My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 301


The Sanctuary of the Mage, Kamar-Taj.

Xi Nian appears in the quaint sanctuary with Pietro, even a cat, and a starfish.

No one in the sanctuary practice is aware of this.

Otherwise, they would be so frightened that they doubted the life of the mage!

"You're here."

A peaceful female voice suddenly sounded in the corridor behind her.

“Ancient One, you predicted that I was coming again?” Xi Nian laughed, turned around, waved, and greeted the familiar and the presence behind him.

Looking at the bald woman in black robe standing behind, Pietro looked horrified. For him, everything around him can be slowed down to near standstill...


He just didn't notice how the bald woman came behind them!

"This time. It was you who came in, and I only found out." Ancient One looked at Xi Nian solemnly and said, "You set foot on the Number One Person here through non-spell abilities."

"This time. p>

"It's just a little trick." Xi Nian spread his hands.

"It's not something that can be done with little tricks."

Ancient One commented.

Because of the protective Formation of Kamar-Taj since ancient times, in the absence of the 'open door' of the mage inside, only through the Transmission Gate spell spread in the sanctuary, can the non-existent Kamar-Taj be found, And try to get into the space here!

And Xi Nian is an energy creation that imitates other dimensions and deceives the Sanctuary Formation!

This incredible ability is equivalent to the alien Demon God!


"He is Pietro, Wanda's big brother."

Xi Nian pulled Pietro aside and introduced him to Ancient One.

"Come with me."

Ancient One nods, obviously knowing the purpose of their coming here, turning around and walking towards a place.

Xi Nian followed with Pietro.

Walk through long corridors.

Ancient One came to an attic room in the sanctuary, and she waved her sleeves to open the door that seemed to be forbidden by a mage, and you could see Wanda lying on the wooden bed inside.


Little Quicksilver Pietro couldn't bear it any longer. He was so excited that he turned into a silver streamer and rushed into the room first.

The next moment.


Scarlet's energy tide swept across the room, taking Pietro and flying backwards from the door of the room!

Ancient One raised both hands, and a strange wind swept away, offsetting the crimson energy and saving this building area.

Xi Nian held Pietro through a layer of air.

Continue to look inside.

Wanda lay asleep on the wooden bed, like a nightmare, the scarlet energy did not come from the necklace, but from the petite body.

"What's wrong with my elder sister?" Pietro asked worriedly.

"Ask him." Ancient One glanced at Xi Nian.

Xi Nian didn't respond, he put Pietro on the ground and stepped into the room.

For his intrusion.

The scarlet energy on Wanda's body continued to pulsate instinctively, but when it was close to the boy's body, the scarlet energy of Destruction Aura was as gentle as a breeze.

Scarlet energy caressed past, not hurting the boy in the slightest, not even intending to contradict.

Xi Nian came to Wanda's bedside smoothly.

The girl is still having nightmares, her little face is disturbed and painful, her rosy lips are tightly pursed, and it looks distressing.

"Young Master, don't leave me."

Wanda murmured.

"I'm not here." Xi Nian sat down beside the bed and stroked Wanda's little face.

Under his words.

Wanda instinctively held the boy's hand upward, the anxiety and pain on his face faded, replaced by peace and tranquility.

Xi Nian recalls the past.

It is said that when people are dying, they will start to recall nostalgia.

It turned out to be true.

Xi Nian looked at the sleeping Wanda with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Wanda, I will help you find someone home. Whatever happens in the future... you also The closest family members."

"You have to remember. That day I rescued you from the ruins. It was I who picked up a great deal and got the best maid in the world."

"You will grow up to be good enough in the future, and I will be watching you no matter where I am. After all, how could anyone give up such a great maid."

"Sleep well. After waking up, Everything will be alright."

Xi Nian said softly, her fingertips touched the girl's forehead, and the warm colored rays of light penetrated little by little.

Exit from the room.

Pietro stared at Xi Nian in a daze, and said in surprise and happily: "Brother, you really got my sister?!"

"What are you talking about."< /p>

Xi Nian raised his finger and knocked it down, giving Pietro a shudder, causing Pietro to hold his head in pain.

I can't escape, this shock...!

"Take a good look at Wanda, you will be a man in the future. If anyone bullies her, you will understand." Xi Nian patted Pietro's shoulder heavily.

"Yes, brother-in-law!" Pietro patted his chest hard, solemnly vowed.


Another shudder fell.

Let Pietro watch over Wanda in the room.

Xi Nian in super power mode exited the room and went to the main hall of the sanctuary with Ancient One.

The two faced each other and sat down on ordinary wooden chairs.

"Now, do you know what's left of you?" Ancient One asked softly.

Xi Nian nodded, and he glanced down at his body. This time, even without the help of Ancient One, he could see the black mist overflowing from his body and even his soul.

"It's Death."

Xi Nian Blink's colorful eyes were clear.

That's right, what Death left on him was Death!

It is not so much a strange cosmic energy as it is a concept of creation called "Death".

Like Space Stone and Time Stone, it is an infinity energy and a supreme characteristic concept.

Death, one of the creator gods of the universe, planted the power of the concept of Death in this world on Xi Nian, so Xi Nian could only usher in Death in the end.

Even if he is stronger than Death, as long as he is still in this Universe World, he can only die as scheduled!


Ancient One said solemnly: "Leave this dimensional world and never come back!"

Xi Nian smiled: "Mage. You At the beginning, I was warned not to get lost in the multidimensional space, but this time I even suggested that I take the initiative to get lost."

"This is the best choice for you." Ancient One said seriously.

Go to other dimension world, the Death concept of this world, the influence will be weakened accordingly.

Maybe it can fool Death...

Xi Nian also thought of this when he entered the current super power mode.


Recalling how Aunt Diana was scared and worried after the accidental return of crossing over spider parallel universe.

"I won't leave."

Xi Nian responded without hesitation: "My everything is here. Even if Death, I will never leave here again. "

Fleeing to other dimensions and never coming back?

This is definitely more unacceptable than Death!

As a Transmigrator, Xi Nian has gone through so many things and has been thoroughly rooted in this world.

Here, there is something more important than his life!

Ancient One fell silent.

Xi Nian stared at Ancient One, the colored light in his eyes flowed, and suddenly said: "Mage, the evil black energy material on you that comes from other dimensions..."

Ancient One's face was as calm as ever. Facing the first person to see through her secret, he said softly: "Everyone, sometimes has to choose to give up something, and I am no exception."

"The child does it. Choose."

The dying Xi Nian disapproved: "I choose all!"

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