atlantis country unimpeded.

Because the parasitic host Mera has a noble bloodline physique, Xi Nian can see things in the water, and the Atlantis country that comes into view is extremely splendid and prosperous. The sea water is full of submarine spaceships and marine life. The spectacular building is located on the seabed, glowing with the light and breath of advanced technology and ancient civilization.

If the underwater world goes to war with the land world, and the level of technology is crushed, the chances of winning for land humans are really not high. The giant tsunami of strategic weapons alone can raze many countries to the ground.

Of course, the terrestrial world is stronger than individuals, and Avengers and the Justice League can't be trifled with.

If there is a full-scale war, there are a few people that the underwater world cannot afford to offend.

Xi Nian couldn't help thinking.

Are there so many terrifying beings on land?

Meera was secretly startled and felt incredible.


Land world, just after the news reported that the coastal town was hit by huge waves, a silhouette of a young girl appeared in the seaside town at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

The dark clouds disperse and the moonlight falls.

red cloak was hunting under the cold and strong night wind, the girl's golden hair was loosely flowing freely, but the skirt above the knees kept hanging down in spite of gravity, and the well-developed breasts. There is an S-shaped family Totem in the middle, and the black silk Blink wrapped around the beautiful legs is shining.

The girl looks a little soft and cute, but the special force field that spreads out on her body, and the power contained in her body under the battlesuit, is enough to shatter the clouds in the turbulent approaching sky.

"Xi Nian, not here..." Like a special young Goddess spirit, the superwoman looked down condescendingly.

A simple glance can confirm that there is no silhouette of Xi Nian among the people who have been evacuated one after another in the town and surrounding areas below a thousand meters.

"Hey, what is that?"

Supergirl looked towards the sea area outside the town, as if she had found something, and immediately moved her body, accompanied by a strong hurricane, It was followed by a strong sound of the sound barrier breaking -

bang! !

The sea surface is like being hit by an extraterrestrial meteorite. The originally peaceful sea area directly forms a vortex leading to the seabed!

"What happened??"

Just as he was stuffing a human corpse into his mouth, the shark king Nanwei next to vortex opened his eyes and saw In the center of the sea vortex ahead, there is a silhouette of a young girl floating there.

"Mr. Talking Shark? Could you please disturb me?"

Supergirl Kara waved her hand in a friendly manner, her eyes glowing red and hot.

Atlantis, in the palace where the Royal Family lives.

The buildings standing here are more grand and open. Inside any building, there are halls that are tens of meters wide and unobstructed, and the buildings are all holy white.

Spectacular, sacred, atmospheric, ancient...

The palace's own light source is generally transparent and visible. Because it is in the deep sea water, it is spotlessly clean and gorgeous.

The blackened Mera swam into it at an even speed, and the soldiers on duty patrol saw that no one blocked her and let her go directly to the palace of the royal palace.

Inside the Royal Palace.

Here sits a handsome man in golden armor in the main seat, smiling, talking to another middle-aged man in the guest seat, both wearing symbols The cloak and one gold one silver of the royal aristocracy are respectively exuding the noble and powerful vibe!

Atlantis is now in power, Om!

The king of Zebel, the second most powerful country, Nereus!

Seeing someone entering the main hall without being summoned, Aum couldn't help frowning, but when he raised his eyes and saw the person who came in, his brows quickly stretched out: "Meera, you're here."


Nereus next to him laughed and said jokingly, "Did you take this place as your home and ran in without any courtesy? I'm done."

Aum smiled slightly and waved: "It's okay, it's okay. It won't be long anyway, this is really Mera's home."

As if she hadn't heard, the blackened Mera landed on the floor from the water and walked up the steps step by step.

Nereus brows tightly knit, worried that His Highness Aum is displeased, and took the lead in scolding: "Meera! Shouldn't you salute His Highness Aum? Also, what's wrong with the clothes on your body? ?"

"Meera, what's the matter with you?" Aum quickly got up from the main seat and looked at fiancee who came forward.

The two sides are already within a distance of less than five meters.

"My Royal Father is actually here...Xi Nian, please stop!" Mera's heart begged out.

"Let's just make a conclusion."

Black Mela opened her mouth and raised her slender, empty right hand forward.

This is what Xi Nian said to Aum and also to Mera.


Aum froze for a moment, and then a palpitating chill surged from his back to his brain!

Aum wanted to step back, shout, and avoid, but the next moment the thought came to his mind——

Pu chi!

The surrounding people The sea burst open with a sound, so that the present is in a waterless area! !

A dark black sickle shaped like an enlarged sharp claw, inserted directly from the chest of Aum's golden armor, and the tip of the dark sickle protruded from the upward penetration of his back, driving the He is tall and strong and hangs up! ! !

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