My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 197


"This is..."

Xi Nian narrowed his eyes slightly dignifiedly, under the spider senses, he was more able to perceive the power used by Quake behind him.

The surrounding air first made a slight but non-negligible vibration. As soon as the vibration appeared, the formidable power multiplied and spread out!

It's like throwing a pebble into a calm lake.

The female agent Quake has cast a strange power into this space!


The right arm firmly grasped the roof of the high-speed vehicle with one hand. The mysterious man wearing a bulletproof uniform and a black mask was about to jump directly to the severely damaged modified car in front.

But at this time.

The mysterious man seemed to notice something, he suddenly released his right arm and rolled his body towards the back!

Almost at the moment he made this move-


A shock wave that could not be seen but was real swept out, two enemy vehicles chasing after the modified car, the windshield and the windows on both sides suddenly burst, and the interior The armed personnel are also like balloons, and their bodies are shattered directly from the inside out!


The heads of the two cars that were driving at high speed were lifted up at the same time, paused for half a second, rolled in place for a few laps, and then carried the blood and glass slag in the sky, moved towards the backside of the road behind Down here comes destruction!

The modified car staggered a bit, and there was a strange and elegant look in place, and it continued to drive forward.

"Nice job! Quake, I already have such a powerful ability to use it earlier, why should I run so embarrassed?" But found that Quake didn't answer, but his body was weak, and he was lying on his back.

This open posture, the current bumpy driving...

Xi Nian once again felt another good formidable power of shock waves.

"Quake, are you all right?" Xi Nian asked hastily.

"It's all right, it's just a nodded dizzy..."

Quake covered his smooth forehead scattered with dark blond strands, his beautiful eyes were a little disintegrated, so that he looked a little dazed Moe.

She rested her other hand on Xi Nian's body, panting with a pale face: "My special ability... can't be used arbitrarily, otherwise I would have used it long ago."

< p>"I can see it." Xi Nian closed his eyes. He reminded: "That guy is not dead."

Quake barely looked up towards the rearview mirror with only half of it left. In the center of the road, which turned into a flaming Fireball, a tall, mysterious silhouette slowly stood up.

Mysterious man's eyes are cold between the messy hair, and the bulletproof uniform on his right upper body has been torn apart, revealing the entire silver robotic arm with metallic light, with a big red branded on it. pentagram.

"It's a former Soviet, that's Winter Soldier...I've heard of that guy, and he's been responsible for more than 20 assassinations over the past 50 years."


Quake's body gradually buffered back, and she seemed to lean back, letting her roundness return to its original state.

Xi Nian said nonchalantly: "Whatever winter and summer warrior he is, anyway, the other party will definitely not be able to catch up with us this time. Unless, the people in front of them are... Hey, it seems that there are really people."

The modified car is entering a bridge at this time, and it can be clearly seen that traffic control has been imposed on the bridge ahead.

Two police cars were blocked in the middle of the bridge, and several armed men got off the car with heavy cylindrical weapons. At first glance, it looked like an RPG!

Quake: "..."

In nineteen years, Quake Quake has never had the moment to gag someone's mouth.

If Xi Nian knew what Quake was thinking, he would definitely feel innocent --

He really wasn't a bad mouth, but a prediction reminder under spider senses.

There are enemies in front and Winter Soldier in the back.

"Quake. If you can run away, run away first and leave me alone." Xi Nian looked very open, as if he was not afraid of life and death.

"The pick-up and drop-off of Quest has not yet been completed, how could I leave you?"

Quake's face was stubborn and determined, she stepped on the accelerator and let the modified car rush forward. : "We charge ahead!"

Xi Nian's eyes flashed a strange color.

At this time, a bang!

A cannonball dragged the hot and dazzling tail flame and rushed straight to the front of the modified car. As if too flustered, Xi Nian accidentally slammed the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes, letting the modified car A strange and elegant came to the place, and actually avoided the rocket launcher!

But the rocket launcher still ushered in an explosion next to the front of the car.

Boom! !

A tragic explosion of flames exploded on the bridge deck, the windshield of the modified car shattered, and a little flame rushed into the car with strong wind, and the modified car with thick smoke kept going faster. One end broke through the stone guardrail of the bridge and fell to the river with a fifty-meter drop below!

Gurgling! !

Above the bridge.

Winter Soldier stood on a guardrail on the bridge deck. He looked down coldly at the modified car that was completely submerged in the water, picked up a specially made communicator and said hoarsely: "The information is wrong..."



The setting sun is about to sink into the city's horizon, and the rays of light fall on the shimmering water on the river.

A few seagulls were suddenly startled on a quiet and uninhabited river bank.

A silhouette of a sexy lithe and graceful black woman broke the river. She walked out of the shallow water with a teenager in her arms, followed by a small orange cat swimming with vigorous claws.

The two people and one cat were soaked all over, and the smell of gunpowder smoke remained on their bodies.

"Xi Nian, we are safe, we escaped."

Quake placed the boy on the lawn on the river bank and patted the other's face lightly, but the boy closed his eyes and did not any reaction.

Quake looked down at Xi Nian's torn and charred shirt, and recalled that the aftermath of the rocket launcher was heavier because Xi Nian was sitting in front of her.

"Wake up. The Quest is not over yet, you can't die..."

Quake suddenly panicked for no reason, she wiped the unconscious boy's face with her hand, Showing her sunny, delicious and pretty face, she pulled the button on the top of her shirt to reveal her unexpectedly lean chest.

Clap the palms of your hands together, squeezing your chest.

Quake leaned down without the slightest hesitation, his fingers parted the boy's lips, the dark blond hair hung down with his body, and the small white mouth was forcefully and reluctantly blocked——

Not cold.

On the contrary, it is warmer than his own.

Quake was puzzled, but his eyes lit up with excitement and continued to repeat.

It lasted for half a minute, and the teenager still had no obvious reaction.


The little orange cat seemed unable to bear it, and slammed into Xi Nian's open chest.


Xi Nian's eyelashes trembled, and a gap opened, and he finally came to his senses, and muttered in confusion, "I'm still alive? My body isn't broken. Right?"

"Let me see."

Quake directly reached out to his body, groped for confirmation, and quickly showed a faint smile: "You're fine, you're fine. No damage."

"Really? This must be a miracle, enough for me to go back and play with my classmates for a year!" Xi Nian got up and sighed like the rest of his life.

Almost dead?

He pretended!

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