My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 18

Stay awake all night.

Xi Nian was lying on the bed, almost watching the night outside the room window gradually replaced by the cold morning light.

After all, what happened last night was too exciting, and the extraordinary mysteries I experienced were more than sixteen years of life combined.

also, in the bathroom.

When my aunt mentioned the master of his awakened superpower family, she was not disgusted, or expressed her opposition to his use of this strange ability. On the contrary, the aunt is helping to think about the triggering conditions and ultimate effect of the Dependent Lord's ability. She looks like she wants to find an opportunity for him to conduct ability experiments, and the exploration is very meaningful.

So, it's not that Xi Nian couldn't hold back, but the theory is too tempting. Under him, he raised his hand involuntarily, as if he wanted to participate in expressing his opinion.

Xi Nian didn't know if his aunt saw it when he was washing his hair foam.

He only remembered the last words his aunt said in the bathroom.

"Xi Nian, what kind of person do you want to be?"

"There is no rush to answer this question. When the time is right, I will give you a chance to choose. Whatever choice you make, I will support you from behind."

Xi Nian thought about it for a night, but still couldn't understand the meaning of choice and support in her aunt's words.

What options? How to support?

In other words, Xi Nian didn't dare to think about one aspect - the master of his superpower family can only play its true effect with the help of the opposite sex with supernatural powers. The so-called help of the opposite sex requires a series of 'harsh' trigger conditions, equivalent to passive skills.

If there is no suitable transcendental opposite sex around to help, it cannot be used as a regular ability.

So, the support that my aunt said should not be...

Recalling my aunt's initiative to imagine that "liquid is a medium, the more the medium, the stronger the effect", Xi Nian felt His body became hot again, which was the real reason why he didn't sleep all night.


Because of the fear of Xi Nian's physical repercussions, the aunt reported to the school early to ask him to take a day off.

It just so happened that from the school, Xi Nian learned that Gwen also took a day off.

The half of Spider-Woman's face that Spider-Woman showed last night flashed through his mind.

Xi Nian thought for a while, and couldn't help but suggest to her aunt: "Gwen has a cold, I'll go see her after lunch."

Diana naturally knows Xi Nian's. A childhood playmate, she immediately agreed: "It's okay, it's so close anyway."

She looked at the messy living room: "Later, I will arrange for someone to come over and refinish the living room at home. , and add new furniture."

"There won't be any trouble, right?" Xi Nian was worried.

The broken footprints left on the living room floor, the amazing potholes, also the furniture window sills that he forcibly smashed, etc., can be seen by a discerning person as not ordinary damage from daily use. If we get in touch again, the robbery incident that happened downstairs opposite last night might be exposed.


Diana calm expression, she is wearing a white lining and trousers, she is elegant and calm: "I still have some connections, I know What type of person should I find to deal with."

"That's good." Xi Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little curious as to what kind of network the aunt was referring to.

After lunch.

Xi Nian puts on a winter trench coat for the outing and heads out to Gwen's house.

Only crossing a pedestrian street, Xi Nian came to the next door in less than 100 meters. The security guard on duty in the community also recognized him and opened the door while greeting him: "Little Xi Nian, haven't you been here for a while?"

"Indeed, it's been a long time."

Xi Nian shrugged, he was fine when he was a kid, but in recent years, Officer George has become more and more thief-proof. Xi Nian once doubted whether he had criminal genes and was being targeted.

He quickly came to the door of the Wen Family, and when he just rang the doorbell, Xi Nian suddenly felt a little nervous.

Fortunately, maybe it was finally a bit of luck, and a gentle female voice came from inside: "Come."

The door opened.

Xi Nian's eyes were greeted by a middle-aged woman who was about 18 years old. Although the corners of her eyes were slightly wrinkled, her figure was still preserved, with a lively temperament. He looks a lot like Gwen.

It's Gwen's mother, Mary Jane.

"Xi Nian, you're here!" Contrary to Officer George's treatment, Mary was surprised when she saw Xi Nian at the door, and directly pulled him into the house: "Quick, it's cold outside, come in Let's talk about it."

"I heard that Gwen is sick, so I'll come and visit her." Xi Nian changed into home slippers on the carpet and glanced inside the house.

"Don't worry." As if she knew what he was looking at, Mary blinked and said, "Gwen's father went out last night and hasn't come back yet."

"Ah this ." Xi Nian didn't know what to say.

Madam, your hairstyle... No, it's dangerous!

Mary continued, "Gwen woke up with a fever in the morning, I've given her antipyretics, and she should be in bed now."

"If that's the case, then I'll go back first." Xi Nian looked towards Gwen's closed door: "Don't disturb her rest..."

"Don't bother." Mary waved her hand to interrupt him He urged: "You came at the right time, come in and see her!"

Mary pushed Xi Nian to Gwen's door, and warned repeatedly: " Don't worry, the sound insulation inside the room is good, even if something happens, you can't hear it outside."

"Well, I'm just here to visit." Xi Nian corner of the mouth twitched, corrected.

"Of course. Of course, it's just a visit, a deep visit, as long as you don't get yourself sick." Mary's suggestion was very strong. She opened the door and pushed Xi Nian in, and helped to reopen the door. close.

Speaking of which, is this really Gwen's mother?

Xi Nian smiled bitterly, suddenly feeling that Officer George was relatively normal. He looked up and saw that Gwen's room was still similar to what he had imagined. It was clean, tidy, with a faint fragrance, and there were many dolls. It was indeed a girl's room, and there were a lot of photos on the bookshelf.

Huh? Many are photos taken with him, cherished inventory that he didn't even wash out himself.

Xi Nian couldn't help but take a few more glances, then set his eyes on a corner of the room.

The beautiful girl with golden hair looks like a sleeping beauty, lying quietly on the bed under a duvet like snow, her small and delicate mouth and nose breathe evenly, but her cheeks are as tender as a baby. some reddened.

Xi Nian approached the bed and called out in a low voice: "Gwen, Gwen?"

Gwen did not respond, as if she had fallen asleep.

Xi Nian confirmed again and again that his hands were not very cold, so he gently brushed away the golden hair and placed it on the girl's forehead, with a slight burning sensation in the palm of his hand.

Although the temperature is not high, it does have a fever.

Xi Nian retracted his palm in silence. He came to visit Gwen, one, of course, to visit a doctor, and two, to know if Gwen was related to the Spider-Woman he met last night.

It seems that I must have misunderstood.

That's right, how could Qingmei Gwen be the Spider-Woman who swings high in the city and doesn't really want to be trifled with.

Xi Nian shook the head.


When his eyes fell close to the girl, he opened his breath slightly, perhaps partly because of the fever, and his small mouth, which was more rosy and shiny than before, suddenly froze again.

An idea popped out of Xi Nian's mind like an obsession.

Is it a mistake? You will know if you try it?

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