My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 36

The interior of the biological research base factory.

In a closed and locked office building, a man was using the weak light of a flashlight to look through the documents in the dark archives.

Eddie Brock was originally a well-known local reporter in New York. Some time ago, he accidentally discovered that the Drake Biological Foundation was conducting inhumane human experiments, and also involved mysterious unknown outsiders. Star creatures are intended to cultivate more advanced strategic creatures.

Eddie wanted to make this huge conspiracy public, but was fired by the media company instead. In desperation, he could only sneak into the biological research base to find and investigate evidence about human experiments and alien creatures.

"Yes, this is it!" Eddie shivered, pulled out a document from the safe, and immediately flipped through it with the flashlight in his mouth.

Alien Symbiote...Venom, Riot...a liquid life form...

Parasitizing with a suitable human host, it can display extraordinary powerful abilities...

Five human subjects, only one of them succeeded in symbiosis with one Symbiote!


Eddie became more and more frightened as he looked at it, and hurriedly folded the documents and stuffed them into the inner pocket of his jacket.

Just as he was about to leave here.

The entire office building where it was located shook violently, the lamps, desks, and cabinets inside shook constantly, and the dust kept shaking from the ceiling above.

"What's the matter?" Eddie was surprised. He looked out the window of the office and could see that the aerospace spaceship in the base factory was starting to launch.



The spaceship that is about to pierce the night sky and rush out of Earth will explode violently at the altitude of several hundred meters, and the orange fire will illuminate the huge base below!

Eddie was shocked to witness all this, and under his professional habit, he did not forget to take out a small camera to record this scene.

Countless spaceship fragments carrying open flames and thick smoke, like meteorites from outside the sky, fell across the night sky of the city towards the base.

In the shot of the camera.

Falling with the wreckage of the spaceship, a small black animal shadow flashed by under the firelight!


in the dimension space of mysterious.

"Insufficient energy."

"The warning repeats, the energy is very low..."

The light in Iron Man's chest and eye sockets dimmed, He could only keep the battlesuit engine running at very low power, stagnating himself in the middle of space with the alien corpse floating around.

The only white light, on and off, is about to sink into darkness.

"Are you going to die in this unknown ghost place?" Stark smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth, lost in it, he found that there were countless alien creatures buried in it!

Moreover, the corpses had different clothes and weapons.

This actually verifies the speculation of Stark until now. Besides Earth, there are obviously more complex and dense alien civilizations!

The founding of Avengers is the right path for the future.

Unfortunately, knowing this in advance is useless now.

Stark was helpless, the energy in his body was about to run out, which meant that this would also be his burial place!

Thinking of this, Stark was much calmer, and said softly: "Turn on the built-in camera and record your personal video."

Iron Man's helmet glows inside, reflecting Stark Grabbing a tired face: "Leave it to Pepper, Virginia Pepper Potts."

"I should be dead by the time you see this."

"Living in such an era of alien invasions and mutations raging, the accident does not know when it will come early, and I may have been prepared for it long ago - just like I was in New York the last moment, and now, Suddenly trapped in such an inescapable place. I tried my best, really."

"But, you know. I'm not leaving this to complain. I just wanted to tell you that I actually—

I love you very much."


Falling from a height of 100 meters to the factory floor, gravel splashed everywhere, Xi Nian put the The earth stepped out of a depression. Next to it, the remains and fragments of the spaceship also fell on the factory buildings, causing a raging fire.

Xi Nian didn't let his guard down. He carefully sensed it and confirmed that the third Symbiote had really died, so he was a little relieved.

Getting rid of the third and final Symbiote was easier than expected.

It was also because of the Symbiote riot that he wanted to die. He wanted to escape by spaceship, but instead he trapped himself in the closed spaceship cabin and was burned to death by extreme suffocation.

Of course.

If Xi Nian came a step late and let the other party escape from Earth by spaceship, it would be a different result.

Now, all three Symbiotes are Death, and Symbiote Venom is dormant in Flerken's body.

"It's over." Xi Nian kicked the cat's paw, his body suddenly accelerated, and the little silhouette jumped over the railing of the base factory.

Return to Queens Street at Gwen and Kara Accommodation.

Only halfway through, Xi Nian, parasitic Flerken, suddenly remembered something, a very important thing.

"That's right, I almost forgot." Xi Nian didn't stop, and while leaping over the tall building, the kitten's mouth opened ferociously, and he spit out the block below!


Suddenly, a golden and red steel body spit out from his mouth and fell in a free fall.

Xi Nian didn't stop, speeding up and disappearing into the city night.

Bang! !

The dull metal sound of touching the ground sounded, Iron Man was covered in sticky saliva, and sat blankly in the middle of the street.

What happened?

The Stark was also a little dizzy, and what caught his eye was naturally the familiar and prosperous modern streets of New York, full of traffic, and the Christmas carols began to sound on the streets.

Looking at more and more crowds, also people began to take pictures.

Stark was silent for a moment, without the luck of the rest of his life, but wanted to swear.


Last words, recorded in vain?

Not long after Xi Nian left.

Inside the office building of the biological base factory.

Eddie looked at the flames that had spread more than half of the factory outside, and immediately fled out in a panic. As a result, he accidentally kicked and hit a chair, causing him to fall heavily on the floor of the office.

The bruised palm was burning hot, Eddie struggled to get up again after eating the pain, but at this moment, a cold feeling came from one end of the palm.

It seems that something is penetrating through my wound!

Eddie, who got up, subconsciously looked towards his palm, didn't find anything on his hand, but also didn't have the slightest wound. It seems that the palm just now is not scratched.

The fire is about to burn to the office building.

Eddie didn't think too much, and hurriedly pushed open the door to escape!

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