My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 437

"Give it to me, kill him!"

Darkside said in a deep voice, and handed himself a golden dagger to the blackened Flash beside him.

Although it is a dagger, the standard is assigned to the burly and tall Darkseid.

For the not tall Flash Barry, it is more like a golden sharp stabbing sword, with terrifying energy fluctuations surging in the sword groove.

Under Darkseid's orders.

Flash, holding an energy rapier, had zi zi lightning on his body, and he disappeared in place with a swipe. That was because his speed was too fast, and even the lightning he could see was only left along the way. Take a photo!

Two powerful storms swept across the surface!

The blackened superman and the blackened fire star hunter also moved at the same time, and the sound barrier was easily broken by the two, turning into two tiny black shadows rushing towards the super red Xi Nian!

The super-red Xi Nian kept his eyes on Darkseid, who was in front and below.

The instant Superman and the fire star hunter rushed to the front, there was a buzzing sound, the sound of the explosion was glowing, and the silhouette of the super red Xi Nian disappeared into the 100-meter air.

"It's the ability of the mother box!"

Darkseid was shocked to realize this, and turned back suddenly, and a scarlet silhouette appeared along with the popping sound.

A scarlet right hand stretched out like lightning from the pop!

Compared to Darkseid's burly body, his hands are not big, but he grabbed Darkseid's neck and lifted his body up off the ground!

Darkseid's surprised and angry eyes widened, his hands tried to break apart each other's five fingers, and found that the scarlet palm was harder than the hardest metal in the universe, and the strength was the number of the battle just now. times!

"I rarely feel a strong desire to kill someone. Darkseid, you are one of the few people who can die."

The scarlet youth floated in the air near the ground, one hand kept pinching the opponent's neck, his scarlet right hand was vacantly held towards the air, and the scarlet surging in his body condensed into a sword.

The shape of that sword is exactly the same as the Sword of Vulcan, but it is a piece of scarlet blood light!

zi zi! !

This is a sword formed by terrifying fusion energy, converted into omega rays, so it can be said that this is a sword of omega effect!

"trifling Terrans!!"

Darkseid growled, with omega rays blazing from his eyes, he knew very well that if he was hit by this sword, Absolutely die!

Darkside knows better than anyone the power of the Omega effect!

Unless the body, it is impossible to ignore it like the other party!

At the moment when the Omega effect dive sword was formed in his hand, the super red Xi Nian was about to raise his right hand, but two tall silhouettes approached behind him at high speed.

bang! despair!

Superman caught up and held down the right arm of the super red Xi Nian, and the fire star hunter appeared on the other side, with both hands trying to help Darkseid break the pinched left hand!

also a golden lightning silhouette, the edge of the energy rapier ahead, swept past Darkseid, and stabbed the super-red Xi Nian's eye socket!

The Cyborg, Batman, and even Zatanna, who were watching the battle, couldn't see it clearly!

Everything happens in a flash!

Flash black's eyes flashed a ray of fear instinctively. He held a rapier and rushed through Darkseid at a very fast speed, and inserted it into the scarlet youth's eye socket. His eyes glanced at him slightly!

Facing the three people's attack, Xi Nian in the super red mode suddenly stepped down with his right foot --

Even though he was only stepping in the air half a meter above the ground, he looked like It is trampling on an invisible floor!

bang! !

Scarlet shock waves and lightning currents erupted with Xi Nian as the center, and the ground below was directly shattered! !

The Flash that came by surprise flew out backwards with the sword fiercely!

The cloak on Superman and the fire star hunter were all torn apart by scarlet, but still relying on their strong physique, they stood beside the super red Xi Nian, who ignored the super red Xi Nian and stood at the top of Earth's supernatural of the two.

ka ka!

Darkseid was surprised to find that with the help of the fire star hunter, he only broke one finger of the other party with difficulty, and the other four were difficult Break free in a short time!

As for the right hand of the young man suppressed by Superman, the right hand holding the omega effect is slowly and firmly lifting up——

"I said, I will kill you immediately ."

Even under the combined efforts of Superman and the fire star hunter, the super red Xi Nian still slowly swung the omega effect long sword down!


Darkside yelled.

The scarlet sword of omega effect still falls mercilessly!


Blood splattered everywhere, and a gray-cold strong left arm fell!

The omega effect long sword sank from Darkseid's left shoulder and got stuck in the center of his body, almost slashing Darkseid obliquely into two pieces!

Super red Xi Nian brows slightly wrinkle, it's not that he kept his hand, but Superman used all Superman force field, fire star hunter also used surging powerful energy to stop him from holding Omega The right hand of the effect sword.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

Darkseid said loudly while coughing blood.

"Do you think you can still live?"

Super-red Xi Nian's face is expressionless, and the scarlet electric current surging from his body corrodes the opponent's body and kills the opponent. But a matter of time.

Darkseid's face became more and more cold and terrifying, with a terrifying red light in his eyes: "Even if I lose or die, it doesn't mean that you can win!"

< p>Super Red Xi Nian had a strong sense of unease, he suddenly felt that the demons on the Apocalypse star had dropped a lot.

Although he came to Apocalypse just now, he had already killed hundreds of thousands of demons, but he was only one-fifth of the army of demons on Apocalypse.

And now, there are less than tens of thousands of demonoids on Apocalypse...

"Have you noticed it?"

Darkseid Coughing up blood, he said, "Guess, where did all those half-destruction suns and half-type demons go?"


Beyond the battlefield, Zatanna complexion greatly changed: "Darkseid sent a 100,000 demon-like army to Earth!"


"How many 100,000?"

Having seen Cyborg and Batman, no matter how big the world is, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, they knew exactly what that meant!

At this point, Earth.

New York, the entire city was in a panic, and many streets were torn apart in an instant.

Iron Man is using the maximum power laser beam to kill a two-winged monster, but two or three two-winged monsters are hammered down the street surface from the air!

Iron Man looked around all around and was horrified to find that only the streets and alleys where he was located were full of hideous silhouettes of twin-winged monsters!

These twin-winged monsters not only appear out of thin air in New York City, they are also incredibly powerful!

"Friday, how many monsters are there?" Iron Man asked with a tingling scalp.

Friday, the second-generation artificial intelligence quickly issued a female voice, but it was always a pleasant female voice, which sounded extremely harsh to Iron Man Tony Stark:

"According to satellite shooting calculations, only In New York, there are at least 10,000!"

"At the same time, there are traces of these monsters all over the world. At present, many small countries are dying quickly!"

< p>"You say it again!"

Iron Man listened in despair.

This is not like the previous Battle of New York. Each of these monsters can serve as the villain BOSS of the small extraordinary events they encountered before.

Now, these flying monsters, which are not much weaker than Hulk, actually have tens of thousands or 100,000? !

Today, I'm afraid it's not the end of Earth's destruction!

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