My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 58

New York, the war on alien invasion continues to expand.

In less than half an hour.

Now, even in the urban area around ten kilometers away, alien robots are often infested, and you can imagine how fierce the battle in the central battle situation is.

Outside the battle.

bang! !

Wearing a peaked cap that covered half of his face, the young man in a jacket swayed on the spider web and fell quickly. The moment his body fell to the ground, he received a punch, and he was about to fall. An alien robot on the street was knocked to the ground!

Cracking! !

Several tons of power condensed on this fist, the chest of the alien robot was smashed and penetrated, and even the ground where it lay was cracked with several cracks!

Looking at the electric flower zi zi running around on the broken body of the robot, Xi Nian spit out a mouthful of turbid heat, and looked up at the sky over the central battle scene with his bright eyes.

The blue beam of light that led to the alien invasion is still going on, glowing with powerful rays of light that make people feel hopeless.

Even if the blue light beam can be turned off now, the alien Legion force that descends into New York has already taken shape.

New York, maybe it's going to fall completely today!

"The spider ability on my body is almost mastered, it's time to find Gwen." Xi Nian has a sense of urgency in his heart, if New York is really on the verge of falling, I am afraid that New York has not completely given up Resist, those congressmen and officials outside have already given up New York one step ahead.

Xi Nian was about to leave, but suddenly saw the ruins of a bombed-down and collapsed residential building nearby, and a string of addresses vaguely hung on the iron fence of the only surviving half of the door.

It was just an unintentional glance, but inexplicably, Xi Nian felt that this address was very familiar.

Recently, where have you seen it?

Xi Nian was shocked, reached out and took out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. The address written on the piece of paper was exactly the same as it is now!

A silver-haired silhouette flashed through my mind.

"Pete!" Xi Nian quickly rushed to the front of the ruins of the building, moved towards it and shouted.

No one responded.

This is also natural. The whole house has collapsed, and the surrounding area is full of scorched marks from the bombing. It is very likely that Pete and his family have been evacuated long ago.

If it really remains inside, then now, there is basically no chance of survival.

Xi Nian fell silent. He put his hand on a stone among the rubble of the building, closed his eyes, and sensed it with the help of his extraordinary spider.


Under the ruins, among the wreckage of broken houses and furniture, all black, no daylight.

There are dead things all around.

The only surviving girl, unable to move even a little bit, was lying in the cracks of the ruins, where she could not perceive any external light and sound, only her faint breathing and heartbeat.

Even the air is thin.

What it is like to wait for death alone, the girl really understands. The only luck in my heart is that my twin big brother was not at home before the house was blown up.

The girl's consciousness began to blur.


Did you hear it wrong?

Suddenly, the girl reluctantly opened her eyes as if awake, and vaguely heard the sound of turning objects from outside.

"I'm here..." The girl opened her mouth to shout, but she was so weak that her voice was barely audible.

But the flipping sound became more and more obvious, as if the man knew that the girl was here.


A ray of extremely bright rays of light from outside fell in, and the girl opened her eyes wide, and what caught her eye was a gentle young face.


Xi Nian forcibly opened the ruined bunker, and saw a red-haired girl buried deep in the cracks.

Should it be more appropriate to use loli?

A teenage girl around 13 years old is wearing a winter dress and is covered in dirty dust.

Xi Nian didn't care, picked up the girl cautiously, lowered her head and asked, "What's your name?"

"Wanda..." the red-haired girl said weakly .

"You're Pete's elder sister, right?" Xi Nian was stunned.

"Sister?" Little Wanda was stunned for a moment, like a wounded rabbit in Xi Nian's arms, and finally, nodded timidly, asked in a low voice, "Who are you...?"< /p>

"Xi Nian Prince. I met Pete last night, I don't know if he ever mentioned me." Xi Nian said.

"Yes..." Little Wanda stared blankly at Xi Nian, but didn't expect that the person the big brother said yesterday will save his life again today.

"Pete is not at home, right?" Xi Nian asked in order to confirm.

"Not." Little Wanda tried to hook the head, suddenly realized something, straight Staring at Xi Nian, struggling to visit all around: "My parents and them..."

"I'm sorry."

Xi Nian felt that he should not hide the girl from the girl, and told her Looking at them, he said bluntly: "When I was rummaging, they were the first to be found, and they have lost their vital signs."

Wanda's body trembled violently.

Actually, the girl was buried in the ruins just now, and she had this idea vaguely without hearing any sound.

Until now it has been confirmed, Wanda's will finally can't hold on anymore, and he closed his eyes and passed out.

Xi Nian looked down at the unconscious Wanda, and clasped his hands a little tighter.

He can understand that a girl of this age must not be able to bear the great grief for a while after losing her parents suddenly.

And today, not only the Wandas have lost their families, but countless families in New York are doomed to shatters.

Xi Nian sighed, just about to leave with Wanda in his arms, to a safer place outside the city.

However, unexpectedly!


One two three... six!

A total of six alien robots fell from the sky and landed in the outer circle area of the ruins in an encircling manner, surrounding Xi Nian who was holding the girl on the ruins!

Besides, there are also several small alien vehicles hovering in the low sky, facing Xi Nian glare below like a tiger watching his prey!

"Are you coming for me?" Xi Nian's eyes were slightly cold, these alien robots were obviously communicating with each other, because he had just killed some alien robots on the periphery of the battle, now Apparently, more alien forces were sent to concentrate on encircling him.

There are alien enemies in the sky and on the ground...

If he is alone, the ability of the super spider alone is a bit reluctant.

even more how, I'm still holding a comatose girl in my arms, it's not good to take action.

"We can only break out." Xi Nian was about to break out, but soon, he noticed something was wrong!

The alien robots with guns on the ground and the flying machines hovering at low altitude seemed to be in a state of death at this time. !

unable to move in the slightest!

Cracking! !

First, the head of the first alien robot twisted 360 degrees autonomously, and a zi zi electric current flowed from the neck, and then the heads of the other alien robots followed. twist. Not only are alien robots suicidal to their demise, but in the air, parts of small alien vehicles begin to tear apart one after another.

ding ding dong dong! !

The alien mechanical troops that could have threatened the super spider Xi Nian, before taking action, went to self-destruction in a dead silence, turning into a pile of junk drops On the ruins!

The spider ability is a strong warning!

Xi Nian quickly turned around with Wanda in his arms, and saw another green-haired girl with smoky makeup walking behind him, stepping on metal parts all over the floor.

"Hi, little brother."

Lorna moved towards Xi Nian with the same arrogance as always when she first met her, and waved her hand towards Xi Nian, her white and slender hands lingering with green fluorescence!

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