My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 189

Previously, somewhere in the school yard.

A pair of well-raised snow rabbits looked weak and helpless. Under the reckless hunting oppression of the student hunters, the rabbit body could not stop the shiver coldly curling up and deforming, turning out delicious and delicious food in the grass. Soft and white belly...


The school gate, outside.

"Aren't you going?"

Xi Nian, who had already sat in the passenger seat of the modified car, reached out and knocked on the window, moved towards the one-eyed black man outside the car, who was a bit stunned. road.

Nick Fury doesn't know what to say, the other party is so easy to persuade, but instead looks like a fool.

His dark face was expressionless, he returned to the driver's seat, and soon the modified car restarted.

Vehicles leave the high school at an average speed.


At this time, on the top roof of the school building.

Two beautiful girls in uniforms and skirts stood facing each other, the cold wind blowing from the top of the building, the platinum long hair and the golden short hair were swaying elegantly, respectively. Knee-length skirts of also beautiful young girls swaying.

This is obviously a very beautiful and moving scene of youth, but it's not just why the atmosphere at the scene is a little depressed and frozen.

Two powerful auras with coercion collided with each other, causing the surrounding wind to stop!

As if they were silently confronting each other, after a period of silence.

Gwen suddenly glanced in the direction of the school gate below, Wen Ke's small face was slightly moved and said: "Xi Nian was picked up by a strange stranger..."

"It's alright."

Carla winked playfully and smiled slightly: "Senior has my Iron Body, so I won't suffer any harm. Besides, Senior will take the initiative to get into the other party's car, This means that the other party is at least not a bad person."

also she didn't say a word-

It doesn't matter even if it is a bad person.

Carla has written down Nick Fury's license plate and the shape of the car, and if Xi Nian makes a single call for help, he will immediately fly past at Mach speed.

But even if Kara didn't actually say it, Gwen could understand what she meant, and said softly, "Yeah, the Kryptonians are really good."

She paused, The words were quite cold: "Since the Earth who has come here and integrated into the current human society, should also understand the principle of first come first serve?"

"Senior Sister, I gave you a chance."< /p>

Kara shook her palm and reminded: "Did you forget? You took the initiative to exchange with me on Saturday and Sunday..."

Gwen brows slightly wrinkle, Kara is right.

I did make an appointment first, but who knows, it just happened to be my birthday on Sunday.

“Also a little.”

Kara stretched out a tender white finger and pondered: “Even if the date is not changed. Without me, Senior Sister, did you manage to get on with Senior yesterday? Most likely it will be just like previous years, just having a very ordinary birthday?"

"What are you talking about... shameless!"

Gwen couldn't help but spit, blushing, and it was too blunt.

But she had to admit that Kara had a point.

If it weren't for the excitement of what Kara did on Saturday, she and Xi Nian might still have maintained their relationship with each other, and it would be difficult to break the barrier and take that step forward.

Therefore, the existence of Kara is indeed an opportunity, and in some respects, it has also played a positive and key positive effect.



Gwen is still upset, very upset!

It's like you've kept a cheesecake for several years, trying to open the package and eat it, but the strawberry in the center of the cake has been eaten, and the cheese on the top has been licked...

It's hard not to care.

Gwen breathes deeply, staring at Kara and saying: "Although you are the first, but about me and Xi Nian, do you... don't mind?"

"Said Don't mind, of course it's fake."

Kara's eyes were as bright as gems, bathing in the sun made her look like she was plated with a layer of white golden light, she spread her hands helplessly and said: "But I've thought about it. Due to the physics of Krypton, I can't occupy the Senior alone. In addition to the special ability of the Senior, instead of letting others mix it at will, it's better to let those you know join in..."

The Kryptonians are indeed omnipotent.

Only in that aspect, Carla still seems powerless, and her body is still clearly marked with the high-stimulation illusion that has been damaged.

"Gwen, we are naturally rivals in love. However, we can also form an alliance to a certain extent..."

Carla blinked and said sincerely and straightforwardly.

Gwen was so frightened by her straightforward theory that steam came out of her forehead, but quickly understood what the other person meant.

Take the cheesecake as an example.

This cheesecake is so big right now that if I had it all alone at home, I wouldn't be able to eat the whole cheesecake. In the end, the cheesecake was wasted, not to mention, if you don't eat it, it will attract flies and mice to steal it...


Carla's idea is to cut the cheesecake and keep half of it for herself. By default, Gwen will take the other half...

Share the cheesecake without wasting it with those you know. Companion, neither will it be wasted, nor will it be eaten by some potential covetous existences.

"Who is going to form an alliance with you..."

Gwen suddenly thought of something, blushing with blush, panting with rage: "We will always be enemies ."

Kara said with a slight smile: "Of course. I didn't plan to split half and half with you. Someone will always have a little more of the cake in their hands, depending on ability!"


Gwen nodded, still agreeing.

"I know, you also want to be a superhero, and you have been working hard in that direction. Coincidentally, I am also in this regard." Kara thought about it and suggested: "Why don't we start with Here's a contest?"

"You mean..." Gwen's beautiful eyes narrowed.

"Whoever of us is the first to embark on the path of superheroes will be the first to choose Xi Nian's weekend date." Carla said confidently, stroking her shiny blonde hair.

"No problem! But I'm going to bet on the holidays!" Gwen said not to be outdone.

"That's such a happy decision." Carla stepped forward, taking action.

Gwen raised his hand without hesitation.

Golden Under the sun, two beautiful girls held hands together.

No one knows.

This is the future. It is rumored that Supergirl and Spider-Woman have reached a competition and cooperation, a meeting of the two gods.

It's just that the core topic and ultimate goal of the conference was not as sacred and great as people imagined...


The roof of the school Up, a gust of wind swept out with a dust wave wrapped in it!

Gwen looked up, watching the little silhouette in the sky breaking through the sound barrier.

"Kara, although your judgment and analysis are accurate, and you are sufficiently rational and calm in this regard, there is one thing you did not expect..." Gwen murmured to himself: "Even if the two of us Together, it doesn't make up the whole cake."

A week, but seven days.

Even if the weekend belongs to the two of them, also five days, it basically belongs to the other person...

The cake share in the hands of the two of them, add up, maybe even more Not as many as that one!

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