My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 47

second day, early morning.

When the first golden sun in the sky fell on Paradise Island, the main island area was buzzing with excitement. The female warriors, who are normally practicing or on duty, are fully armed, and the beautiful female civilians in white long dresses gather together to form a grandiose crowd, which converges to the large ancient buildings on one side of the coast.

The whole building is like an open-air ancient gladiatorial arena, with a flat and empty super plaza in the middle.

"Silence! Queen Your Majesty is here!"

As Antiope shouted, the sound on the field immediately fell silent.

Under the focus of countless worship, respect, love, etc., the supreme ruler of the Amazon family, Queen Hippolyta, wearing a crown symbolizing power, appeared on an independent platform on the side of the arena, Sitting on the golden seat with dignity and dignity.

"Her Highness the Princess is here!" Antiope, who was standing on the platform, continued to shout.

Diana in the golden Royal Family outfit shows up behind the queen, almost all Amazons looking towards the top of her head subconsciously.

There is no previous silver crown, only a gorgeous flower crown as a substitute, worn on his black hair.

"Her Highness the Princess, really gave her crown to humans..."

"That's the dive tool of Amazon Royal Family, starlight flying crown!"

"The Queen actually agreed!"

"Why does this happen?"

Seeing this scene, Amazon on the Gladiator Square clansman suddenly started to discuss in an uproar, with expressions of shock or confusion on his face.

The past few days, it was only seen by some Amazon people, and most of them just heard about it.

And now, they have seen Diana replace the flower crown with a flower crown, and it is difficult for them to accept this fact for a while.

Diana, with a smile on her face, is standing beside the Queen's seat, still holding her head high, showing confidence, beauty, and the strongest and most beautiful pearl of the Amazon family!

"Let's get started."

Queen Hippolyta said calmly as if she didn't hear those discussions.

Antiop nodded, immediately jumped down from the ten-meter-high suspended platform, and announced loudly: "The competition is about to start, and now, there are participants!"

The tall and sturdy female warrior, wearing light leather armor, walked into the middle of the square from the gate of the arena, enjoying the attention and applause of the Amazons.

Eight participating female warriors stood in a row on the square.

Antiop glanced at them in surprise, there was no Xi Nian.

Have you changed your mind? fair enough.

Antiop let out a sigh of relief and looked up at Diana on the platform. But found Diana with a smile on her face, still staring in the direction of the gate of the arena, Blink shining brightly in her beautiful eyes.

"No!" Before Antiope lowered his head, he heard the eager applause in the arena abruptly stop.

Up to the queen of the Amazons, down to the commoners of the Amazons, all looked at the main gate of the arena in unison.

There. There was a silhouette that finally stepped on the entry time and appeared in the huge gladiatorial square.

Silver long-haired Xi Nian is wearing a white casual dress, a very conspicuous crown on his head, and an ancient sword with two dragons biting each other on his back.

As long as it's an Amazon clansman, no one doesn't know that sword-

It's called "Vulcan Sword", made by Hephaestus, the god of fire , enough to kill Celestial's Xeon dive tool!

The meaning of this dive sword is far deeper than the flying star crown!

The former is a symbol of Diana's power, the latter is Diana's identity and honor, and at this moment, these two exclusive dive tools are on the body of a human teenager!

In this competition, there will be no real battle games, and the weapons you bring are basically useless.

So, this represents the Diana Princess behind him.

Queen Hippolyta looked at Xi Nian, who appeared last, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She never thought that she would meet for the first time on this occasion.

In the gladiatorial square.

Antiop glanced at the contestants including Xi Nian: "Since everyone is here, the competition is about to..."

"Wait a minute!" Xi Nian He suddenly raised his hand and asked curiously, "Can you tell us about the content and rules of the competition?"

The square was suddenly silent.

The female warriors who participated in the competition are all stupid. They don't know the content and rules. You participate in the competition - a hammer!

Antiop brows tightly knit, resisting his violent temper, raised his hand and explained: "It's very simple. From the square here as the initial starting point, swim through the sea area outside, from the island Landing on the beach on the other side of the t , and use the lance here to throw over the ring of the arena building, whoever wins."

Worried that Xi Nian didn't hear clearly, Antiop said slowly: "Do you understand? Understood, I'll talk to you again..."

"No need, let's get started." Xi Nian waved his hand, looking very casual.

Antiop lost his sight, gritted his teeth and said, "I announce that the game officially begins!"

The words just finished.

Except for Xi Nian who was still standing there, the other eight female warriors rushed out quickly.

They climbed the tens of meters of ladders in front of the square, preparing to use the ladders to enter the sea area adjacent to the arena.

Looking at motionless's Xi Nian, many people thought he just gave up.

Seeing that a female warrior was about to climb to the top of the ladder, Xi Nian was ready to go, only to see him slightly squatting to start.

The next moment.

The nearby Antiope complexion changed.

She can really feel that Xi Nian seems to have changed into a person, his eyes are as sharp and calm as Spiritual God, and his imposing manner has also changed from the original harmless to the one with actual energy. Fierce coercion!

"Divine Force, how is that possible!" Antiope exclaimed.


Divine Force circulated Xi Nian with both feet hard, and the whole person jumped 20 to 30 meters and landed on the top of the empty ladder!

Silver's long hair fluttered wildly against the strong wind, Xi Nian sprinted forward and jumped to the other side of the 100-meter sea area!

Tread! !

Xi Nian landed in the shallow water of the sea area, followed by a step, the sea water burst and splashed, and arrived at the place where horses and bows and arrows were prepared.

He chose not to ride a horse, nor to pick up a longbow.

After all, there's no need for that.

Xi Nian picked up three arrows and rushed up the mountain road extremely fast, only faster than horses!

Saw the first target along the way.

Xi Nian didn't stop, but threw with his bare hands. An arrow broke through the wind and hit the bullseye without a doubt!

A blue smoke representing him, like a fire beacon, curled up into the sky!

It's not like getting the power of my aunt for the first time, maybe it's the second time I get this power, or it's the training results of the past few days.

In addition, the direct media exchange and the content of the media also make him more perfect to have the power of the media master!

Xi Nian at this time seems to be a Demi-God since birth!

He continues to run along the mountain road, passing the remaining mountain road levels with superhuman speed and physical strength!

In the arena.

Although the silhouette of Xi Nian cannot be seen, everyone can clearly see that the three blue hazes representing Xi Nian are on different island locations almost only less than ten seconds apart. rising!

The Amazons on the field were stunned, as if they were witnessing Divine Vestige.

Wait, finally a second color of smoke appeared above the sky.

At the same time, the main gate of the arena.

Demi-God turned Xi Nian into the square with afterimages, stirring up the rolling sand and dust all the way!

It took less than a minute from departure to return.

"Finally, finish this and it's over!" Xi Nian came to Antiope who was still in a daze, took the lance that was not ready from her, and turned his full strength towards the golden forward. Throw the ring away!

"Wait a minute, ceremony isn't finished yet..." Antiope was startled.

It's too late, lance turns into a stream of light, piercing the air!


At this time, a golden statue of Goddess rose from the center of the square, and the lance thrown by Xi Nian hit its chest and penetrated from the back. Go to a corner, sparks flying in all directions, and then disappear into the distant sky!

"Well, am I doing something wrong?" Xi Nian looked at the hole in the middle of the statue of Goddess, and touched the back of his head sadly.

Queen: "..."

Diana: "..."

All Amazons: "..."

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