My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 200

City Island, SHIELD headquarters, main building.


As soon as the teenager entered the main entrance, he was stopped by four male agents guarding the door.

"It's me, concussion."

The black uniformed woman behind him stepped forward immediately, took out her agent certificate, coldly said: "By Nick Fury's Quest , I'll take him to SHIELD headquarters."

Nick Fury?

The four male agents looked at each other, still holding out their hands to stop the boy.

Quake sneered, took a step forward and stood beside Xi Nian: "What? Nick Fury was indeed attacked and killed by a mysterious force yesterday, but this is the order he gave when he was in power as Director of SHIELD. , don't you want to disobey the orders of the Director of SHIELD in less than a day?"

"How is that possible. We are still in shock about the Director's attack."

< p>The leading agent sneered, he waved his hand, and the other three immediately stepped aside, allowing Xi Nian and Quake to enter the main entrance.

After access control, also SHIELD extremely strict security check...

Any creature or item will be detected by scanning equipment.

Xi Nian had the SHIELD headquarters surrounded by the tank before, but he couldn't pass this level. Even if the tiny transparent splinter jellyfish attached to the agent, it was very likely to be detected by the high-precision scanning equipment. .

"Kitten pets, also cellphones, are not allowed to be brought in."

Security staff blunt said to Xi Nian.

Xi Nian took the cellphone out of his trouser pocket with the little orange cat in his arms.

At this point, Quake said, "He should have temporary permissions from the Director."

"Even so, as an outside visitor..."

The security staff glanced at the computer screen, suddenly made a "huh", looked at Xi Nian in surprise and blurted out: "Director actually gave such a high temporary permission, this is the Number One Person I've seen since Captain America. "

"You can enter with pets and cellphones, please!" The security staff quickly changed his words.


Looking at Xi Nian who passed the access control and security check smoothly and entered the building.

SHIELD Headquarters Prohibition.

The lead agent who blocked Xi Nian's access earlier dialed a channel, lowered his voice, and moved towards the wireless headset report: "Nick Fury gave a boy about 16 years old yesterday, very high temporary authority, and Let the shock pick him up, and now the two have successfully entered the SHIELD headquarters!"

At the same time.

Several hundred meters straight up, the top floor of the SHIELD headquarters building, one level higher than the Director's office!

Here sits a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with neatly combed yellow hair on the leather sofa next to the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

"I see."

middle-aged man narrowed his eyes dangerously after listening to the agent's report, and said casually, "Nick Fury is dead. It doesn't matter who that boy is. The important thing is shock. She is one of Nick Fury's confidants, and her ability is very tricky. Maybe she came back to the headquarters to find out the incident. I will gather a special team later. , keep them in the headquarters."

Access control agent: "Arrest, or kill? If you arrest, the object is shock, which is extremely difficult..."

"Kill Just do it."

The middle-aged man said lightly, and he crossed Erlang's legs proudly and coldly, as if sitting on the clouds of aloof and remote, without even blinking.

A sentence.

As if the concussion and the youth were sentenced to life and death.


Xi Nian successfully entered the SHIELD headquarters. At first glance, the huge main hall seemed a little deserted, and basically all the agents were coming and going.

"This is the largest secret service base in the world. There is no one, and it is filled with the elite of the elite. The whole building is built according to the national defense level and accommodates secret service soldiers, intelligence personnel, medical staff, etc. , more than 10,000 people work at the same time, and can detect abnormal conditions all over the world at the same time."

Quake explained softly next to Xi Nian, as if taking the role of a tour guide.

Xi Nian glanced at her curiously: "Quake, why are you still following me? Isn't your pick-up Quest completed?"

" Pick-up. Yes, and then again Sending you home."

Quake said resolutely: "My Quest isn't over until I send you home!"

"How come."


Xi Nian thinks Quake is cheating, but he has no proof.

"You wouldn't want to get rid of me, would you?"

Quake looked at him closely and asked, "Where are you going to visit SHIELD?"

Quake begins to feel that there are many mists and secrets about the boy.

For example.

She touched it yesterday and was very sure that Xi Nian didn't have a cellphone, but today he brought one.

"Since you want to follow, then play the role of a tour guide."

Xi Nian smiled mysteriously, and then asked, "Where is the coffee here?"


Quake: "..."


Xi Nian and Quake entered the elevator, pressed the button to the third floor, and the elevator was about to close.


A hand suddenly turned from outside to inside, blocking the gap between the elevator doors!

Quake suddenly tensed up and looked up with Xi Nian.

And then.

The two people in the elevator were stunned at the same time as the person who blocked the door and entered the elevator from the outside.

"Xi Nian?" The tall young man who entered the elevator shouted in surprise.

"Mr. Rogers, long time no see." Xi Nian's polite greeting, and due respect for the elderly.

Yes, the youth who blocked the elevator and walked in -

wearing ordinary casual clothes and a coat jacket, with an iconic pentagram round shield on his back, wasn't it Buttocks... Captain America?

"Yeah, long time no see, didn't expect to meet you here again."

Steve Rogers sighed with emotion, with a strange color in his eyes, he is true The boy was surprised.


Quake looked at Xi Nian, then at Captain America, and asked in surprise, "How did you two ... meet?"< /p>

Xi Nian said with a smile: "That day I came to New York for a tour, and Mr. Rogers, at the was a chance encounter on the road."

"Indeed, we can chat very well. ' Rogers nodded in agreement.

The two looked at each other happily, and between the men, everything was silent.

Quake looked at them suspiciously.

Although they have many questions, it is clear that the three of them know that this is not the time to talk.

"Which floor are you going, Captain, I'll press it for you," Quake asked.

"Thank you, click on the top layer for me." Rogers responded naturally: "I'll go to Minister SHIELD and have a chat."

"How about you?" He raised his eyebrows , ask casually.

"Let's go to the third floor for coffee." Xi Nian smiled brightly.

One person came to chat, one person went for coffee.

Looking at the relaxed looking teenagers and young people, Quake suddenly had a feeling that something big is going to happen at the SHIELD headquarters this time!

Separated from Captain America in the elevator.

Xi Nian actually came to the public lounge of the SHIELD headquarters building and asked the female agent next to him, Quake, to make him a cup of coffee with milk.

Quake didn't know what to say, and ended up running to the side of the hall to make coffee.

Sit down in a chair by the floor-to-ceiling window.

Xi Nian put Xiao Huang on the chair beside him, calmly and casually, and took the cellphone out of his pocket.

"Let me see what secrets are hidden in the SHIELD headquarters here..."

Xi Nian's eyes reflected the light of the cellphone screen.


It's still up to Quake to think about it, I'm afraid that from the moment Xi Nian successfully entered the SHIELD headquarters with cellphone, the purpose of his trip was basically achieved!

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