My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 184

zi zi ——!

The warm, smelly blood splashed out like rain, and Prowler, who was suspended in midair beside him, was caught off guard and was drenched in red from head to toe...

The huge head with a pair of ferocious horns smashed to the ground, making a dull and powerful loud noise!

Prowler was stunned, the blood on the metal mask made his eyes turn blood red, and he could see the head of the green monster as huge as a hill. The meter-long blade cuts smoothly!

The green devil's mountain-like giant body, flexible wings, extremely destructive power, hard and sharp scales and barbs, as well as extremely high-strength biological physique and super self-healing ability .

Although the conceited Prowler does not want to admit it many times, the Green Devil is indeed the strongest existence among their five Supervillain teams!

It also debuted ten years ago, and has been fighting against the superhero Spider-Man, the veteran villain who never dies!

A mighty supernatural being that even Spider-Man could do nothing - the Green Devil, just died like this?

To die in the hands of a mysterious young man who was not a hero, and to die so simply and simply, as if he had no strength left to struggle!

Prowler looked into the distance and untied the two blood-stained spider webs from his waist, nothing happened, it was just a boy with a slit on the waist of the stealth battlesuit, Prowler was stained with countless people's blood. The body trembled for no reason!

He felt a huge fear from the mysterious black hair boy, which Spider-Man could not give!

And this is Xi Nian!

Xi Nian has never considered himself to be a superhero, or a Supervillain. He just has his own bottom line and principles, and his behavior depends on his personal preferences and standpoints.

For him at this time.

Spider-Man is a very good new friend, and also Gwen's 'cousin' in the parallel universe. The other party also helped him return to the original world, so he will undoubtedly stand on Spider-Man. -Man this side.

even more how, those who stand on the opposite side are all Supervillains killing people like scything flax, commiting any imaginable misdeed.

Xi Nian has no so-called psychological burden.


Once he takes action, it will ruthless cause the opponent to die! Anyway, the enemy never thought to keep his hands on him!

Don't talk to him about killing or not, justice is not justice!

until now.

Xi Nian doesn't care whether his actions are just or not at all, he only cares whether the final result is what he wants!

Of course.

If the opponent is not Supervillain, Xi Nian will also have a proper compassion, provided that the opponent is unable to seek revenge on him...


Kill and kill, death ends all one's troubles!

If you sympathize with Supervillain, who will sympathize with the innocents who died?


Xi Nian glanced at the exit of the underground tunnel, ignored Prowler who was stunned, raised his hand and shot a spider web that flew over there!

Before the tunnel exit.

Spider-Man is holding a seriously injured and unconscious boy with one hand, and is in a desperate situation under the siege of Kingpin and Scorpion King.

Xi Nian dragged the spider web man in the air, his body became more and more colorful, and his body flickering, as if the frame was dropped in the film, and he would disappear from the face of the earth at any time.

The spider hood on his head has been completely shattered, revealing a head of black hair and a delicate and pretty face, and his brown eyes are full of bizarre colors. An unreal sense of sight.

Ten seconds.

Xi Nian had a subtle feeling in his heart.

You can't go wrong.

also the last ten seconds, he will leave the current parallel universe!

Xi Nian thought of this, without any hesitation, moved towards the bottom and dived down, the goal is - Kingpin!

"Boss, watch out! He's heading towards you!!"

Prowler exclaimed in surprise.


Kingpin, who was about to give Spider-Man a heavy blow, turned his head, when he saw the green demon lying in a pool of blood in the distance, his pupils were suddenly surprised. When he noticed Xi Nian swooping down, he subconsciously threw a punch the size of a sandbag!

"Don't confront him head-on!"

Prowler roared hoarsely, and an energy shock wave burst out from his arms, trying to blow up Xi Nian in the air in front of him!

Prowler now fully understands that the spider boy in front of him is different from the extraordinary he encountered before!

If you carelessly treat the other party as the holder of the same ability as Spider-Man, this will be fatal!

The hard body that is not afraid of all attacks is like playing a low-dimensional with a high-dimensional!

also, the opponent's spider web is completely different from Spider-Man, and has extremely terrifying lethality!

Unfortunately, Prowler was too late to inform Kingpin and the others.

Prowler's bombardment was not a delusional attempt to hurt Xi Nian, he just hoped to delay his action.


Facing the bombardment from Prowler behind him.

Xi Nian in the air suddenly adjusted the angle of his body and received an energy bombardment from his back. The Iron Body was naturally unscathed. He used the blast as his driving force, and rushed towards Kingpin like a dazzling streamer!

Kingpin seemed to sense the breath of Death at the crucial moment, so he put his hands folded in front of him instead!

Xi Nian falls.

Kingpin froze quickly.

Because, Xi Nian also temporarily switched the attack target.

The scorpion king opened his eyes wide in horror, watching the boy's sole infinity approaching——

Everything happened too fast, and there was no room for reaction.

Xi Nian descended from the sky, with his own powerful inertia, one foot heavily kicked on the Scorpion King's chest!

The scorpion king is only a half-machine transforming human after all. It's just that the lower body and left hand are mechanical, and the chest is still flesh and blood, no different from ordinary human.


Come on!

The floor beneath the Scorpion King cracked open, and a very obvious pothole sank. His chest even dented a footprint, and the entire skeleton of his upper body was directly deformed. , slumped in the pothole, vomiting blood!

Scorpion King, die! !

Two consecutive Supervillains were killed...

Kingpin, who was standing nearby, looked at the spider boy who stepped on the corpse of the scorpion king, and immediately sucked in a breath of cold air!

The other party is not Spider-Man!

Spider-Man will also show mercy to them, and this young boy simply doesn't treat them as human beings! Shoot to death like a cockroach mosquito!

Kingpin realized this and took a few steps backwards, but was quickly entangled by a white spider web! The white spider web was small and sharp, and immediately cut through the brand-new suit on his body, pulling out one after another bloodstain from the tough flesh!

"Are you dead too?" The young man raised his eyes and looked towards him, as if he was looking at a corpse.

Xi Nian has no so-called pity or sympathy for Kingpin. From the information provided by Spider-Man, we can know that this guy seems to be resurrecting his long-dead wife and children, but in fact his wife and children are the victims. What he killed, he just wanted to plunder from other parallel universes, that's all, his wife and children who were exactly the same as before.

"You, you don't come here..."

Facing Spider-Man Xi Nian with Iron Body, Kingpin felt unprecedented horror!

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