My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 172

Highly suspected to be the descendant of Symbiote hiding in the human city, the secret behind why SHIELD kidnapped Pietro, and the Black Cat female thief who suddenly became killing without blinking an eye...

Although Xi Nian could guess the specific reason for the third one, but everything happened in New York, which gave him an inexplicable feeling.

For the extraordinary,

He has always been very keen.

New York City, which has just experienced the alien battle, is afraid that something big will happen soon.

Fortunately, Xi Nian has become more accustomed to the extraordinary than before.

After obtaining the Iron Body ability from Kara, it can be said that he has also completely stepped into the realm of the Transcendent World.

At this moment.

Xi Nian is extraordinary.


It's already afternoon.

Xi Nian took off his black superman battlesuit, took a comfortable shower with the hottest hot water, and put on a more formal shirt suit.

The full set of small suits is almost brand new, with no wrinkles or dust.

This is because Diana and Wanda are often rummaged out of the closet, washed, dried, and ironed, and also because --

Xi Nian wears too little.

Xi Nian doesn't use a formal dress like this three times a year, and buys at least two more sets every year.

Xi Nian wears how comfortable it is, as long as she can, she usually wears loose and fashionable casual clothes when she goes out.

But tonight is Gwen's bar mitzvah dinner after all, so wear whatever you want.

Xi Nian is happy for Gwen.

Fortunately, the Iron Body didn't make Xi Nian bigger and fit perfectly. And because the shirt is properly propped up, it shows a slightly suitable muscle curve, and it looks more sunny and stylish than before.

Give your messy hair a bit more and wax it.

The brand new Xi Nian is out of the house.


Washington, outside the bustling and bustling streets of the city.

Xi Nian didn't immediately go to the Wen Family, taking advantage of the time before the dinner, and walked into a nearby famous brand jewelry store.

There are several couples or couples in the store looking at the merchandise together. Basically, the eyes of the women are sparkling, and the men in the same group subconsciously touched their trouser pockets.

Saw a young boy walking in.

A white salesgirl with a beautiful face and a plump figure immediately twisted her hip-packed skirt and stepped on her high-heeled shoes, and asked Xi Nian with a standard sweet smile: "Sir, may I ask you? What type do you want to buy?"

"Jewelry suitable for young girls." Xi Nian pondered then said.

"Is it a girlfriend?"

"No, it's a good brother."

"Uh." The salesgirl looked obviously stunned, but fortunately she was fine Professionalism made her resist, and she asked with a constant smile, "What's your budget?"

"Around five thousand."

Xi Nian thought for a while . There is still a lot of money left for the date that my aunt gave me last time...

"Please come here!"

salesgirl's eyes shined and she was very enthusiastic, and took Xi Nian to the store. .


"That's it."

Ten minutes or so, Xi Nian carefully selected a suitable jewelry for the salesgirl to pack.

"Okay, I'll help you pack it right away." The salesgirl's smile is getting brighter and brighter, such a straightforward little guest is rarely seen now.

However, her smile soon froze.

I saw the door of the jewelry store.

With a sudden scream, several customers who wanted to leave the store were pushed back in by a big masked man!


Meanwhile. Also two other masked black muscular men in the same group, armed with AK firearms, strode in quickly from the glass door next to them!

"There is no end..." Xi Nian looked back, mouth slightly twitched.

Can you stop it?


"Robbery! If you don't want to die, everyone will squat down for me obediently!" The clerk ran in a panic, and immediately took out a pistol from his waist, moved towards the ceiling inside the jewelry store is a shot!

Bang! !

The high-hanging glass lamp burst with a sound, and countless glass fell to the ground!

The six customers and four salesgirls face deathly pale in the store, all squatting with their heads together, and the crotch of the pants of the two white-collar men is overflowing with dampness!

"Boy, do you want to die?"

One of the masked black muscular man growled, staring coldly at the only one standing in the store Black-haired teenager raised his AK firearm.

Xi Nian then realized that, as a human, he should be afraid of guns.

Ordinary human is indeed easy to kill by gun.

However, when Xi Nian looked at the dark muzzle aimed at him, it was difficult for Xi Nian to show even the slightest fear in his heart.

If it's the day before yesterday, it's fine, but now he has an Iron Body...

Xi Nian wanted to say to the robber kindly, "Please kill me. "

But considering the presence of other hostages, he still squatted down reluctantly.

After deterring all the customers and clerks on the field, one of the three robbers guarded them with a gun, and the other two began to smash the counter with a special hammer, copying a large amount of jewelry into their own. in the backpack.

Three minutes or so.

Not waiting for the robbers to pack all the jewelry in the store.

Outside the store, with the sound of a sharp and loud whistle, several police cars with warning lights on top of Blink suddenly stopped on the road outside!

"Boss, the police are here!" a masked black muscular man exclaimed.

"Shut up! What are you afraid of, we have hostages! Pull them out and block the front!" The subordinate took over a firearm, opened the safety of the firearm, fired a burst, moved towards the door and it was a sweeping sweep!

da da da! ! !

The muzzle of the firearm spurted a series of bullets frantically, the glass door shattered, and the body of the police car outside the door was directly beaten into a sieve!

The police who got out of the car on the other side were about to fight back, but found that in the jewelry store, two other Muscular man robbers were already armed with firearms, intimidating and ordering customers and clerks to move to the front of the door.


"How is the situation at the scene?"

More police cars honked their horns and rushed to the scene to support. It was surrounded by water.

Among them, a middle-aged police officer with a grim face stepped out of a police car.

"Officer George!" A police officer immediately came forward to report.

"How is the situation at the scene?"

Officer George asked swiftly and decisively.

The policeman swallowed a mouthful of saliva, moistened his dry throat, and quickly replied: "There are three robbers in total, with AKs and other firearms with great formidable power, as well as pistols. There are shop assistants and customers in them. As hostages, four men and seven women, also a student who looks like a Chinese..."

"Is the sniper in place?"

"It's here. But the robbers are very vigilant, Hiding behind counters and hostages."

"What do they want?" Constable George continued.

"A van, leave here with jewelry."

"It's a good idea!"

Officer George coldly smiled, he was not afraid of danger, Approached by a makeshift shelter built by several police cars.

This distance.

You can clearly see the hostages standing in a row in the area near the door of the store. The three robbers are standing behind them, only a corner of the firearms and clothes are faintly exposed...


Officer George suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the teenager, one of the hostages, with a single thought—

Why is he there? !

While Officer George saw the black-haired boy, the boy seemed to see him and made a secret gesture to him.

Officer George shuddered, his mind filled with question marks.

However, the boy's gesture was indicating:

"I'm going to break through!"


In the store.

Xi Nian was standing in the area in front of the door with a gun pointed at the back of the head by a robber.

He wasn't panic at all, even a little bored.

The first time I encountered a robbery and was taken as a hostage, I have to say that it was really a novel experience.

But this experience becomes boring after a long time.

So Xi Nian is going to take action.

As usual.

He would choose to let Can Luo notify his aunt, and then it is estimated that in less than a minute, someone will fall from the sky and throw the three robbers into the sky.

But now with the Iron Body as a defense, Xi Nian is completely confident in handling it on his own. If he didn't do anything just now, he was just worried about the safety of other hostages.


Now the three robbers finally got together, and unfortunately stood directly behind him.

Although Xi Nian turned his back to each other, there was Can Luo to convey his thoughts to him, and he could clearly know the positions and movements of the three.

For a split second,

without any hesitation.

Xi Nian burst into trouble, his elbows suddenly slammed back with full strength, and hit a soft body exactly!


The undefended lower abdomen was hit, and the black masked Muscular man immediately screamed, his eyes turned white, like a spasm arched skin Skin shrimp!

Xi Nian took the opportunity to grab the firearm from the opponent's hand, just like a hot-blooded stunned young man who was not afraid of gunshots, knocked another robber to the ground!

The sudden scene shocked everyone on the field and outside.


Seeing this, the robber Boss who was negotiating with the police immediately growled angrily and turned his gun towards the boy who knocked the robber to the ground.

That's it.

The underarm of his right arm was sore, as if it had been stabbed by some creature, and he was unable to lift the firearm for a while!

Xi Nian kicked the robber who was knocked to the ground in the face, knocked him unconscious, then turned around and rushed towards the robber boss without fear of death!


The robber Boss's powerless right hand was thrown like this, and the AK gun in his hand flew out. Xi Nian pressed the robber Boss to the ground with both hands. The robber boss's eyes were all red, the big left hand tightly pinched the boy's throat, his five fingers were like iron tongs, and his arm protruded one after another hideous and terrifying blue veins!

“Wu wu!”

Xi Nian was out of breath just in time, as if holding on to each other very reluctantly.

The scene is in chaos!

Without the threat of the muzzle of the robbers, the hostage lost one's head out of fear and fled towards the door, while the policemen outside were stunned for a moment, and Officer George rushed in first!


Officer George first shot cleanly and knocked down the robber who got up from the ground and wanted to pick up the gun!

Then, with slightly red eyes, he rushed towards the two fighting on the ground.

"Let me loose him!!"

Officer George rushed to the vicinity, pistol moved towards the left arm of the robber Boss, blood splashed, the robber Boss Immediately released the five fingers that were pinching the young man's throat, and curled up in pain and wailing, clutching the bloody gunshot wound!

"Xi Nian, are you okay?"

Confirming that all the robbers were incapacitated, Officer George hurriedly looked towards the boy sitting on the ground.

"What can I do?" Xi Nian asked with a wink.

Officer George: "..."

Worried about Bai, Bai?

"Right, it's just a little disgusting..." Xi Nian touched his neck, his face uncomfortable.

"I'll call an ambulance right away!" Officer George exclaimed.

"No, George Uncle."

Xi Nian waved his hand and said bluntly: "I just think that his hands are full of cigarettes and a medical smell of fire, which makes people sick... "

"You kid..."

Officer George glared at him and said with lingering fears: "You know, what did you just do? They have guns. How dare you do it?"

Xi Nian didn't know what to say.

He is actually very, very restrained.

Xi Nian can choose to stand up to the opponent's gun if he doesn't want to expose the Iron Body too obviously, also splintering the body and other means, and considering the safety of other hostages on the scene.

At this time.

More police officers rushed in and escorted the three wounded robbers away.

Xi Nian got up and patted the dust on his pants, as if remembering something, he stepped forward and picked up a wrapped gift box from among the scattered jewelry: "This is my own money. I bought it."

Looking at the gift box in the boy's hand, Officer George was silent, and it was difficult to say any more questioning words.

He knew why Xi Nian was here.


The police car was driving on the road at an average speed, outside the window, night had come quietly.

Officer George drove the car back to his house, Xi Nian sat in the back seat, one big and one small were silent.

through childhood.

Xi Nian and Officer George have never been alone together. Between them, there will always be a arrogant and beautiful short-haired girl.

Officer George looks like pearl in the palm.

Xi Nian's marble-like playmate.

"How dare you take action like that just now, it's so impulsive!" Officer George broke the silence in the car and scolded.

Xi Nian spread his hands and said, "Isn't it late at night? I'm afraid to drag it on and miss Gwen's coming-of-age dinner."

"Then... It can't be like this."

Hearing Gwen, the sternness on George's face immediately softened, pondered then said: "In the future, you must be stable. If you can't even protect yourself, how can you protect yourself? Gwen..."

"I see, George Uncle."

Xi Nian nodded.

He suddenly noticed that Officer George's hands, holding the steering wheel, were shaking slightly...

Officer George was shaking?

As if noticing Xi Nian's gaze through the rearview mirror, Officer George lightly coughed: "I'm not doing this for you! I'm just scared, if something happens to you, how can I explain it to Gwen? ?"

"I understand."

Xi Nian didn't care, he laughed, and suddenly said, "For Gwen!"

Officer George paused Living. He looked straight ahead, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift up slightly, and suddenly felt that this kid looked so pleasing to the eye!

He also said in his heart:

"For Gwen."

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