My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 153

The extreme speed in the sea is more than Mach ten, which means that it is faster and faster than the Black Hawk fighter flying in the sky!

Gurgling! !

An undercurrent swayed on the bottom of the sea, and the submarine spaceship that was chasing itself was left far behind.

Dive to a peaceful offshore area, the undercurrent dissipated on its own, revealing Mera in a black battlesuit.

"Xi Nian, you ruined me..."

Meera's heart was lost, "Zebel is also finished, and the King of Atlantis will kill Aum. The anger is vented on the country of Zebel."

"But this way. The alliance between the two countries is terminated, and the war between the underwater world and the land world is also prematurely terminated - you are satisfied with this result. ?"

Meera finally said with hatred.

I can't hate Xi Nian in my heart. After all, it's Aum having only oneself to blame.

"What are you talking about?"

Xi Nian thought to himself: "I didn't want to make a mess of the underwater world, and several major countries killed each other...kill Aum. , it's just the first thing I have to do."

"What else do you want to do?" Mera asked with an ominous premonition.

"I want you to be an empress, Mera."

As soon as Xi Nian's words came out, the undercurrent of the entire sea seemed to surge, and bubbles burst out.

"What did you say...?" Mera was stunned.

Since Xi Nian is in a state of symbiosis, she knows that what the other party is saying is not false, but what she really wants to achieve!

Xi Nian said solemnly: "Not just the King of Zebel, or the King of Atlantis. I want you to be the one who unites the seven kingdoms and becomes the real king of the undersea world!"

For him to say. Just killing Orm is not enough.

Aum is dead, and there will be a second and third Aum. As long as the King of Atlantis's disgust towards humans exists, it is possible to provoke a war between the two places at any time. Increase the internal friction of Earth's extraordinary forces.

In this case.

It is better to integrate the underwater world and support a suitable person to be the emperor.

For Xi Nian, Mera is a perfect fit.

Combined with Mera's thoughts, Xi Nian knew that Mera had no dislike for human beings, and was even curious and longing for the land world.

The most important is.

Meera is no weaker than any Royal Family in the undersea kingdom. For example, her own water control ability is an innate talent that no Royal Family does not possess, and it is also the nemesis of undersea people.

Because of being a woman. So Mera cannot inherit the throne of Zebel, and even as fiancee, marry Aum who is in power in the Kingdom of King of Atlantis.

Even if she wants to bring down Aum, she can only assist the wandering Sea King Arthur!


In the underwater kingdom, no matter how well-born and powerful women are, they can only be reduced to vases, the ban of others!

For example, the former queen of King of Atlantis claimed to be a queen to the outside world, but after falling in love with a human male, she had to be taken back by Atlantis to produce offspring enough to inherit the throne for the Royal Family!

"Meera, think about it for yourself."

Xi Nian is clear-headed, articulating her thoughts with pure mind: "I want to be the one who takes everything in my own hands. The king of the sea, I still want to be the foil vase that pines hope and all on the sea king!"

"The empress of the underwater world... Can I do it? Not to mention the King of Atlantis, even if it is The Zebel Kingdom will not agree." Mera didn't answer directly, but she was obviously moved.

"Of course, as long as you get that one thing!" Xi Nian responded firmly.

Merah clear comprehension: "You mean, the lost Trident divine tool, that is the scepter that can control the entire ocean power. However, it is necessary to have the potential of an emperor before it is possible to hold that ."

"The so-called king, didn't he just kill one?" Xi Nian said nonchalantly: "I never believe in any qualifications or the like. If you don't even have an emperor yourself. Self-confidence, how can it be possible to become a real emperor?"

"I understand."

Meera struggled for a while, and soon came to a final decision: "Then let us Go ahead, Xi Nian."

"Your awareness is not enough." Xi Nian reminded.

"Help me, I want to be an empress!" Mera responded in a deep voice.

"Very good, as you wish." Xi Nian smiled.

Black Mera opened her beautiful eyes.

At this time.

Countless fishes revolved around her graceful body, and the fish scales Blink the dazzling rays of light under the water light, like adding a circle of sacred halo to her, a confident and dazzling light. Luxurious imposing manner surging out.

This time, not only the body, but also the mind, body and spirit, Mera is willing to stand on the same front as Xi Nian.

Meera no longer interferes with Xi Nian's control over his body, making their symbiosis more and more perfect.

On the coast.

"Vico, what did you say!"

Sea King Arthur looked at Vico in front of him.

"That's right. You are also a young brother, a young brother connected by a real bloodline."

Vico said: "Of course. It may also be a big brother, you two are one The twins of your mother's siblings, even your mother can't tell who was born first, after all, you almost looked exactly the same when you were young!"

"But. My father, never told me this." Ya Se said in a daze, looking down at the serene face of the father in his arms.

"That's because, when you were born, one of the beings was taken away by the soldiers of Atlantis." Vico said solemnly: "But he's still alive and has been living in the King of Atlantis Palace. Here, his name is—Namor!"


Atlantis, a royal palace area.

The rapids of the sea.

The black silhouette, holding Om's "Boom" sound, passed through the oxygen barrier and came to the room in the waterless area.

Put the seriously injured Orm on the bed.

The black silhouette reached out and took off the cloak, revealing a tough face that was somewhat similar to Arthur, but without full beard. He was also naked with a strong and sturdy upper body, and he was wearing a pair of black-scaled trousers that bound his feet.

"didn't expect, in the end it was you, a wild bastard, who saved me..." Aum spitting blood, looked at the man beside the bed and said.

"I'm not saving you. I'm just letting you live a little longer and feel the hopelessness of losing everything." Namor sneered.

"That's good, that's good. I don't need your help, I'm just unwilling...unwilling...mother."

Aum laughed a few times, and his body gushed out A large amount of blood stained the mattress red, and he said sternly: "Meera, she has a positioning device on her body..."

After saying this, Aum closed his eyes and lost the breath of life. .

Namor remained unmoved, his face still indifferent, he stepped forward and grabbed the blood-stained crown on Aum's head in his hand.

"Don't worry. I will continue the cause you didn't achieve, rule the underwater world, and clean the filthy human on land."

"As for Mera, I will kill you Hers!"

Namor put the crown on his head, and his words were extremely cold and firm!

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