My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 53

This is a very eerie sight.

In the entrance of the alley shrouded in darkness, twelve tall and sturdy social workers stood obediently on the walls on both sides, but the Boss at the head was a green-haired young girl only twelve or thirteen years old.

green-haired young girl, whether she has a delicate and tender face or a cute and small loli figure, is far from the status of a social Boss, except for the smoky dress on her face that is too mature in society.

Looking at the frenzied green-haired young girl, Xi Nian's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable expression.

The stronger the position and identity of the other party, the more it means that the girl must have suffered a lot, and she is far stronger and harder than her peers in order to live without being bullied...


"Hey, do you hear me? Do you want to be my little brother..." Lorna thumped Xi Nian on the wall of her foot face to face, but before she finished speaking, Xi Nian suddenly put her hand on her On his head, he lightly touched the green hair.

! ! !

This scene made everyone on the field stunned.

Especially the twelve social workers with dyed hair and tattoos, their eyes widened in astonishment, and many people gasped and continued to chant, "It's over, that child is dead!"


Lorna paused for a while, but didn't seem to react.

Then, the girl slapped her hands off her head, withdrew her feet on the wall, took a step back, and stared at Xi Nian coldly: "What are you doing?"


"That, you have dust on your head..." Xi Nian naturally impossible to say that it was his subconsciously action, a kind of pity from his heart.

Say it and you will definitely be beaten.

"Oh, so it is." Lorna was nodded when she heard Xi Nian's explanation.

A group of social workers: "..."

Hey, Boss, you don't really believe it, do you? !

Being familiar with Lorna's normal behavior, they chose to be silent. Just now, if any of them dared to touch the girl's head like that, the whole arm would have been abolished long ago!

Obviously, people are treated differently.


Xi Nian doesn't regard girls as the kind of social bosses, and said bluntly: "I'm sorry. I can't be your little brother, and I don't have that intention."< /p>

The hearts of all the members of society were tense again.

Unexpectedly, the Boss Lorna was not angry, but took the initiative to move away from her body.

The green-haired young girl leaned on one side of the wall and waved her hands at the Xi Nian entire group that was surrounded by it: "If that's the case, then let's go."

"You want to let us go?" Xi Nian was a little surprised.

"If you don't go, do you want me to invite you to supper?" Lorna coldly snorted.

"Boss!" Seeing that Lorna really planned to let the three of Xi Nian go, the big man who was beaten just now became anxious and shouted unwillingly.

"Get out of the way and let them get out of here!" Lorna coldly said, immediately deterring a group of people.

"Let's go."

Xi Nian took the hands of Gwen and the silver-haired boy respectively and walked cautiously towards the alley. Under the shock of green-haired young girl Lorna, no one dared to take action, so they could only watch Xi Nian and the others walk out of the alley and disappear into the streets outside.

Wait until Xi Nian entire group is far away, inside the alley.

Lorna suddenly coldly said: "Who asked you to rob something? He even hit a child?"


The big man knelt on his knees on the ground, his face bloodless and panicked: "Boss, I was wrong, I shouldn't have..."

His words stopped abruptly.

As if his throat was being strangled by an invisible big hand, the big-eyed man struggled and waved his limbs. The scene is exactly the same!

A powerful supernatural force is coming back!

No one dared to speak to the other eleven people, their backs were chilling as they watched the big-faced man leave the ground and float in the air two meters high.

Deep in the alley, green light shines.

Lorna's small body is still leaning against the wall, her green hair flutters wildly, and her raised hands are lingering with a vivid fluorescent green light!

Ten seconds later.

The big man with the cheeks was lying in the alley like a dead dog, panting heavily, tears, snot, and drool dripping all over the floor.

"There is no next time." Lorna's childish and cold voice sounded.

"Yes, Boss!"

Everyone responded quickly in cold sweat.


Xi Nian took Gwen and the silver-haired boy and ran away quickly until they ran out of the previous street and came to a relatively prosperous and lively area. Only stop when people are chasing.

The crisis can be considered lifted.

Xi Nian was about to say something when he saw the silver-haired boy looking at him with longing in his eyes, and admiringly said, "Brother, you were amazing just now! You knocked that bad guy down in two strokes. I'm done!"

"Amazing, I almost explained it there." Xi Nian gave a wry smile.

"Children, you are really good, dare to mess with such a big guy!" Gwen reprimanded as a big sister.

"hmph. I was running too slow, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to catch up with me." The silver-haired boy was obviously dissatisfied, and said angrily: "Also, who asked him to rob someone else's things , I'm just helping other people get things back."

He pushed the windshield goggles slanted on his head, looking at the women's bag with a happy smile.

"Not bad, when you grow up, you must run faster than him." Gwen encouraged.

"Of course!"

The silver-haired boy patted his chest confidently, glanced at Xi Nian again, suddenly remembered something and introduced himself: "Brother, I His name is Pete Django Maximoff."

"Pete, right?"

Xi Nian said he knew it, touched his fluffy silver hair and said, "It's been a long time. It's too late, don't go out alone, go home, and I'll hand over the bag to the local police station."


Pete handed the women's bag to Xi Nian, and suddenly pulled Xi Nian aside, shoved a piece of paper to him, and whispered mysteriously: "Brother, I introduced my elder sister to You know it better than the one next to you..."

"This..." Xi Nian was stunned.


Pete suddenly suffered from pain, but Gwen stepped forward with a faint smile, pinched his ear with his hand, and glared at him: "Little boy, you What are you talking about!"

"No, no, nothing!"

Pete suddenly broke free from Gwen's hand and ran away along the street. Halfway through the run, he did not forget to turn his head and waved: "Brother, remember! My elder sister is great!"

"Are all the children now so precocious?!"

< p>Gwen rubbed his tiger tooth slightly, and said with some gnashing teeth: "I knew I wouldn't save him!"

"It's just a kid." Xi Nian couldn't help laughing and looked down. A piece of paper in his hand, with a detailed address and phone number written on it.

Gwen had an inexplicable ominous premonition, just like when he saw Kara, he couldn't help but say: "Xi Nian, you don't really plan to meet the elder sister he said?"

"How is that possible."

Xi Nian shook his head and put the piece of paper that Pete gave him into his pocket.

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