My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 160

New York.

Near a suburban car wash.

Men and women in non-mainstream dress are gathering together in the open air. They are eating beer and fried chicken, and sports cars and firearms are directly and casually put aside.

Among them, the youngest one.

It was a green-haired young girl with a big, mature makeup on her small face and a lollipop in her mouth.

The chest is too flat, and the small and green body looks sassy and domineering in a long-sleeved sports top and cropped trousers.

She quietly leaned against the car with her hands in her pockets, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the people who were having dinner at the end of the moon on the open-air venue, bathed in the bright sunlight.

"Boss, do you want some?" Someone shouted, raising the beer in his hand.

Lorna shook the head.

"You bastard, Boss is still underage."

"Yes, I don't seem to have seen Boss smoking recently."

The dinner party They laughed and discussed spiritedly, and the scene was very harmonious and lively.


Lorna opened the mouth and said: "From today onwards, our gang - will be disbanded."

The words just fell.

Eating fried chicken or drinking beer.

Everyone at the dinner venue stopped collectively, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Their faces were astonished, and some even thought they had heard it wrong.

It was silent for about three seconds.

One of the subordinates said with a smile who wanted to lighten the mood: "Isn't it coming to April Fool's Day, the Boss is joking with us. However, this joke is a bit cold."

"Yeah, yeah." Many people echoed, pretending to say with a smile.

It's just that their voices are getting lower and lower. Because the girl was just watching them quietly.

Lorna said softly: "I'm not kidding you. You should also know that what I said is true."

"From now on, our gang will, Disband on the spot!"

Knowing that Lorna's decision will not change, everyone on the field fell into silence again.

"Why is that, Boss?" someone asked in a weeping voice.

"There is no special reason." Lorna both hands crossed near chest, casually said: "If I need a reason, I want to go to school - does that count?"

< p>"What?!"

The subordinates were completely stunned.

New York gangster boss, going to school?


It wasn't until then that they reacted-

With the age of Boss, it should really be at the stage of school reading.

It's just because she is too strong, so everyone unconsciously ignores this.


Swish! !

A Transmission Gate formed by the rotation of a fire star is presented in the main hall. It can be seen that the red-haired girl is still wearing a school uniform and a long skirt. A pair of small hands hold the corner of the skirt and lift it up, and the small feet wrapped in white socks are light and light. Step in from the other end of the Transmission Gate.

"It's not the weekend, why are you here?"

The bald woman in the yellow robe seemed to have foreseen it in advance. She walked into the main hall from the corridor and watched the skilled person passing the Transmission Gate. The crimson girl who entered here.

“Ancient One!”

Wanda moved towards The woman raised her skirt and saluted with standard etiquette, her doll-like face was full of firmness at the moment, and she said crisply: "Please, Please teach me more spells!"

"Why...why do you suddenly want to learn spells so much?" Ancient One looked at her calmly.

Wanda breathes deeply, her jewel-like eyes blinked, and she said bluntly: "I'm too weak, I've been protected by that person all the time, and I can't help at all in some things - so, I want to become stronger, to be the strength of that person!"


Gotham City.

Justice League headquarters.

The site of the headquarters was originally an abandoned church building. After the investment was added, it was almost completely new. The large round table in the center had six chairs.

Atmospheric, sacred, quiet, like a clean place outside the world.

"What did you say? Diana, you want to quit the Justice League?!"

Batman Wayne Bruce's eyes were full of wonder, looking at the tall and beautiful black hair standing in front of him woman.

"The Justice League started with only you and me, to find members step by step, to save Superman and solve the wasteland wolf incident together, and now when the headquarters is finally built, you are the oldest one. Are the heroes and veterans going to quit?"

"It's not a quit."

Diana looked up at Totem of the Justice League, and said softly: "It's just a temporary vacation. Recently, because I have been busy with the founding of the Justice League, I don't have much time to accompany the children at home."

Bruce couldn't help but said, "Is it more important to accompany and take care of the children than to save the world?"

"Whoever said that taking care of children can't save the world by the way." Diana said with a slight smile: "And, the Justice League, also this world, aren't you watching?"

< p>Bruce is speechless.

Under the seabed of 10,000 meters, Atlantis.

The Royal Palace.

As a female silhouette stepped up the holy long steps, the four royal nobles on both sides knelt down and saluted.

Among them, including the mother and son of the Atlanta family.

As the previous fantasy, the first paragraph.

Meera wears a Golden King crown with beading on her red hair, her beautiful face is very cold, and her lithe and graceful body is covered with gorgeous Asgardian, holding in her right hand A golden light gleaming Trident weapon, rising all around with a burst of glare, surf and imperial imposing manner.

"Xi Nian, we succeeded."

Merah subconsciously spoke with her mind like the day before yesterday.

It can be very fast.

Merra reacted, and now she is no longer in a symbiotic state.

The human boy returned to the land world.

On the way back, she is the only one who continues to walk.

Meera bit her lower lip lightly, gathering the glory and nobility of the underwater world in one body, and walking towards the front throne.

Schools, classrooms.

The black-haired teenager fell asleep on his desk.

He had a dream. A very long dream, in which I met many extraordinary beings of the opposite sex.


The familiar calling voices of different girls came from the two sides of the ears, one was crisp and the other was soft, like a double-eared gospel:

"Xi Nian, school is over. "

"Senior, I went shopping for clothes."

"en?" Xi Nian slowly opened his sullen eyes, looked up and saw standing close to both sides of his seat , the two beautiful girls who bent down and lowered their bodies.

"So it wasn't a dream." Xi Nian muttered to himself.

"It's broken, wouldn't it be the repercussions from diving into the deep sea the day before yesterday?" Gwen looked worried, reached out to touch Xi Nian and his forehead, and muttered, "I don't have a fever, either. ."

"Senior Sister, I have checked before, Xi Nian Senior's body is normal." Cara blinked: "Also, aren't you a spider physique, how can your body temperature be the same as an ordinary person? ."


"The truth."

"Okay, okay." Looking at the two who started their daily bickering, Xi Nian completely When he woke up, he yawned and quickly got up and said, "Let's go, don't you want to go to the clothes store to look at the clothes?"


Kara and Gwen looked at each other and stopped talking in unison, but each other's anger was still there, as if the timing of the fight was extended.


The two of them have prepared their own offensives, and they are waiting for the weekend holiday!

Xi Nian shuddered for no reason.

This weekend, it seems that it is not suitable to travel!

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